Access control


Visible to the public TTP: Small: Automated Conformance Testing of Access Control and Obligation Policies

Attributed-based obligatory access control is a new access control paradigm for achieving fine-grained authorization and assured system accountability. However, access control and obligation policies can be implemented incorrectly for various reasons, such as programming errors and misunderstanding about the policies. It is important to reveal discrepancy between the policy specification and the actual system implementation. The objective of this ?Transition To Practice?


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Finding and Repairing Semantic Vulnerabilities in Modern Software

Software is responsible for many critical government, business, and educational functions. This project aims to develop new methods for finding and repairing some of the most challenging, poorly understood security vulnerabilities in modern software that have the potential to jeopardize the security and reliability of the nation's cyber infrastructure.


Visible to the public TWC: Option: Small: FRADE: Model Human Behavior for Flash cRowd Attack DEfense

Application-level, aka ``flash-DDoS'' attacks are the most challenging form of distributed denial of service (DDoS). They flood the victim with legitimate-like service requests generated from numerous bots. There is no defense today that is even remotely effective against flash-DDoS attacks, thus such attacks are today a serious and unmitigated threat to any server.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Improving Mobile-Application Security via Text Analytics

Security policies often base access decisions on temporal context (e.g., time of day) and environmental context (e.g., geographic location). Access control policies for operating systems frequently consider execution context (e.g., user ID, program arguments). However, little has been done to incorporate user expectation context into security decision mechanisms. Text artifacts provide a source of user expectation context.


Visible to the public  TWC: TTP Option: Small: Collaborative: SRN: On Establishing Secure and Resilient Networking Services

Almost every organization depends on cloud-based services. The backend of cloud-based services are designed for multiple tenants and reside in data centers spread across multiple physical locations. Network security and security management are major hurdles in such a complex, shared environment. This research investigates mitigating the security challenges by taking a moving target defense (MTD) approach.



To address today's environment of constant security challenges and cyber-threats, the Hardware-Assisted Lightweight Capability Optimization (HALCYON) research explores novel techniques to make the performance of more secure system designs acceptable to users. Conventional system designs have achieved acceptable performance, but have evolved from hardware and software designs that carry forward compromises in security that made sense in the past, but not with modern hardware resources in today's security climate.


Visible to the public  TWC: Small: Language-level Control of Authority

Modern computer applications are typically made up of different software components that are created by, or may act on behalf of, mutually distrustful entities. To ensure the security of computer systems, it is important to restrict the ability of the components to perform actions within the computer system. The Principle of Least Authority states that a component should be given only the ability (or authority) it needs to perform its task, and no more.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Develop Fine-Grained Access Control for Third-Party Components in Mobile Systems

Smartphones and tablets are being used widely, and with such a pervasive use, protecting mobile systems is of critical importance. One of the unique features in mobile systems is that many applications incorporate third-party components, such as advertisement, social-network APIs, and the WebView component (that runs third-party JavaScript code).


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Small: Differential Introspective Side Channels --- Discovery, Analysis, and Defense

Side channels in the security domain are known to be challenging to discover and eliminate systematically. Nevertheless, they can lead to a variety of stealthy attacks seriously compromising cybersecurity. This work focuses on an important class of side channels that are fundamental to the operations of networked systems.


Visible to the public EDU: Collaborative: Enhancing Pervasive and Mobile Computing Security Education With Research Integration

This project will help address the shortage of highly-skilled Cybersecurity professionals by bringing research results on pervasive and mobile computing security into education and by integrating them into existing Cybersecurity curricula. Although the research community is making progress towards effective solutions in mitigating security and privacy threats in pervasive computing, it still needs to find its way to university courses across the nation, especially, in the undergraduate curriculum.