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Rudd-Orthner, Richard N M, Mihaylova, Lyudmilla.  2019.  An Algebraic Expert System with Neural Network Concepts for Cyber, Big Data and Data Migration. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT). :1–6.

This paper describes a machine assistance approach to grading decisions for values that might be missing or need validation, using a mathematical algebraic form of an Expert System, instead of the traditional textual or logic forms and builds a neural network computational graph structure. This Experts System approach is also structured into a neural network like format of: input, hidden and output layers that provide a structured approach to the knowledge-base organization, this provides a useful abstraction for reuse for data migration applications in big data, Cyber and relational databases. The approach is further enhanced with a Bayesian probability tree approach to grade the confidences of value probabilities, instead of the traditional grading of the rule probabilities, and estimates the most probable value in light of all evidence presented. This is ground work for a Machine Learning (ML) experts system approach in a form that is closer to a Neural Network node structure.

Ferguson-Walter, Kimberly, Major, Maxine, Van Bruggen, Dirk, Fugate, Sunny, Gutzwiller, Robert.  2019.  The World (of CTF) is Not Enough Data: Lessons Learned from a Cyber Deception Experiment. 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC). :346–353.
The human side of cyber is fundamentally important to understanding and improving cyber operations. With the exception of Capture the Flag (CTF) exercises, cyber testing and experimentation tends to ignore the human attacker. While traditional CTF events include a deeply rooted human component, they rarely aim to measure human performance, cognition, or psychology. We argue that CTF is not sufficient for measuring these aspects of the human; instead, we examine the value in performing red team behavioral and cognitive testing in a large-scale, controlled human-subject experiment. In this paper we describe the pros and cons of performing this type of experimentation and provide detailed exposition of the data collection and experimental controls used during a recent cyber deception experiment-the Tularosa Study. Finally, we will discuss lessons learned and how our experiences can inform best practices in future cyber operations studies of human behavior and cognition.
Liu, Yi, Dong, Mianxiong, Ota, Kaoru, Wu, Jun, Li, Jianhua, Chen, Hao.  2019.  SCTD: Smart Reasoning Based Content Threat Defense in Semantics Knowledge Enhanced ICN. ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–6.
Information-centric networking (ICN) is a novel networking architecture with subscription-based naming mechanism and efficient caching, which has abundant semantic features. However, existing defense studies in ICN fails to isolate or block efficiently novel content threats including malicious penetration and semantic obfuscation for the lack of researches considering ICN semantic features. More importantly, to detect potential threats, existing security works in ICN fail to use semantic reasoning to construct security knowledge-based defense mechanism. Thus ICN needs a smart and content-based defense mechanism. Current works are not able to block content threats implicated in semantics. Additionally, based on traditional computing resources, they are incompatible with ICN protocols. In this paper, we propose smart reasoning based content threat defense for semantics knowledge enhanced ICN. A fog computing based defense mechanism with content semantic awareness is designed to build ICN edge defense system. In addition, smart reasoning algorithms is proposed to detect implicit knowledge and semantic relations in packet names and contents with context communication content and knowledge graph. On top of inference knowledge, the mechanism can perceive threats from ICN interests. Simulations demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the proposed mechanism.
Tahat, Amer, Joshi, Sarang, Goswami, Pronnoy, Ravindran, Binoy.  2019.  Scalable Translation Validation of Unverified Legacy OS Code. 2019 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD). :1–9.

