Health Care

Applications of CPS technologies used in health care.

Visible to the public SpringSim 2015 - Deadline approaching

SpringSim 2015 - Deadline Approaching

The 2015 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SpringSim'15) is an annual conference sponsored by SCS which covers state-of-the-art developments in computer simulation technologies, as well as scientific, industrial, and business applications. With over 220 abstracts submitted up to date, keynotes, student activities, vendor and turorial trackls, SpringSim 2015 promises to be one of the most exciting events to attend in 2015.


Visible to the public CALL FOR POSITION PAPERS: BIODEVICES 2015 - Int'l Conf. on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (Lisbon/Portugal)

The International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES 2015 -, to be held in Lisbon, Portugal (January 12 - 15, 2015) is now welcoming the submission of position papers whose deadline is scheduled for next September 30.


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Smart Flexible Camera Sheet: Ultra-Thin Semantic-Guided Cooperative Micro-Camera Array

Project Details
University of Wisconsin-Madison


Develop a smart flexible sheet with a micro-camera array, wherein the cameras can individually or collectively target and track objects at different angles and distances.


Visible to the public CfP - Cyber-Physical Systems Week 2015

Cyber-Physical Systems Week 2015
April 13th - 16th, 2015, Seattle, WA, USA

Key Dates:


Visible to the public  EMBC 2014
Aug 26, 2014 8:00 am - Aug 30, 2014 5:00 pm CDT

36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'14)

will be held from August 26-30, 2014 at the Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Chicago, Illinois, USA. The overall theme of the conference is "Discovering, Innovating, and Engineering Future Biomedicine." It will cover diverse topics from cutting-edge biomedical and healthcare technology research and development, clinical applications, to biomedical education.