Visible to the public Supply Chain Risks Assessment of selected EUROCONTROL’s surveillance products

TitleSupply Chain Risks Assessment of selected EUROCONTROL’s surveillance products
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsKandera, Branislav, Holoda, Šimon, Jančík, Marián, Melníková, Lucia
Conference Name2022 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD)
Date Publishednov
KeywordsAir traffic control, air traffic management, Chained Attacks, cybersecurity, Europe, Market research, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, risk management, Scalability, security risk management, supply chain, Supply chains, surveillance, Traffic Control
AbstractCybersecurity is without doubt becoming a societal challenge. It even starts to affect sectors that were not considered to be at risk in the past because of their relative isolation. One of these sectors is aviation in general, and specifically air traffic management. Nowadays, the cyber security is one of the essential issues of current Air Traffic Systems. Compliance with the basic principles of cyber security is mandated by European Union law as well as the national law. Therefore, EUROCONTROL as the provider of several tools or services (ARTAS, EAD, SDDS, etc.), is regularly conducting various activities, such as the cyber-security assessments, penetration testing, supply chain risk assessment, in order to maintain and improve persistence of the products against the cyber-attacks.
Citation Keykandera_supply_2022