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Fan, Wenqi, Derr, Tyler, Zhao, Xiangyu, Ma, Yao, Liu, Hui, Wang, Jianping, Tang, Jiliang, Li, Qing.  2021.  Attacking Black-box Recommendations via Copying Cross-domain User Profiles. 2021 IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). :1583—1594.
Recommender systems, which aim to suggest personalized lists of items for users, have drawn a lot of attention. In fact, many of these state-of-the-art recommender systems have been built on deep neural networks (DNNs). Recent studies have shown that these deep neural networks are vulnerable to attacks, such as data poisoning, which generate fake users to promote a selected set of items. Correspondingly, effective defense strategies have been developed to detect these generated users with fake profiles. Thus, new strategies of creating more ‘realistic’ user profiles to promote a set of items should be investigated to further understand the vulnerability of DNNs based recommender systems. In this work, we present a novel framework CopyAttack. It is a reinforcement learning based black-box attacking method that harnesses real users from a source domain by copying their profiles into the target domain with the goal of promoting a subset of items. CopyAttack is constructed to both efficiently and effectively learn policy gradient networks that first select, then further refine/craft user profiles from the source domain, and ultimately copy them into the target domain. CopyAttack’s goal is to maximize the hit ratio of the targeted items in the Top-k recommendation list of the users in the target domain. We conducted experiments on two real-world datasets and empirically verified the effectiveness of the proposed framework. The implementation of CopyAttack is available at
Wang, Mingyue, Miao, Yinbin, Guo, Yu, Wang, Cong, Huang, Hejiao, Jia, Xiaohua.  2021.  Attribute-based Encrypted Search for Multi-owner and Multi-user Model. ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. :1–7.
Nowadays, many data owners choose to outsource their data to public cloud servers while allowing authorized users to retrieve them. To protect data confidentiality from an untrusted cloud, many studies on searchable encryption (SE) are proposed for privacy-preserving search over encrypted data. However, most of the existing SE schemes only focus on the single-owner model. Users need to search one-by-one among data owners to retrieve relevant results even if data are from the same cloud server, which inevitably incurs unnecessary bandwidth and computation cost to users. Thus, how to enable efficient authorized search over multi-owner datasets remains to be fully explored. In this paper, we propose a new privacy-preserving search scheme for the multi-owner and multi-user model. Our proposed scheme has two main advantages: 1) We achieve an attribute-based keyword search for multi-owner model, where users can only search datasets from specific authorized owners. 2) Each data owner can enforce its own fine-grained access policy for users while an authorized user only needs to generate one trapdoor (i.e., encrypted search keyword) to search over multi-owner encrypted data. Through rigorous security analysis and performance evaluation, we demonstrate that our scheme is secure and feasible.
Châtel, Romain, Mouaddib, Abdel-Illah.  2021.  An augmented MDP approach for solving Stochastic Security Games. 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). :6405—6410.
We propose a novel theoretical approach for solving a Stochastic Security Game using augmented Markov Decison Processes and an experimental evaluation. Most of the previous works mentioned in the literature focus on Linear Programming techniques seeking Strong Stackelberg Equilibria through the defender and attacker’s strategy spaces. Although effective, these techniques are computationally expensive and tend to not scale well to very large problems. By fixing the set of the possible defense strategies, our approach is able to use the well-known augmented MDP formalism to compute an optimal policy for an attacker facing a defender patrolling. Experimental results on fully observable cases validate our approach and show good performances in comparison with optimistic and pessimistic approaches. However, these results also highlight the need of scalability improvements and of handling the partial observability cases.
Guiza, Ouijdane, Mayr-Dorn, Christoph, Weichhart, Georg, Mayrhofer, Michael, Zangi, Bahman Bahman, Egyed, Alexander, Fanta, Björn, Gieler, Martin.  2021.  Automated Deviation Detection for Partially-Observable Human-Intensive Assembly Processes. 2021 IEEE 19th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN). :1–8.
Unforeseen situations on the shopfloor cause the assembly process to divert from its expected progress. To be able to overcome these deviations in a timely manner, assembly process monitoring and early deviation detection are necessary. However, legal regulations and union policies often limit the direct monitoring of human-intensive assembly processes. Grounded in an industry use case, this paper outlines a novel approach that, based on indirect privacy-respecting monitored data from the shopfloor, enables the near real-time detection of multiple types of process deviations. In doing so, this paper specifically addresses uncertainties stemming from indirect shopfloor observations and how to reason in their presence.