Formally verifying functional and security properties of a large-scale production operating system is highly desirable. However, it is challenging as such OSes are often written in multiple source languages that have no formal semantics - a prerequisite for formal reasoning. To avoid expensive formalization of the semantics of multiple high-level source languages, we present a lightweight and rigorous verification toolchain that verifies OS code at the binary level, targeting ARM machines. To reason about ARM instructions, we first translate the ARM Specification Language that describes the semantics of the ARMv8 ISA into the PVS7 theorem prover and verify the translation. We leverage the radare2 reverse engineering tool to decode ARM binaries into PVS7 and verify the translation. Our translation verification methodology is a lightweight formal validation technique that generates large-scale instruction emulation test lemmas whose proof obligations are automatically discharged. To demonstrate our verification methodology, we apply the technique on two OSes: Google's Zircon and a subset of Linux. We extract a set of 370 functions from these OSes, translate them into PVS7, and verify the correctness of the translation by automatically discharging hundreds of thousands of proof obligations and tests. This took 27.5 person-months to develop.

Hoey, Jesse, Sheikhbahaee, Zahra, MacKinnon, Neil J..  2019.  Deliberative and Affective Reasoning: a Bayesian Dual-Process Model. 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW). :388–394.
The presence of artificial agents in human social networks is growing. From chatbots to robots, human experience in the developed world is moving towards a socio-technical system in which agents can be technological or biological, with increasingly blurred distinctions between. Given that emotion is a key element of human interaction, enabling artificial agents with the ability to reason about affect is a key stepping stone towards a future in which technological agents and humans can work together. This paper presents work on building intelligent computational agents that integrate both emotion and cognition. These agents are grounded in the well-established social-psychological Bayesian Affect Control Theory (BayesAct). The core idea of BayesAct is that humans are motivated in their social interactions by affective alignment: they strive for their social experiences to be coherent at a deep, emotional level with their sense of identity and general world views as constructed through culturally shared symbols. This affective alignment creates cohesive bonds between group members, and is instrumental for collaborations to solidify as relational group commitments. BayesAct agents are motivated in their social interactions by a combination of affective alignment and decision theoretic reasoning, trading the two off as a function of the uncertainty or unpredictability of the situation. This paper provides a high-level view of dual process theories and advances BayesAct as a plausible, computationally tractable model based in social-psychological and sociological theory.
Tucker, Scot.  2018.  Engineering Trust: A Graph-Based Algorithm for Modeling, Validating, and Evaluating Trust. 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :1–9.
Trust is an important topic in today's interconnected world. Breaches of trust in today's systems has had profound effects upon us all, and they are very difficult and costly to fix especially when caused by flaws in the system's architecture. Trust modeling can expose these types of issues, but modeling trust in complex multi-tiered system architectures can be very difficult. Often experts have differing views of trust and how it applies to systems within their domain. This work presents a graph-based modeling methodology that normalizes the application of trust across disparate system domains allowing the modeling of complex intersystem trust relationships. An algorithm is proposed that applies graph theory to model, validate and evaluate trust in system architectures. Also, it provides the means to apply metrics to compare and prioritize the effectiveness of trust management in system and component architectures. The results produced by the algorithm can be used in conjunction with systems engineering processes to ensure both trust and the efficient use of resources.
Liang, J., Jiang, L., Cao, L., Li, L., Hauptmann, A..  2018.  Focal Visual-Text Attention for Visual Question Answering. 2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. :6135–6143.
Recent insights on language and vision with neural networks have been successfully applied to simple single-image visual question answering. However, to tackle real-life question answering problems on multimedia collections such as personal photos, we have to look at whole collections with sequences of photos or videos. When answering questions from a large collection, a natural problem is to identify snippets to support the answer. In this paper, we describe a novel neural network called Focal Visual-Text Attention network (FVTA) for collective reasoning in visual question answering, where both visual and text sequence information such as images and text metadata are presented. FVTA introduces an end-to-end approach that makes use of a hierarchical process to dynamically determine what media and what time to focus on in the sequential data to answer the question. FVTA can not only answer the questions well but also provides the justifications which the system results are based upon to get the answers. FVTA achieves state-of-the-art performance on the MemexQA dataset and competitive results on the MovieQA dataset.
