
Visible to the public CAREER: Advanced Trace-Oriented Binary Code Analysis

Binary code analysis is very attractive from a security viewpoint. First, in many tasks such as malware analysis, the source code of the program under examination is often absent, and the analysis has to be done on binary code. Second, even the source code is available, binary analysis allows us to reason about the real instructions executed on hardware and avoid the well-known WYSINWYX problem, What You See Is Not What You Execute. Third, some program behaviors, such as cache access patterns, are only exhibited in the low-level code.


Visible to the public CAREER: Centralized Authorities in Internet Security: Risk Assessment, Mitigation, and New Architectures

In response to serious vulnerabilities that plague many of the Internet's core protocols, the last two decades have seen various security infrastructures layered on top of originally insecure protocols (DNSSEC on top of the domain name system, SSL and its public key infrastructure on top of TCP, the RPKI on top of interdomain routing). The security of each is derived from centralized authorities that are trusted to provide information about cryptographic keys or identities. When authorities behave correctly, each security infrastructure protects the underlying insecure system from attack.


Visible to the public CAREER: Cryptography for Secure Outsourcing

Individuals and organizations routinely trust third party providers to hold sensitive data, putting it at risk of exposure. While the data could be encrypted under a key that is kept secret from the provider, it rarely is, due to the inconvenience and increased cost of managing the cryptography. This project will develop technologies for working with encrypted data efficiently and conveniently. In particular, it will enable searching on encrypted data, which is prevented by currently deployed encryption, and running arbitrary programs efficiently on encrypted data.


Visible to the public CAREER: Bridging the Semantic Gap in Virtualization-based Security Solutions via Collaboration between Guest OS and Virtual Machine

In the last ten years virtual machines (VMs) have been extensively used for security-related applications, such as intrusion detection systems, malicious software (malware) analyzers and secure logging and replay of system execution. A VM is high-level software designed to emulate a computer's hardware. In the traditional usage model, security solutions are placed in a VM layer, which has complete control of the system resources. The guest operating system (OS) is considered to be easily compromised by malware and runs unaware of virtualization.


Visible to the public CAREER: Non-Black-Box Cryptography: Defending Against and Benefiting from Access to Code

Cryptography is an essential and widespread tool for providing information security. Traditional cryptographic models assume only black-box, or input/output access to devices, thereby limiting the class of attacks. In practice, an attacker may obtain non-black-box access to a device and attack a particular algorithm or specific implementation such as through timing or fault injection attacks. Exploiting non-black-box access has been a remarkably effective technique for compromising cryptosystems.


Visible to the public CAREER: Transforming Residential Networks into Security Assets

Residential computer networks are often insecure because they are unable to apply the best practices employed in corporate networks. The general public, who are often responsible for administering these networks, may lack the financial resources or computing expertise to deploy state-of-the-art network security systems. As a result, residential networks often offer little resistance to fraud and compromise. Further, these networks can enable infiltrations into corporate networks when users bring their mobile devices from the home to the corporate network.


Visible to the public CAREER: Using Analytics on Security Data to Understand Negative Innovations

The world increasingly relies on computer systems and associated software, yet attackers continue to exploit vulnerabilities in this software to threaten security in new and sophisticated ways. This research views exploitations of software vulnerabilities as critical, but not unique, examples of innovations that society would like to discourage? many other examples (e.g., biological weapons, sports doping, terrorist devices, privacy intrusions) exist.


Visible to the public CAREER: Secure Database-Driven Dynamic Spectrum Sharing

Database-driven dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) is a key enabling technical paradigm approved by FCC for increasing wireless spectrum access. In such a system, a geo-location database administrator (DBA) accepts registrations from primary users and determines spectrum availability, and secondary users are all required to inquire the DBA about the availability of any interested spectrum before using it.


Visible to the public CAREER: New Abstractions for Sensitive Data Management in Modern Operating Systems

The evolution of data storage in modern operating systems (OSes) brings challenges for fine-grained data protection. While traditional OSes offer simple, relatively low-level data abstractions -- files and directories -- modern operating systems, including Android and iOS, embed much higher-level abstractions, such as relational databases and object-relational models.


Visible to the public CAREER: At-scale Analysis of Issues in Cyber-Security and Software Engineering

One of the most significant challenges in cybersecurity is that humans are involved in software engineering and inevitably make security mistakes in their implementation of specifications, leading to software vulnerabilities. A challenge to eliminating these mistakes is the relative lack of empirical evidence regarding what secure coding practices (e.g., secure defaults, validating client data, etc.), threat modeling, and educational solutions are effective in reducing the number of application-level vulnerabilities that software engineers produce.