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Yu, X., Li, T., Hu, A..  2020.  Time-series Network Anomaly Detection Based on Behaviour Characteristics. 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :568–572.
In the application scenarios of cloud computing, big data, and mobile Internet, covert and diverse network attacks have become a serious problem that threatens the security of enterprises and personal information assets. Abnormal network behaviour detection based on network behaviour characteristics has become an important means to protect network security. However, existing frameworks do not make full use of the characteristics of the correlation between continuous network behaviours, and do not use an algorithm that can process time-series data or process the original feature set into time-series data to match the algorithm. This paper proposes a time-series abnormal network behaviour detection framework. The framework consists of two parts: an algorithm model (DBN-BiGRU) that combines Deep Belief Network (DBN) and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU), and a pre-processing scheme that processes the original feature analysis files of CICIDS2017 to good time-series data. This detection framework uses past and future behaviour information to determine current behaviours, which can improve accuracy, and can adapt to the large amount of existing network traffic and high-dimensional characteristics. Finally, this paper completes the training of the algorithm model and gets the test results. Experimental results show that the prediction accuracy of this framework is as high as 99.82%, which is better than the traditional frameworks that do not use time-series information.
Zhang, H., Liu, H., Liang, J., Li, T., Geng, L., Liu, Y., Chen, S..  2020.  Defense Against Advanced Persistent Threats: Optimal Network Security Hardening Using Multi-stage Maze Network Game. 2020 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). :1—6.

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) is a stealthy, continuous and sophisticated method of network attacks, which can cause serious privacy leakage and millions of dollars losses. In this paper, we introduce a new game-theoretic framework of the interaction between a defender who uses limited Security Resources(SRs) to harden network and an attacker who adopts a multi-stage plan to attack the network. The game model is derived from Stackelberg games called a Multi-stage Maze Network Game (M2NG) in which the characteristics of APT are fully considered. The possible plans of the attacker are compactly represented using attack graphs(AGs), but the compact representation of the attacker's strategies presents a computational challenge and reaching the Nash Equilibrium(NE) is NP-hard. We present a method that first translates AGs into Markov Decision Process(MDP) and then achieves the optimal SRs allocation using the policy hill-climbing(PHC) algorithm. Finally, we present an empirical evaluation of the model and analyze the scalability and sensitivity of the algorithm. Simulation results exhibit that our proposed reinforcement learning-based SRs allocation is feasible and efficient.

