Cybersecurity Workforce


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Subversion-Resistant Cryptography

This work aims to effectively address security concerns while maintaining the privacy of individuals and corporations. The project analyzes subversive attacks, develops defenses and deterrents, creates privacy tools and software, and increases awareness and expertise through teaching, mentoring and involvement of students in research.


Visible to the public EDU: Automated Platform for Cyber Security Learning and Experimentation (AutoCUE)

One of the main obstacles in providing extensive hands-on experience in cybersecurity classes is the substantial amount of manual work involved in creating and grading the exercise. Combined with the frequent need to update the exercises, this obstacle effectively limits that amount of hands-on work that gets incorporated into cybersecurity education. This project seeks to eliminate such barriers, and to greatly improve the efficiency of the educational process by automating the most time-consuming tasks.


Visible to the public EDU: A Capture-the-Flag Service for Computer Security Courses

Security games such as Capture-the-Flag (CTF) competitions tap into and cultivate the intrinsic motivation in people to solve puzzles. Such games provide a compelling experience for security practitioners looking to test their skills. Given the level of engagement these games produce, there have been efforts to bring the format into the classroom. While CTFs are ideal for measuring the level of expertise of its participants, there are significant issues that must be overcome before the format can be used in the classroom.


Visible to the public EDU: CySec: A Cybersecurity Collectable Card Game for Children

We believe it is a national imperative to cultivate American cybersecurity experts from a young age. However, middle school students from underrepresented groups are typically unaware of career opportunities in cybersecurity, and what they entail. Children who are members of underrepresented groups often lack a sense of identification with STEM fields and endeavors and should be introduced to career paths that are culturally relevant and developmentally appropriate.


Visible to the public TWC: Frontier: Collaborative: Rethinking Security in the Era of Cloud Computing

There are at least two key features of the move to cloud computing that introduce the opportunity for significant leaps forward in computer security for tenant services. First, a compute cloud provides a common software, hardware and management basis for rolling out cross-cutting services en masse that have resisted incremental deployment in a one-service-at-a-time fashion. Second, compute clouds offer providers a broad view of activity across an unprecedented diversity of tenant services.


Visible to the public SaTC-EDU: EAGER: Education Initiative TECH MeD: Transdisciplinary Education for Critical Hacks of Medical Devices

TECH MeD (Transdisciplinary Education for Critical Hacks of Medical Devices) seeks to engage a broad audience about the cybersecurity implications of remotely accessible, implantable medical devices. The project will educate undergraduate and graduate-level students from various disciplines, healthcare professionals, patients, and the general public about the ethical, legal, social, and technical implications of these remotely accessible devices.


Visible to the public CAREER: The Theoretical Foundations of Symmetric Cryptography

Cryptography is essential to ensure confidentiality and integrity of information. Due to their practicality, symmetric algorithms where the same secret key is used by the sender and the recipient underlie most practical deployments of cryptographic techniques. However, also as a result of this, symmetric cryptography suffers from an inherent tension between real world efficiency demands and provable security guarantees. This project investigates new technical advances aimed at narrowing the gap between provable security and the practical demands of symmetric cryptography.