Abisheka, P. A. C, Azra, M. A. F, Poobalan, A. V, Wijekoon, Janaka, Yapa, Kavinga, Murthaja, Mifraz.  2021.  An Automated Solution For Securing Confidential Documents in a BYOD Environment. 2021 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Computing (ICAC). :61—66.
BYOD or Bring Your Own Device is a set of policies that allow employees of an organization to use their own devices for official work purposes. BYOD is an immensely popular concept in the present day due to the many advantages it provides. However, the implementation of BYOD policies entail diverse problems and as a result, the confidentiality of documents can be breached. Furthermore, employees without security awareness and training are highly vulnerable to endpoint attacks, network attacks, and zero-day attacks that lead to a breach of confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA). In this context, this paper proposes a comprehensive solution; ‘BYODENCE’, for the detection and prevention of unauthorized access to organizational documents. BYODENCE is an efficient BYOD solution which can produce competitive results in terms of accuracy and speed.
Ueda, Yuki, Ishio, Takashi, Matsumoto, Kenichi.  2021.  Automatically Customizing Static Analysis Tools to Coding Rules Really Followed by Developers. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER). :541–545.
Automatic Static Analysis Tools (ASATs) detect coding rule violations, including mistakes and bad practices that frequently occur during programming. While ASATs are widely used in both OSS and industry, the developers do not resolve more than 80% of the detected violations. As one of the reasons, most ASATs users do not customize their ASATs to their projects after installation; the ASATs with the default configuration report many rule violations that confuse developers. To reduce the ratio of such uninteresting warning messages, we propose a method to customize ASATs according to the product source code automatically. Our fundamental hypothesis is: A software project has interesting ASAT rules that are consistent over time. Our method takes source code as input and generates an ASAT configuration. In particular, the method enables optional (i.e., disabled by default) rules that detected no violations on the version because developers are likely to follow the rules in future development. Our method also disables violated rules because developers were unlikely to follow them. To evaluate the method, we applied our method to 643 versions of four JavaScript projects. The generated configurations for all four projects increased the ASAT precision. They also increased recall for two projects. The result shows that our method helps developers to focus on their attractive rule violations. Our implementation of the proposed method is available at
Ahmed, Mohammad Faisal Bin, Miah, M. Saef Ullah, Bhowmik, Abhijit, Sulaiman, Juniada Binti.  2021.  Awareness to Deepfake: A resistance mechanism to Deepfake. 2021 International Congress of Advanced Technology and Engineering (ICOTEN). :1–5.
The goal of this study is to find whether exposure to Deepfake videos makes people better at detecting Deepfake videos and whether it is a better strategy against fighting Deepfake. For this study a group of people from Bangladesh has volunteered. This group were exposed to a number of Deepfake videos and asked subsequent questions to verify improvement on their level of awareness and detection in context of Deepfake videos. This study has been performed in two phases, where second phase was performed to validate any generalization. The fake videos are tailored for the specific audience and where suited, are created from scratch. Finally, the results are analyzed, and the study’s goals are inferred from the obtained data.
Lahbib, Asma, Toumi, Khalifa, Laouiti, Anis, Martin, Steven.  2021.  Blockchain Based Privacy Aware Distributed Access Management Framework for Industry 4.0. 2021 IEEE 30th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE). :51–56.
With the development of various technologies, the modern industry has been promoted to a new era known as Industry 4.0. Within such paradigm, smart factories are becoming widely recognized as the fundamental concept. These systems generate and exchange vast amounts of privacy-sensitive data, which makes them attractive targets of attacks and unauthorized access. To improve privacy and security within such environments, a more decentralized approach is seen as the solution to allow their longterm growth. Currently, the blockchain technology represents one of the most suitable candidate technologies able to support distributed and secure ecosystem for Industry 4.0 while ensuring reliability, information integrity and access authorization. Blockchain based access control frameworks address encountered challenges regarding the confidentiality, traceability and notarization of access demands and procedures. However significant additional fears are raised about entities' privacy regarding access history and shared policies. In this paper, our main focus is to ensure strong privacy guarantees over the access control related procedures regarding access requester sensitive attributes and shared access control policies. The proposed scheme called PDAMF based on ring signatures adds a privacy layer for hiding sensitive attributes while keeping the verification process transparent and public. Results from a real implementation plus performance evaluation prove the proposed concept and demonstrate its feasibility.