Huang, Jingwei.  2018.  From Big Data to Knowledge: Issues of Provenance, Trust, and Scientific Computing Integrity. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :2197–2205.
This paper addresses the nature of data and knowledge, the relation between them, the variety of views as a characteristic of Big Data regarding that data may come from many different sources/views from different viewpoints, and the associated essential issues of data provenance, knowledge provenance, scientific computing integrity, and trust in the data science process. Towards the direction of data-intensive science and engineering, it is of paramount importance to ensure Scientific Computing Integrity (SCI). A failure of SCI may be caused by malicious attacks, natural environmental changes, faults of scientists, operations mistakes, faults of supporting systems, faults of processes, and errors in the data or theories on which a research relies. The complexity of scientific workflows and large provenance graphs as well as various causes for SCI failures make ensuring SCI extremely difficult. Provenance and trust play critical role in evaluating SCI. This paper reports our progress in building a model for provenance-based trust reasoning about SCI.
Garae, J., Ko, R. K. L., Apperley, M..  2018.  A Full-Scale Security Visualization Effectiveness Measurement and Presentation Approach. 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :639–650.
What makes a security visualization effective? How do we measure visualization effectiveness in the context of investigating, analyzing, understanding and reporting cyber security incidents? Identifying and understanding cyber-attacks are critical for decision making - not just at the technical level, but also the management and policy-making levels. Our research studied both questions and extends our Security Visualization Effectiveness Measurement (SvEm) framework by providing a full-scale effectiveness approach for both theoretical and user-centric visualization techniques. Our framework facilitates effectiveness through interactive three-dimensional visualization to enhance both single and multi-user collaboration. We investigated effectiveness metrics including (1) visual clarity, (2) visibility, (3) distortion rates and (4) user response (viewing) times. The SvEm framework key components are: (1) mobile display dimension and resolution factor, (2) security incident entities, (3) user cognition activators and alerts, (4) threat scoring system, (5) working memory load and (6) color usage management. To evaluate our full-scale security visualization effectiveness framework, we developed VisualProgger - a real-time security visualization application (web and mobile) visualizing data provenance changes in SvEm use cases. Finally, the SvEm visualizations aims to gain the users' attention span by ensuring a consistency in the viewer's cognitive load, while increasing the viewer's working memory load. In return, users have high potential to gain security insights in security visualization. Our evaluation shows that viewers perform better with prior knowledge (working memory load) of security events and that circular visualization designs attract and maintain the viewer's attention span. These discoveries revealed research directions for future work relating to measurement of security visualization effectiveness.
Yi, F., Cai, H. Y., Xin, F. Z..  2018.  A Logic-Based Attack Graph for Analyzing Network Security Risk Against Potential Attack. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS). :1-4.
In this paper, we present LAPA, a framework for automatically analyzing network security risk and generating attack graph for potential attack. The key novelty in our work is that we represent the properties of networks and zero day vulnerabilities, and use logical reasoning algorithm to generate potential attack path to determine if the attacker can exploit these vulnerabilities. In order to demonstrate the efficacy, we have implemented the LAPA framework and compared with three previous network vulnerability analysis methods. Our analysis results have a low rate of false negatives and less cost of processing time due to the worst case assumption and logical property specification and reasoning. We have also conducted a detailed study of the efficiency for generation attack graph with different value of attack path number, attack path depth and network size, which affect the processing time mostly. We estimate that LAPA can produce high quality results for a large portion of networks.
Yu, Jianguo, Tian, Pei, Feng, Haonan, Xiao, Yan.  2018.  Research and Design of Subway BAS Intrusion Detection Expert System. 2018 IEEE 3rd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). :152–156.
The information security of urban rail transit system faces great challenges. As a subsystem of the subway, BAS is short for Building Automation System, which is used to monitor and manage subway equipment and environment, also facing the same problem. Based on the characteristics of BAS, this paper designed a targeted intrusion detection expert system. This paper focuses on the design of knowledge base and the inference engine of intrusion detection system based on expert system. This study laid the foundation for the research on information security of the entire rail transit system.
Padon, Oded.  2018.  Deductive Verification of Distributed Protocols in First-Order Logic. 2018 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD). :1-1.