Cheng, J., He, R., Yuepeng, E., Wu, Y., You, J., Li, T..  2020.  Real-Time Encrypted Traffic Classification via Lightweight Neural Networks. GLOBECOM 2020 - 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :1–6.
The fast growth of encrypted traffic puts forward burning requirements on the efficiency of traffic classification. Although deep learning models perform well in the classification, they sacrifice the efficiency to obtain high-precision results. To reduce the resource and time consumption, a novel and lightweight model is proposed in this paper. Our design principle is to “maximize the reuse of thin modules”. A thin module adopts the multi-head attention and the 1D convolutional network. Attributed to the one-step interaction of all packets and the parallelized computation of the multi-head attention mechanism, a key advantage of our model is that the number of parameters and running time are significantly reduced. In addition, the effectiveness and efficiency of 1D convolutional networks are proved in traffic classification. Besides, the proposed model can work well in a real time manner, since only three consecutive packets of a flow are needed. To improve the stability of the model, the designed network is trained with the aid of ResNet, layer normalization and learning rate warmup. The proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art works based on deep learning on two public datasets. The results show that our model has higher accuracy and running efficiency, while the number of parameters used is 1.8% of the 1D convolutional network and the training time halves.
Zhu, L., Chen, C., Su, Z., Chen, W., Li, T., Yu, Z..  2020.  BBS: Micro-Architecture Benchmarking Blockchain Systems through Machine Learning and Fuzzy Set. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA). :411–423.
Due to the decentralization, irreversibility, and traceability, blockchain has attracted significant attention and has been deployed in many critical industries such as banking and logistics. However, the micro-architecture characteristics of blockchain programs still remain unclear. What's worse, the large number of micro-architecture events make understanding the characteristics extremely difficult. We even lack a systematic approach to identify the important events to focus on. In this paper, we propose a novel benchmarking methodology dubbed BBS to characterize blockchain programs at micro-architecture level. The key is to leverage fuzzy set theory to identify important micro-architecture events after the significance of them is quantified by a machine learning based approach. The important events for single programs are employed to characterize the programs while the common important events for multiple programs form an importance vector which is used to measure the similarity between benchmarks. We leverage BBS to characterize seven and six benchmarks from Blockbench and Caliper, respectively. The results show that BBS can reveal interesting findings. Moreover, by leveraging the importance characterization results, we improve that the transaction throughput of Smallbank from Fabric by 70% while reduce the transaction latency by 55%. In addition, we find that three of seven and two of six benchmarks from Blockbench and Caliper are redundant, respectively.
Li, T., Ma, J., Pei, Q., Song, H., Shen, Y., Sun, C..  2019.  DAPV: Diagnosing Anomalies in MANETs Routing With Provenance and Verification. IEEE Access. 7:35302–35316.
Routing security plays an important role in the mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). Despite many attempts to improve its security, the routing mechanism of MANETs remains vulnerable to attacks. Unlike most existing solutions that prevent the specific problems, our approach tends to detect the misbehavior and identify the anomalous nodes in MANETs automatically. The existing approaches offer support for detecting attacks or debugging in different routing phases, but many of them cannot answer the absence of an event. Besides, without considering the privacy of the nodes, these methods depend on the central control program or a third party to supervise the whole network. In this paper, we present a system called DAPV that can find single or collaborative malicious nodes and the paralyzed nodes which behave abnormally. DAPV can detect both direct and indirect attacks launched during the routing phase. To detect malicious or abnormal nodes, DAPV relies on two main techniques. First, the provenance tracking enables the hosts to deduce the expected log information of the peers with the known log entries. Second, the privacy-preserving verification uses Merkle Hash Tree to verify the logs without revealing any privacy of the nodes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by applying DAPV to three scenarios: 1) detecting injected malicious intermediated routers which commit active and passive attacks in MANETs; 2) resisting the collaborative black-hole attack of the AODV protocol, and; 3) detecting paralyzed routers in university campus networks. Our experimental results show that our approach can detect the malicious and paralyzed nodes, and the overhead of DAPV is moderate.
Li, T., Ma, J., Pei, Q., Shen, Y., Sun, C..  2018.  Log-based Anomalies Detection of MANETs Routing with Reasoning and Verification. 2018 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC). :240–246.

Routing security plays an important role in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Despite many attempts to improve its security, the routing procedure of MANETs remains vulnerable to attacks. Existing approaches offer support for detecting attacks or debugging in different routing phases, but many of them have not considered the privacy of the nodes during the anomalies detection, which depend on the central control program or a third party to supervise the whole network. In this paper, we present an approach called LAD which uses the raw logs of routers to construct control a flow graph and find the existing communication rules in MANETs. With the reasoning rules, LAD can detect both active and passive attacks launched during the routing phase. LAD can also protect the privacy of the nodes in the verification phase with the specific Merkle hash tree. Without deploying any special nodes to assist the verification, LAD can detect multiple malicious nodes by itself. To show that our approach can be used to guarantee the security of the MANETs, we deploy our experiment in NS3 as well as the practical router environment. LAD can improve the accuracy rate from 2.28% to 29.22%. The results show that LAD performs limited time and memory usages, high detection and low false positives.

Chen, G., Wang, D., Li, T., Zhang, C., Gu, M., Sun, J..  2018.  Scalable Verification Framework for C Program. 2018 25th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC). :129-138.

Software verification has been well applied in safety critical areas and has shown the ability to provide better quality assurance for modern software. However, as lines of code and complexity of software systems increase, the scalability of verification becomes a challenge. In this paper, we present an automatic software verification framework TSV to address the scalability issues: (i) the extended structural abstraction and property-guided program slicing to solve large-scale program verification problem, saving time and memory without losing accuracy; (ii) automatically select different verification methods according to the program and property context to improve the verification efficiency. For evaluation, we compare TSV's different configurations with existing C program verifiers based on open benchmarks. We found that TSV with auto-selection performs better than with bounded model checking only or with extended structural abstraction only. Compared to existing tools such as CMBC and CPAChecker, it acquires 10%-20% improvement of accuracy and 50%-90% improvement of memory consumption.