Maria Stephen, Steffie, Jaekel, Arunita.  2021.  Blockchain Based Vehicle Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. 2021 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshops (IV Workshops). :1–6.
Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is a pervasive network, where vehicles communicate with nearby vehicles and infrastructure nodes, such as Road-side unit (RSU). Information sharing among vehicles is an essential component of an intelligent transportation system (ITS), but security and privacy concerns must be taken into consideration. Security of the network can be improved by granting access only to authenticated vehicles and restricting or revoking access for vehicles involved in misbehavior. In this paper, we present a novel blockchain based approach to authenticate vehicles and notify other vehicles about any unauthorized messages in real time. This helps protect other vehicles in the network from making critical decisions based on false or inaccurate information. In the proposed architecture, vehicles communicate with each other using pseudonyms or pseudo IDs and the Blockchain is used to securely maintain the real identity of all vehicles, which can be linked to the pseudo IDs if needed. The goal is to protect privacy or individual vehicles, while still ensuring accountability in case of misbehavior. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated for different vehicle and attacker densities, and results demonstrate it has lower authentication delay and communication overhead compared to existing approaches.
Abubakar, Mwrwan, McCarron, Pádraig, Jaroucheh, Zakwan, Al Dubai, Ahmed, Buchanan, Bill.  2021.  Blockchain-Based Platform for Secure Sharing and Validation of Vaccination Certificates. 2021 14th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN). 1:1–8.
The COVID-19 pandemic has recently emerged as a worldwide health emergency that necessitates coordinated international measures. To contain the virus's spread, governments and health organisations raced to develop vaccines that would lower Covid-19 morbidity, relieve pressure on healthcare systems, and allow economies to open. Following the COVID-19 vaccine, the vaccination certificate has been adopted to help the authorities formulate policies by controlling cross-border travelling. To address serious privacy concerns and eliminate the need for third parties to retain the trust and govern user data, in this paper, we leverage blockchain technologies in developing a secure and verifiable vaccination certificate. Our approach has the advantage of utilising a hybrid approach that implements different advanced technologies, such as the self-sovereignty concept, smart contracts and interPlanetary File System (IPFS). We rely on verifiable credentials paired with smart contracts to make decisions about who can access the system and provide on-chain verification and validation of the user and issuer DIDs. The approach was further analysed, with a focus on performance and security. Our analysis shows that our solution satisfies the security requirements for immunisation certificates.
Mennecozzi, Gian Marco, Hageman, Kaspar, Panum, Thomas Kobber, Türkmen, Ahmet, Mahmoud, Rasmi-Vlad, Pedersen, Jens Myrup.  2021.  Bridging the Gap: Adapting a Security Education Platform to a New Audience. 2021 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). :153—159.
The current supply of a highly specialized cyber security professionals cannot meet the demands for societies seeking digitization. To close the skill gap, there is a need for introducing students in higher education to cyber security, and to combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills. This paper presents how the cyber security training platform Haaukins, initially developed to increase interest and knowledge of cyber security among high school students, was further developed to support the need for training in higher education. Based on the differences between the existing and new target audiences, a set of design principles were derived which shaped the technical adjustments required to provide a suitable platform - mainly related to dynamic tooling, centralized access to exercises, and scalability of the platform to support courses running over longer periods of time. The implementation of these adjustments has led to a series of teaching sessions in various institutions of higher education, demonstrating the viability for Haaukins for the new target audience.
Zeng, Rong, Li, Nige, Zhou, Xiaoming, Ma, Yuanyuan.  2021.  Building A Zero-trust Security Protection System in The Environment of The Power Internet of Things. 2021 2nd International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology (AINIT). :557–560.
With the construction of power information network, the power grid has built a security protection system based on boundary protection. However, with the continuous advancement of the construction of the power Internet of Things, a large number of power Internet of Things terminals need to connect to the power information network through the public network, which have an impact on the existing security protection system of the power grid. This article analyzes the characteristics of the border protection model commonly used in network security protection. Aiming at the lack of security protection capabilities of this model, a zero-trust security architecture-based power Internet of Things network security protection model is proposed. Finally, this article analyzes and studies the application of zero trust in the power Internet of Things.
