Visible to the public Potential Security Concerns at the Physical Layer of 6G Cellular Systems

TitlePotential Security Concerns at the Physical Layer of 6G Cellular Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsKang, Min Suk
Conference Name2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)
Keywords6G, 6G mobile communication, Cellular networks, composability, Full-duplex system, information and communication technology, Metrics, Physical layer, physical layer security, pubcrawl, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, resilience, Resiliency, security, Time measurement
AbstractIn this short position paper, we discuss several potential security concerns that can be found at the physical layer of 6th-generation (6G) cellular networks. Discussion on 6G cellular networks is still at its early stage and thus several candidate radio technologies have been proposed but no single technology has yet been finally selected for 6G systems. Among several radio technologies, we focus on three promising ones for 6G physical-layer technologies: reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), Open-RAN (O-RAN), and full-duplex radios. We hope this position paper will spark more active discussion on the security concerns in these new radio technologies.
NotesISSN: 2162-1241
Citation Keykang_potential_2022