Feng, C., Li, T., Chana, D..  2017.  Multi-level Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems via Package Signatures and LSTM Networks. 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :261–272.

We outline an anomaly detection method for industrial control systems (ICS) that combines the analysis of network package contents that are transacted between ICS nodes and their time-series structure. Specifically, we take advantage of the predictable and regular nature of communication patterns that exist between so-called field devices in ICS networks. By observing a system for a period of time without the presence of anomalies we develop a base-line signature database for general packages. A Bloom filter is used to store the signature database which is then used for package content level anomaly detection. Furthermore, we approach time-series anomaly detection by proposing a stacked Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) network-based softmax classifier which learns to predict the most likely package signatures that are likely to occur given previously seen package traffic. Finally, by the inspection of a real dataset created from a gas pipeline SCADA system, we show that an anomaly detection scheme combining both approaches can achieve higher performance compared to various current state-of-the-art techniques.

Li, T., Wu, L., Zhang, X., Wu, X., Zhou, J., Wang, X..  2017.  A novel transition effect ring oscillator based true random number generator for a security SoC. 2017 International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC). :1–2.

The transition effect ring oscillator (TERO) based true random number generator (TRNG) was proposed by Varchola and Drutarovsky in 2010. There were several stochastic models for this advanced TRNG based on ring oscillator. This paper proposed an improved TERO based TRNG and implements both on Altera Cyclone series FPGA platform and on a 0.13um CMOS ASIC process. FPGA experimental results show that this balanced TERO TRNG is in good performance as the experimental data results past the national institute of standards and technology (NIST) test in 1M bit/s. The TRNG is feasible for a security SoC.

Li, T., Ma, J., Sun, C., Wei, D., Xi, N..  2017.  PVad: Privacy-Preserving Verification for Secure Routing in Ad Hoc Networks. 2017 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA). :5–10.

Routing security has a great importance to the security of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). There are various kinds of attacks when establishing routing path between source and destination. The adversaries attempt to deceive the source node and get the privilege of data transmission. Then they try to launch the malicious behaviors such as passive or active attacks. Due to the characteristics of the MANETs, e.g. dynamic topology, open medium, distributed cooperation, and constrained capability, it is difficult to verify the behavior of nodes and detect malicious nodes without revealing any privacy. In this paper, we present PVad, an approach conducting privacy-preserving verification in the routing discovery phase of MANETs. PVad tries to find the existing communication rules by association rules instead of making the rules. PVad consists of two phases, a reasoning phase deducing the expected log data of the peers, and a verification phase using Merkle Hash Tree to verify the correctness of derived information without revealing any privacy of nodes on expected routing paths. Without deploying any special nodes to assist the verification, PVad can detect multiple malicious nodes by itself. To show our approach can be used to guarantee the security of the MANETs, we conduct our experiments in NS3 as well as the real router environment, and we improved the detection accuracy by 4% on average compared to our former work.

Wang, M., Qu, Z., He, X., Li, T., Jin, X., Gao, Z., Zhou, Z., Jiang, F., Li, J..  2017.  Real time fault monitoring and diagnosis method for power grid monitoring and its application. 2017 IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2). :1–6.

In Energy Internet mode, a large number of alarm information is generated when equipment exception and multiple faults in large power grid, which seriously affects the information collection, fault analysis and delays the accident treatment for the monitors. To this point, this paper proposed a method for power grid monitoring to monitor and diagnose fault in real time, constructed the equipment fault logical model based on five section alarm information, built the standard fault information set, realized fault information optimization, fault equipment location, fault type diagnosis, false-report message and missing-report message analysis using matching algorithm. The validity and practicality of the proposed method by an actual case was verified, which can shorten the time of obtaining and analyzing fault information, accelerate the progress of accident treatment, ensure the safe and stable operation of power grid.