Formal verification of infinite-state systems, and distributed systems in particular, is a long standing research goal. In the deductive verification approach, the programmer provides inductive invariants and pre/post specifications of procedures, reducing the verification problem to checking validity of logical verification conditions. This check is often performed by automated theorem provers and SMT solvers, substantially increasing productivity in the verification of complex systems. However, the unpredictability of automated provers presents a major hurdle to usability of these tools. This problem is particularly acute in case of provers that handle undecidable logics, for example, first-order logic with quantifiers and theories such as arithmetic. The resulting extreme sensitivity to minor changes has a strong negative impact on the convergence of the overall proof effort.

Neal, T., Sundararajan, K., Woodard, D..  2018.  Exploiting Linguistic Style as a Cognitive Biometric for Continuous Verification. 2018 International Conference on Biometrics (ICB). :270-276.

This paper presents an assessment of continuous verification using linguistic style as a cognitive biometric. In stylometry, it is widely known that linguistic style is highly characteristic of authorship using representations that capture authorial style at character, lexical, syntactic, and semantic levels. In this work, we provide a contrast to previous efforts by implementing a one-class classification problem using Isolation Forests. Our approach demonstrates the usefulness of this classifier for accurately verifying the genuine user, and yields recognition accuracy exceeding 98% using very small training samples of 50 and 100-character blocks.

Li, T., Ma, J., Pei, Q., Shen, Y., Sun, C..  2018.  Log-based Anomalies Detection of MANETs Routing with Reasoning and Verification. 2018 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC). :240–246.

Routing security plays an important role in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Despite many attempts to improve its security, the routing procedure of MANETs remains vulnerable to attacks. Existing approaches offer support for detecting attacks or debugging in different routing phases, but many of them have not considered the privacy of the nodes during the anomalies detection, which depend on the central control program or a third party to supervise the whole network. In this paper, we present an approach called LAD which uses the raw logs of routers to construct control a flow graph and find the existing communication rules in MANETs. With the reasoning rules, LAD can detect both active and passive attacks launched during the routing phase. LAD can also protect the privacy of the nodes in the verification phase with the specific Merkle hash tree. Without deploying any special nodes to assist the verification, LAD can detect multiple malicious nodes by itself. To show that our approach can be used to guarantee the security of the MANETs, we deploy our experiment in NS3 as well as the practical router environment. LAD can improve the accuracy rate from 2.28% to 29.22%. The results show that LAD performs limited time and memory usages, high detection and low false positives.

Wu, Songyang, Zhang, Yong, Chen, Xiao.  2018.  Security Assessment of Dynamic Networks with an Approach of Integrating Semantic Reasoning and Attack Graphs. 2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1166–1174.
Because of the high-value data of an enterprise, sophisticated cyber-attacks targeted at enterprise networks have become prominent. Attack graphs are useful tools that facilitate a scalable security analysis of enterprise networks. However, the administrators face difficulties in effectively modelling security problems and making right decisions when constructing attack graphs as their risk assessment experience is often limited. In this paper, we propose an innovative method of security assessment through an ontology- and graph-based approach. An ontology is designed to represent security knowledge such as assets, vulnerabilities, attacks, countermeasures, and relationships between them in a common vocabulary. An efficient algorithm is proposed to generate an attack graph based on the inference ability of the security ontology. The proposed algorithm is evaluated with different sizes and topologies of test networks; the results show that our proposed algorithm facilitates a scalable security analysis of enterprise networks.
Huang, Bo-Yuan, Ray, Sayak, Gupta, Aarti, Fung, Jason M., Malik, Sharad.  2018.  Formal Security Verification of Concurrent Firmware in SoCs Using Instruction-Level Abstraction for Hardware*. 2018 55th ACM/ESDA/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC). :1-6.

