Internet of Things (IoT)


Visible to the public CFP: 2nd ACM Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things


ACM SafeThings 2018
2nd ACM Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things

Co-located with Sensys       

Visible to the public NIST Workshop: Reasoning about IoT Trustworthiness

NIST invites you to join a workshop on methods and technologies for reasoning about IoT trustworthiness on September 13, 2018 at its Gaithersburg campus. The workshop will feature presentations and discussions about current research on the NIST Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Framework, Modeling Trustworthiness, and Reasoning about CPS Model computationally.

Visible to the public  NIST Workshop: Reasoning about IoT Trustworthiness
Sep 13, 2018 8:30 am - 4:30 pm EDT

Reasoning about IoT Trustworthiness

Internet of Things (IoT) systems are a special case of cyber-physical systems that are not only an integration of the logical, physical and human actors, but are connected or networked.

Visible to the public CfP: IEEE IoT Journal - Special Issue on Reliable and Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems

IEEE Internet of Things Journal Special Issue on "RRCPS: Reliable and Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems"

Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) can provide both improved and new functionality with efficiency and convenience; but the increasing use of CPSs and their application to key infrastructure components means that failures can result in disruption, damage and even loss of life.