Cryptography, theory


Visible to the public  CRII: SaTC: Practical Cryptographic Coding Schemes Against Memory Attacks

The goal of this project is to develop practical non-malleable codes, which are encoding schemes that have the property that modifying an encoded message results in either decoding the original message or a totally unrelated message. This will improve upon previous constructions and create practical methods to secure against memory attacks for both computers and portable devices. The practical designs developed in this project would immediately improve the performance in applications that use non-malleable codes.


Visible to the public TWC: Large: Collaborative: Verifiable Hardware: Chips that Prove their Own Correctness

This project addresses how semiconductor designers can verify the correctness of ICs that they source from possibly untrusted fabricators. Existing solutions to this problem are either based on legal and contractual obligations, or use post-fabrication IC testing, both of which are unsatisfactory or unsound. As a sound alternative, this project designs and fabricates verifiable hardware: ICs that provide proofs of their correctness for every input-output computation they perform in the field.


Visible to the public  CRII: SaTC: Expanding the Frontiers of Cryptographic Technologies

As all our data moves to the cloud many new security and privacy concerns arise and traditional cryptographic primitives prove insufficient in such scenarios. A key focus of this research is to advance the state of the art on cryptographic techniques that address these new challenges.



The primary goal of this project is to develop a mathematical foundation underlying the analysis of modern cryptosystems. Cryptography is a core tool used to secure communications over the Internet. Secure and trustworthy communications and data storage are essential to national security and to the functioning of the world economy. Recent spectacular research results have enabled the development of new types of cryptography, exciting new potential applications, and hopes for stronger guarantees of cryptographic security in the long term.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Understanding the Complexity of Concurrent Security

A key property of modern day network environments such as the Internet is the possibility of multiple processes running simultaneously, concurrently and unaware of each other. However, the same property also allows an attacker for a coordinated attack in which an adversary controls many parties, interleaving the executions of the various protocol instances and creating rogue interactions between protocols. With changing network environments and new-emerging paradigms such as cloud computing, we need to assess the threat model in order to capture a broader class of attacks.


Visible to the public EAGER: Economic Incentives for Correct Outsourced Computation via Rational Proofs

The problem of securely outsourcing data and computation has received widespread attention due to the rise of cloud computing: a paradigm where businesses lease computing resources from a service rather than maintain their own computing infrastructure. These scenarios introduce new security problems: in particular how do we trust the integrity of data and computation that are not under our own control. This project deals with these problems by considering methods, adapted from the world of economics, to incentivize parties to behave correctly during the execution of a computation.


Visible to the public CAREER: Untrusted Computing Base: Detecting and Removing Malicious Hardware

Computer systems security is an arms race between defenders and attackers that has mainly been confined to software technologies. Increases in the complexity of hardware and the rising number of transistors per chip have created opportunities for hardware-based security threats. Among the most pernicious are malicious hardware footholds inserted at design time, which an attacker can use as the basis of a computer system attack. This project explores of the feasibility of foothold attacks and a fundamental design-time methodology for defending against them.


Visible to the public CAREER: Separations in Cryptography

Since the seminal work of Shannon in 1949 cryptography has been founded on unproven computational complexity. The security of cryptographic systems could fall apart if the assumptions behind their design turn out to be false. Thus, it is crucial to base the security of crypto-systems on weakest possible assumptions. A main component of finding minimal assumptions is to ``separate'' cryptographic tasks from assumptions that are weaker than those used in constructions. In light of recent developments in cryptography, the following two directions will be pursued:


Visible to the public TWC: Small: On Imperfect Randomness and Leakage-Resilient Cryptography

The availability of ideal randomness is a common assumption used not only in cryptography, but in many other areas of computer science, and engineering in general. Unfortunately, in many situations this assumption is highly unrealistic, and cryptographic systems have to be built based on imperfect sources of randomness. Motivated by these considerations, this project will investigate the validity of this assumption and consider several important scenarios where secure cryptographic systems must be built based on various kinds of imperfect randomness.


Visible to the public  TWC: Small: Empowering Anonymity

An anonymous credential system allows a user to prove that he/she is authorized without revealing his/her identity, and, further, to obtain additional credentials without revealing additional information. In a traditional anonymous credential system, when demonstrating possession of a credential, it is necessary to reveal its issuer.