Visible to the public Predicting Terror Attacks Using Neo4j Sandbox and Machine Learning Algorithms

TitlePredicting Terror Attacks Using Neo4j Sandbox and Machine Learning Algorithms
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsRaj, Ankit, Somani, Sunil B.
Conference Name2022 6th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA
Date Publishedaug
Keywordscomposability, Computational modeling, Deep Learning, graph embedding, Human Behavior, machine learning algorithms, Machine Learning Graph Database, Metrics, Neo4j Sandbox, Predictive models, pubcrawl, relational database security, relational databases, resilience, Resiliency, Support vector machines, Terrorism
AbstractTerrorism, and radicalization are major economic, political, and social issues faced by the world in today's era. The challenges that governments and citizens face in combating terrorism are growing by the day. Artificial intelligence, including machine learning and deep learning, has shown promising results in predicting terrorist attacks. In this paper, we attempted to build a machine learning model to predict terror activities using a global terrorism database in both relational and graphical forms. Using the Neo4j Sandbox, you can create a graph database from a relational database. We used the node2vec algorithm from Neo4j Sandbox's graph data science library to convert the high-dimensional graph to a low-dimensional vector form. In order to predict terror activities, seven machine learning models were used, and the performance parameters that were calculated were accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. According to our findings, the Logistic Regression model was the best performing model which was able to classify the dataset with an accuracy of 0.90, recall of 0.94 precision of 0.93, and an F1 score of 0.93.
NotesISSN: 2771-1358
Citation Keyraj_predicting_2022