Task 2


Visible to the public Task 2 minimal solution


Visible to the public Task 2 Submission Contents Clarification

I would like to ensure I have understood the task 2 submission instructions. Here is my understanding:

Create a task 2 launch file which launches all of our nodes that consume data and publish detections.

Our launch file should be in our task2 package with all of the required src files as well. All this in

a in zipped up workspace called cvchallenge_task2_ws. Everything else is not included because of

the assumptions listed below.

Assumptions on how you will test it:


Visible to the public Validate your Task 2 archive on your local machine


Visible to the public Validate your Task 2 archive on the CPS-VO


Visible to the public Task 2 archive creation instructions


Visible to the public task2validation.m.zip

This file is used in MATLAB to plot your /detections Polygons in a sort of movie playback, to permit you to compare your results to see whether you are getting in the CPS-VO simulator what you expected from your own machine.


Visible to the public laserscan2image.zip

This Simulink model shows how to convert a laser scan from a line-scanning laser into a 2D grayscale image, in the reference frame of the laser.


Visible to the public laserscan.zip

The SICK laser unit provides line scans of 180 points, but the message is complicated when used in Simulink since some of the functionality used in MATLAB's files (e.g., plot(scan) or readCartesian(scan)) don't work.

This Simulink model shows how to extract (x,y) points in the reference frame of the laser, and it saves this points to a simout variable. You can play back the simout (which is timeseries data) using the simoutPlayer.m file, also included in the zip file.


Visible to the public task1simulink.zip

Extract the .slx file within this zip, in order to replicate the task1.py solution to Task 1.


Visible to the public Create a launch file for Task 2