network functions virtualization
Submitted by grigby1 on Fri, 07/01/2022 - 12:19pm
Submitted by aekwall on Mon, 06/01/2020 - 9:48am
Submitted by grigby1 on Mon, 08/05/2019 - 10:38am
Submitted by aekwall on Mon, 08/05/2019 - 9:43am
Submitted by Eric Keller on Mon, 11/13/2017 - 5:49am
Computer and network security is currently challenged by the need to secure diverse network environments including clouds and data-centers, PCs and enterprise infrastructures. This diversity of environments is coupled to increased attack sophistication. Today's tools for securing network and computing infrastructures can be painstakingly composed and configured using available components, but fail to automatically learn from their environment and actively protect it.