2011 Automotive CPS Workshop


Visible to the public Time-Predictable Fault Tolerant Computing for Dependable Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems

Dependable and secure automotive cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are crucial as human’s lives are dependent on them. Many important subsystems in today’s automobiles such as the engine control system and the anti-brake system are hard real-time systems. If the CPUs in those systems have any fault, regardless of transient faults or hard faults, not only the computation results may be wrong, but also the results may be delivered late. Therefore, CPUs used in those systems must be able to handle two tasks: 1) detect and correct the errors, and 2) ensure that the error detection and correction can be done within the deadline so that the system can function correctly or have a grace period.


Visible to the public The Future of Autonomy and Safety in Mixed Traffic Urban Environments

We are at the mid-point of an NSF CPS Program supported project on Autonomous Driving in Urban Environments. The objective of this research is to “scale up” the capabilities of fully autonomous vehicles so they are capable of operating in mixed-traffic urban environments: realistic large-city driving situations with many other (mostly human-driven) vehicles. The approach is to integrate interdisciplinary advances in software, sensing and control, and modeling to address the most serious weaknesses in autonomous vehicle design revealed recently by, e.g., the DARPA Urban Challenge.


Visible to the public Trains, Planes, and Automobiles

Car and airplane designers each have lessons that they can teach the other. This paper concentrates on what we think automotive designers can learn from aircraft designers, with a short note on the converse. We will also consider some key issues that both disciplines need to work on.


Visible to the public Smart Mobility: Next Generation Transportation System

The goal of any transportation system is to increase safety and efficiency of transportation infrastructure without expanding the current infrastructure. Therefore, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) was received great effort in recent years targeting at applying well-established technologies in communications,


Visible to the public Modeling and Verifying Intelligent Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems

Exhaustive state space exploration based verification of cyber-physical system designs remains a challenge despite five decades of active research into formal verification. On the other hand, models of intelligent automotive cyber-physical systems continue to grow in complexity. The testing of intelligent automotive models often uses human subjects, is expensive, and can not be performed unless the system has already been prototyped and is ready for human interaction. We propose the use of machine learning methods to learn stochastic models of human-vehicle interaction.


Visible to the public Towards Computational Resources-Aware Control Solutions for Automotive CPS

Automotive cyber-physical systems will need to address self-parking, advanced steering control, hazardous situation recovery, limited autonomous driving, and even more complex tasks in the coming decades. Verification of the safe behavior of these tasks for multiple vehicle configurations (weight, wheelbase, front/rear/all-wheel drive, etc.) will require significant advancements in the computational theory, as well as new approaches to compose behaviors and computational constraints with hybrid control theory and system modeling.


Visible to the public Using Multicore Architectures in Cyber-Physical Systems

The demand for higher performance computing platforms has dramatically increased during the last decade due to the continuous feature enhancement process. For instance, in automotive systems new safety features like `night view assist’ and `automatic emergency breaking’ require the fusion of sensor data, video processing and real-time warnings when an obstacle is detected on the road; in the avionics domain new applications such as the helmet-mounted display systems require intensive video processing capabilities.