Mambretti, Andrea, Sandulescu, Alexandra, Sorniotti, Alessandro, Robertson, William, Kirda, Engin, Kurmus, Anil.  2021.  Bypassing memory safety mechanisms through speculative control flow hijacks. 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS P). :633–649.
The prevalence of memory corruption bugs in the past decades resulted in numerous defenses, such as stack canaries, control flow integrity (CFI), and memory-safe languages. These defenses can prevent entire classes of vulnerabilities, and help increase the security posture of a program. In this paper, we show that memory corruption defenses can be bypassed using speculative execution attacks. We study the cases of stack protectors, CFI, and bounds checks in Go, demonstrating under which conditions they can be bypassed by a form of speculative control flow hijack, relying on speculative or architectural overwrites of control flow data. Information is leaked by redirecting the speculative control flow of the victim to a gadget accessing secret data and acting as a side channel send. We also demonstrate, for the first time, that this can be achieved by stitching together multiple gadgets, in a speculative return-oriented programming attack. We discuss and implement software mitigations, showing moderate performance impact.
Melati, Seshariana Rahma, Yovita, Leanna Vidya, Mayasari, Ratna.  2021.  Caching Performance of Named Data Networking with NDNS. 2021 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). :261–266.
Named Data Networking, a future internet network architecture design that can change the network's perspective from previously host-centric to data-centric. It can reduce the network load, especially on the server part, and can provide advantages in multicast cases or re-sending of content data to users due to transmission errors. In NDN, interest messages are sent to the router, and if they are not immediately found, they will continue to be forwarded, resulting in a large load. NDNS or a DNS-Like Name Service for NDN is needed to know exactly where the content is to improve system performance. NDNS is a database that provides information about the zone location of the data contained in the network. In this study, a simulation was conducted to test the NDNS mechanism on the NDN network to support caching on the NDN network by testing various topologies with changes in the size of the content store and the number of nodes used. NDNS is outperform compared to NDN without NDNS for cache hit ratio and load parameters.
Zadsar, Masoud, Abazari, Ahmadreza, Ansari, Mostafa, Ghafouri, Mohsen, Muyeen, S. M., Blaabjerg, Frede.  2021.  Central Situational Awareness System for Resiliency Enhancement of Integrated Energy Systems. 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON). :1–6.
In integrated gas and electricity energy systems, a catastrophic outage in one system could propagate to other, resulting in severe service interruption like what happened in 2021 Texas Blackout. To alleviate detrimental effects of these events, a coordinated effort must be adopted between integrated energy systems. In this paper, a central situational awareness system (CSAS) is developed to improve the coordination of operational resiliency measures by facilitating information sharing between power distribution systems (PDSs) and natural gas networks (NGNs) during emergency conditions. The CSAS collects operational data of the PDS and the NGN as well as data of upcoming weather condition, extracts the most vulnerable lines and pipelines, and accordingly obtains emergency actions. The emergency actions, i.e., optimal multi-microgrid formation, scheduling of distribution energy resources (DERs), and optimal electrical and gas load shedding plan, are optimized through a coupled graph-based approach with stochastic mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model. In the proposed model, uncertainties of renewable energy resources (RESs) is also considered. Numerical results on an integrated IEEE 33-bus and 30-node NGNs demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed CSAS.
Bahel, Vedant, Mishra, Arunesh.  2021.  CI-MCMS: Computational Intelligence Based Machine Condition Monitoring System. 2021 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy (ICCIKE). :489—493.
Earlier around in year 1880’s, Industry 2.0 marked as change to the society caused by the invention of electricity. In today’s era, artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in defining the period of Industry 4.0. In this research study, we have presented Computational Intelligence based Machine Condition Monitoring system architecture for determination of developing faults in industrial machines. The goal is to increase efficiency of machines and reduce the cost. The architecture is fusion of machine sensitive sensors, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and databases, to develop an autonomous fault diagnostic system. To explain CI-MCMs, we have used neural networks on sensor data obtained from hydraulic system. The results obtained by neural network were compared with those obtained from traditional methods.
Li, Dong, Jiao, Yiwen, Ge, Pengcheng, Sun, Kuanfei, Gao, Zefu, Mao, Feilong.  2021.  Classification Coding and Image Recognition Based on Pulse Neural Network. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Design (AIID). :260–265.