Formal security verification of firmware interacting with hardware in modern Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) is a critical research problem. This faces the following challenges: (1) design complexity and heterogeneity, (2) semantics gaps between software and hardware, (3) concurrency between firmware/hardware and between Intellectual Property Blocks (IPs), and (4) expensive bit-precise reasoning. In this paper, we present a co-verification methodology to address these challenges. We model hardware using the Instruction-Level Abstraction (ILA), capturing firmware-visible behavior at the architecture level. This enables integrating hardware behavior with firmware in each IP into a single thread. The co-verification with multiple firmware across IPs is formulated as a multi-threaded program verification problem, for which we leverage software verification techniques. We also propose an optimization using abstraction to prevent expensive bit-precise reasoning. The evaluation of our methodology on an industry SoC Secure Boot design demonstrates its applicability in SoC security verification.

Rungger, Matthias, Zamani, Majid.  2018.  Compositional Construction of Approximate Abstractions of Interconnected Control Systems. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. 5:116—127.

We consider a compositional construction of approximate abstractions of interconnected control systems. In our framework, an abstraction acts as a substitute in the controller design process and is itself a continuous control system. The abstraction is related to the concrete control system via a so-called simulation function: a Lyapunov-like function, which is used to establish a quantitative bound between the behavior of the approximate abstraction and the concrete system. In the first part of the paper, we provide a small gain type condition that facilitates the compositional construction of an abstraction of an interconnected control system together with a simulation function from the abstractions and simulation functions of the individual subsystems. In the second part of the paper, we restrict our attention to linear control system and characterize simulation functions in terms of controlled invariant, externally stabilizable subspaces. Based on those characterizations, we propose a particular scheme to construct abstractions for linear control systems. We illustrate the compositional construction of an abstraction on an interconnected system consisting of four linear subsystems. We use the abstraction as a substitute to synthesize a controller to enforce a certain linear temporal logic specification.

Chung, Wingyan, Liu, Jinwei, Tang, Xinlin, Lai, Vincent S. K..  2018.  Extracting Textual Features of Financial Social Media to Detect Cognitive Hacking. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). :244–246.
Social media are increasingly reflecting and influencing the behavior of human and financial market. Cognitive hacking leverages the influence of social media to spread deceptive information with an intent to gain abnormal profits illegally or to cause losses. Measuring the information content in financial social media can be useful for identifying these attacks. In this paper, we developed an approach to identifying social media features that correlate with abnormal returns of the stocks of companies vulnerable to be targets of cognitive hacking. To test the approach, we collected price data and 865,289 social media messages on four technology companies from July 2017 to June 2018, and extracted features that contributed to abnormal stock movements. Preliminary results show that terms that are simple, motivate actions, incite emotion, and uses exaggeration are ranked high in the features of messages associated with abnormal price movements. We also provide selected messages to illustrate the use of these features in potential cognitive hacking attacks.
Rathod, Paresh, Hämäläinen, Timo.  2017.  A Novel Model for Cybersecurity Economics and Analysis. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT). :274–279.
In recent times, major cybersecurity breaches and cyber fraud had huge negative impact on victim organisations. The biggest impact made on major areas of business activities. Majority of organisations facing cybersecurity adversity and advanced threats suffers from huge financial and reputation loss. The current security technologies, policies and processes are providing necessary capabilities and cybersecurity mechanism to solve cyber threats and risks. However, current solutions are not providing required mechanism for decision making on impact of cybersecurity breaches and fraud. In this paper, we are reporting initial findings and proposing conceptual solution. The paper is aiming to provide a novel model for Cybersecurity Economics and Analysis (CEA). We will contribute to increasing harmonization of European cybersecurity initiatives and reducing fragmented practices of cybersecurity solutions and also helping to reach EU Digital Single Market goal. By introducing Cybersecurity Readiness Level Metrics the project will measure and increase effectiveness of cybersecurity programs, while the cost-benefit framework will help to increase the economic and financial viability, effectiveness and value generation of cybersecurity solutions for organisation's strategic, tactical and operational imperative. The ambition of the research development and innovation (RDI) is to increase and re-establish the trust of the European citizens in European digital environments through practical solutions.
Kimmig, A., Memory, A., Miller, R. J., Getoor, L..  2017.  A Collective, Probabilistic Approach to Schema Mapping. 2017 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). :921–932.

