Visible to the public Discussion on the Ways of Constructing Computer Network Security in Colleges: Considering Complex Worm Networks

TitleDiscussion on the Ways of Constructing Computer Network Security in Colleges: Considering Complex Worm Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsFeng, Chunhua
Conference Name2022 3rd International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC)
Date Publishedaug
KeywordsAnalytical models, Application software, Buffer overflows, Collaboration, Colleges and Universities, complex networks, Complex Worm Networks, composability, compositionality, Computational modeling, computer network security, computer networks, computer theory, feature extraction, Human Behavior, Metrics, policy governance, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security, Software
AbstractThis article analyzes the current situation of computer network security in colleges and universities, future development trends, and the relationship between software vulnerabilities and worm outbreaks. After analyzing a server model with buffer overflow vulnerabilities, a worm implementation model based on remote buffer overflow technology is proposed. Complex networks are the medium of worm propagation. By analyzing common complex network evolution models (rule network models, ER random graph model, WS small world network model, BA scale-free network model) and network node characteristics such as extraction degree distribution, single source shortest distance, network cluster coefficient, richness coefficient, and close center coefficient.
Citation Keyfeng_discussion_2022