Based on the third generation neural network spiking neural network, this paper optimizes and improves a classification and coding method, and proposes an image recognition method. Firstly, the read image is converted into a spike sequence, and then the spike sequence is encoded in groups and sent to the neurons in the spike neural network. After learning and training for many times, the quantization standard code is obtained. In this process, the spike sequence transformation matrix and dynamic weight matrix are obtained, and the unclassified data are output through the same matrix for image recognition and classification. Simulation results show that the above methods can get correct coding and preliminary recognition classification, and the spiking neural network can be applied.
Kamal, Naheel Faisal, Malluhi, Qutaibah.  2021.  Client-Based Secure IoT Data Sharing using Untrusted Clouds. 2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). :409—414.
IoT systems commonly rely on cloud services. However, utilizing cloud providers can be problematic in terms of data security. Data stored in the cloud need to be secured from unauthorized malicious nodes and from the cloud providers themselves. Using a simple symmetric cipher can encrypt the data before uploading and decrypt it while retrieving. However, such a solution can be only applied between two parties with no support for multiple nodes. Whereas in IoT scenarios, many smart devices communicate and share data with each other. This paper proposes a solution that tackles the issue of sharing data securely between IoT devices by implementing a system that allows secure sharing of encrypted data in untrusted clouds. The implementation of the system performs the computation on connectionless clients with no involvement of the cloud server nor any third party. The cloud server is only used as a passive storage server. Analysis of the implemented prototype demonstrates that the system can be used in real-life applications with relatively small overhead. Based on the used hardware, key generation takes about 60 nanoseconds and the storage overhead is only a few kilobytes for large number of files and/or users.
Agarwal, Piyush, Matta, Priya, Sharma, Sachin.  2021.  Comparative Study of Emerging Internet-of-Things in Traffic Management System. 2021 5th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI). :422–428.
In recent years, the Internet-of-Things (IoT)-based traffic management system (ITMS) has attracted the attention of researchers from different fields, such as the automotive industry, academia and traffic management, due to its ability to enhance road safety and improve traffic efficiency. ITMS uses the Vehicle Ad-hoc Network (VANET) to communicate messages about traffic conditions or the event on the route to ensure the safety of the commuter. ITMS uses wireless communication technology for communication between different devices. Wireless communication has challenges to privacy and security. Challenges such as confidentiality, authentication, integrity, non-repudiation, identity, trust are major concerns of either security or privacy or both. This paper discusses the features of the traffic system, the features of the traffic management system (TMS) and the features of IoT that can be used in TMS with its challenges. Further, this paper analyses the work done in the last few years with the future scope of IoT in the TMS.
Andres Lara-Nino, Carlos, Diaz-Perez, Arturo, Morales-Sandoval, Miguel.  2021.  A comparison of Differential Addition and Doubling in Binary Edwards Curves for Elliptic Curve Cryptography. 2021 Fifth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems Security and Sustainability (WorldS4). :12—18.
Binary Edwards curves (BEC) over finite fields can be used as an additive cyclic elliptic curve group to enable elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), where the most time consuming is scalar multiplication. This operation is computed by means of the group operation, either point addition or point doubling. The most notorious property of these curves is that their group operation is complete, which mitigates the need to verify for special cases. Different formulae for the group operation in BECs have been reported in the literature. Of particular interest are those designed to work with the differential properties of the Montgomery ladder, which offer constant time computation of the scalar multiplication as well as reduced field operations count. In this work, we review and compare the complexity of BEC differential addition and doubling in terms of field operations. We also provide software implementations of scalar multiplications which employ these formulae under a fair scenario. Our work provides insights on the advantages of using BECs in ECC. Our study of the different formulae for group addition in BEC also showcases the advantages and limitations of the different design strategies employed in each case.
Winderix, Hans, Mühlberg, Jan Tobias, Piessens, Frank.  2021.  Compiler-Assisted Hardening of Embedded Software Against Interrupt Latency Side-Channel Attacks. 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P). :667—682.