We propose a probabilistic approach to the problem of schema mapping. Our approach is declarative, scalable, and extensible. It builds upon recent results in both schema mapping and probabilistic reasoning and contributes novel techniques in both fields. We introduce the problem of mapping selection, that is, choosing the best mapping from a space of potential mappings, given both metadata constraints and a data example. As selection has to reason holistically about the inputs and the dependencies between the chosen mappings, we define a new schema mapping optimization problem which captures interactions between mappings. We then introduce Collective Mapping Discovery (CMD), our solution to this problem using stateof- the-art probabilistic reasoning techniques, which allows for inconsistencies and incompleteness. Using hundreds of realistic integration scenarios, we demonstrate that the accuracy of CMD is more than 33% above that of metadata-only approaches already for small data examples, and that CMD routinely finds perfect mappings even if a quarter of the data is inconsistent.

Kafali, Ö, Jones, J., Petruso, M., Williams, L., Singh, M. P..  2017.  How Good Is a Security Policy against Real Breaches? A HIPAA Case Study 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :530–540.

Policy design is an important part of software development. As security breaches increase in variety, designing a security policy that addresses all potential breaches becomes a nontrivial task. A complete security policy would specify rules to prevent breaches. Systematically determining which, if any, policy clause has been violated by a reported breach is a means for identifying gaps in a policy. Our research goal is to help analysts measure the gaps between security policies and reported breaches by developing a systematic process based on semantic reasoning. We propose SEMAVER, a framework for determining coverage of breaches by policies via comparison of individual policy clauses and breach descriptions. We represent a security policy as a set of norms. Norms (commitments, authorizations, and prohibitions) describe expected behaviors of users, and formalize who is accountable to whom and for what. A breach corresponds to a norm violation. We develop a semantic similarity metric for pairwise comparison between the norm that represents a policy clause and the norm that has been violated by a reported breach. We use the US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) as a case study. Our investigation of a subset of the breaches reported by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reveals the gaps between HIPAA and reported breaches, leading to a coverage of 65%. Additionally, our classification of the 1,577 HHS breaches shows that 44% of the breaches are accidental misuses and 56% are malicious misuses. We find that HIPAA's gaps regarding accidental misuses are significantly larger than its gaps regarding malicious misuses.

Acquaviva, J., Mahon, M., Einfalt, B., LaPorta, T..  2017.  Optimal Cyber-Defense Strategies for Advanced Persistent Threats: A Game Theoretical Analysis. 2017 IEEE 36th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS). :204–213.

We introduce a novel mathematical model that treats network security as a game between cyber attackers and network administrators. The model takes the form of a zero-sum repeated game where each sub-game corresponds to a possible state of the attacker. Our formulation views state as the set of compromised edges in a graph opposed to the more traditional node-based view. This provides a more expressive model since it allows the defender to anticipate the direction of attack. Both players move independently and in continuous time allowing for the possibility of one player moving several times before the other does. This model shows that defense-in-depth is not always a rational strategy for budget constrained network administrators. Furthermore, a defender can dissuade a rational attacker from attempting to attack a network if the defense budget is sufficiently high. This means that a network administrator does not need to make their system completely free of vulnerabilities, they only to ensure the penalties for being caught outweigh the potential rewards gained.

Li, T., Ma, J., Sun, C., Wei, D., Xi, N..  2017.  PVad: Privacy-Preserving Verification for Secure Routing in Ad Hoc Networks. 2017 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA). :5–10.