Recent controlled-channel attacks exploit timing differences in the rudimentary fetch-decode-execute logic of processors. These new attacks also pose a threat to software on embedded systems. Even when Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) are used, interrupt latency attacks allow untrusted code to extract application secrets from a vulnerable enclave by scheduling interruption of the enclave. Constant-time programming is effective against these attacks but, as we explain in this paper, can come with some disadvantages regarding performance. To deal with this new threat, we propose a novel algorithm that hardens programs during compilation by aligning the execution time of corresponding instructions in secret-dependent branches. Our results show that, on a class of embedded systems with deterministic execution times, this approach eliminates interrupt latency side-channel leaks and mitigates limitations of constant-time programming. We have implemented our approach in the LLVM compiler infrastructure for the San-cus TEE, which extends the openMSP430 microcontroller, and we discuss applicability to other architectures. We make our implementation and benchmarks available for further research.
Al-shareeda, Mahmood A., Alazzawi, Murtadha A., Anbar, Mohammed, Manickam, Selvakumar, Al-Ani, Ahmed K..  2021.  A Comprehensive Survey on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). 2021 International Conference on Advanced Computer Applications (ACA). :156–160.
Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) have recently become an active research area. This is because of its important applications in the transportation field in which vehicles have severe position during activities of daily living in persons. In this paper, the basic background of the VANET from the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs), VANET standard and VANET characteristics are discussed. Second, the architecture from components and communications of the system are presented. Then, the critical challenges and future perspectives in this field are comprehensively reviewed. This paper could serve as a guide and reference in the design and development of any new techniques for VANETs. Moreover, this paper may help researchers and developers in the selection of the main features of VANET for their goals in one single document.
Mbanaso, U. M., Makinde, J. A..  2021.  Conceptual Modelling of Criticality of Critical Infrastructure Nth Order Dependency Effect Using Neural Networks. 2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cyberspac (CYBER NIGERIA). :127—131.
This paper presents conceptual modelling of the criticality of critical infrastructure (CI) nth order dependency effect using neural networks. Incidentally, critical infrastructures are usually not stand-alone, they are mostly interconnected in some way thereby creating a complex network of infrastructures that depend on each other. The relationships between these infrastructures can be either unidirectional or bidirectional with possible cascading or escalating effect. Moreover, the dependency relationships can take an nth order, meaning that a failure or disruption in one infrastructure can cascade to nth interconnected infrastructure. The nth-order dependency and criticality problems depict a sequential characteristic, which can result in chronological cyber effects. Consequently, quantifying the criticality of infrastructure demands that the impact of its failure or disruption on other interconnected infrastructures be measured effectively. To understand the complex relational behaviour of nth order relationships between infrastructures, we model the behaviour of nth order dependency using Neural Network (NN) to analyse the degree of dependency and criticality of the dependent infrastructure. The outcome, which is to quantify the Criticality Index Factor (CIF) of a particular infrastructure as a measure of its risk factor can facilitate a collective response in the event of failure or disruption. Using our novel NN approach, a comparative view of CIFs of infrastructures or organisations can provide an efficient mechanism for Critical Information Infrastructure Protection and resilience (CIIPR) in a more coordinated and harmonised way nationally. Our model demonstrates the capability to measure and establish the degree of dependency (or interdependency) and criticality of CIs as a criterion for a proactive CIIPR.
Cismas, Alexandru, Matei, Ioana, Popescu, Decebal.  2021.  Condensed Survey On Wearable IoBT Devices. 2021 International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering (EHB). :1–4.
This document paper presents a critical and condensed analyze on series of devices that are intended for the military field, making an overview analysis of the technical solutions presented and that identifying those aspects that are really important for the military field or that offering a new approach. We currently have a wide range of medical devices that can be adapted for use in the military, but this adaptation must follow some well-defined aspects. A device that does not offer 100% reliability will be difficult to adopt in a military system, where mistakes are not allowed.
Min, Huang, Li, Cheng Yun.  2021.  Construction of information security risk assessment model based on static game. 2021 6th International Symposium on Computer and Information Processing Technology (ISCIPT). :647–650.
Game theory is a branch of modern mathematics, which is a mathematical method to study how decision-makers should make decisions in order to strive for the maximum interests in the process of competition. In this paper, from the perspective of offensive and defensive confrontation, using game theory for reference, we build a dynamic evaluation model of information system security risk based on static game model. By using heisani transformation, the uncertainty of strategic risk of offensive and defensive sides is transformed into the uncertainty of each other's type. The security risk of pure defense strategy and mixed defense strategy is analyzed quantitatively, On this basis, an information security risk assessment algorithm based on static game model is designed.