Routing security has a great importance to the security of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). There are various kinds of attacks when establishing routing path between source and destination. The adversaries attempt to deceive the source node and get the privilege of data transmission. Then they try to launch the malicious behaviors such as passive or active attacks. Due to the characteristics of the MANETs, e.g. dynamic topology, open medium, distributed cooperation, and constrained capability, it is difficult to verify the behavior of nodes and detect malicious nodes without revealing any privacy. In this paper, we present PVad, an approach conducting privacy-preserving verification in the routing discovery phase of MANETs. PVad tries to find the existing communication rules by association rules instead of making the rules. PVad consists of two phases, a reasoning phase deducing the expected log data of the peers, and a verification phase using Merkle Hash Tree to verify the correctness of derived information without revealing any privacy of nodes on expected routing paths. Without deploying any special nodes to assist the verification, PVad can detect multiple malicious nodes by itself. To show our approach can be used to guarantee the security of the MANETs, we conduct our experiments in NS3 as well as the real router environment, and we improved the detection accuracy by 4% on average compared to our former work.

MüUller, W., Kuwertz, A., Mühlenberg, D., Sander, J..  2017.  Semantic Information Fusion to Enhance Situational Awareness in Surveillance Scenarios. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI). :397–402.

In recent years, the usage of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) for security-related purposes has increased, ranging from military applications to different areas of civil protection. The deployment of UAS can support security forces in achieving an enhanced situational awareness. However, in order to provide useful input to a situational picture, sensor data provided by UAS has to be integrated with information about the area and objects of interest from other sources. The aim of this study is to design a high-level data fusion component combining probabilistic information processing with logical and probabilistic reasoning, to support human operators in their situational awareness and improving their capabilities for making efficient and effective decisions. To this end, a fusion component based on the ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) Analytics Architecture (ISR-AA) [1] is presented, incorporating an object-oriented world model (OOWM) for information integration, an expressive knowledge model and a reasoning component for detection of critical events. Approaches for translating the information contained in the OOWM into either an ontology for logical reasoning or a Markov logic network for probabilistic reasoning are presented.

Ngo, V. C., Dehesa-Azuara, M., Fredrikson, M., Hoffmann, J..  2017.  Verifying and Synthesizing Constant-Resource Implementations with Types. 2017 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :710–728.

Side channel attacks have been used to extract critical data such as encryption keys and confidential user data in a variety of adversarial settings. In practice, this threat is addressed by adhering to a constant-time programming discipline, which imposes strict constraints on the way in which programs are written. This introduces an additional hurdle for programmers faced with the already difficult task of writing secure code, highlighting the need for solutions that give the same source-level guarantees while supporting more natural programming models. We propose a novel type system for verifying that programs correctly implement constant-resource behavior. Our type system extends recent work on automatic amortized resource analysis (AARA), a set of techniques that automatically derive provable upper bounds on the resource consumption of programs. We devise new techniques that build on the potential method to achieve compositionality, precision, and automation. A strict global requirement that a program always maintains constant resource usage is too restrictive for most practical applications. It is sufficient to require that the program's resource behavior remain constant with respect to an attacker who is only allowed to observe part of the program's state and behavior. To account for this, our type system incorporates information flow tracking into its resource analysis. This allows our system to certify programs that need to violate the constant-time requirement in certain cases, as long as doing so does not leak confidential information to attackers. We formalize this guarantee by defining a new notion of resource-aware noninterference, and prove that our system enforces it. Finally, we show how our type inference algorithm can be used to synthesize a constant-time implementation from one that cannot be verified as secure, effectively repairing insecure programs automatically. We also show how a second novel AARA system that computes lower bounds on reso- rce usage can be used to derive quantitative bounds on the amount of information that a program leaks through its resource use. We implemented each of these systems in Resource Aware ML, and show that it can be applied to verify constant-time behavior in a number of applications including encryption and decryption routines, database queries, and other resource-aware functionality.