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Han, Wendie, Zhang, Rui, Zhang, Lei, Wang, Lulu.  2022.  A Secure and Receiver-Unrestricted Group Key Management Scheme for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. 2022 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). :986—991.

Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) have attracted lots of concerns with its widespread use. In MANETs, wireless nodes usually self-organize into groups to complete collaborative tasks and communicate with one another via public channels which are vulnerable to attacks. Group key management is generally employed to guarantee secure group communication in MANETs. However, most existing group key management schemes for MANETs still suffer from some issues, e.g., receiver restriction, relying on a trusted dealer and heavy certificates overheads. To address these issues, we propose a group key management scheme for MANETs based on an identity-based authenticated dynamic contributory broadcast encryption (IBADConBE) protocol which builds on an earlier work. Our scheme abandons the certificate management and does not need a trusted dealer to distribute a secret key to each node. A set of wireless nodes are allowed to negotiate the secret keys in one round while forming a group. Besides, our scheme is receiver-unrestricted which means any sender can flexibly opt for any favorable nodes of a group as the receivers. Further, our scheme satisfies the authentication, confidentiality of messages, known-security, forward security and backward security concurrently. Performance evaluation shows our scheme is efficient.

Ahmed, Shamim, Biswas, Milon, Hasanuzzaman, Md., Nayeen Mahi, Md. Julkar, Ashraful Islam, Md., Chaki, Sudipto, Gaur, Loveleen.  2022.  A Secured Peer-to-Peer Messaging System Based on Blockchain. 2022 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM). :332–337.
Nowadays, the messaging system is one of the most popular mobile applications, and therefore the authentication between clients is essential. Various kinds of such mobile applications are using encryption-based security protocols, but they are facing many security threat issues. It clearly defines the necessity for a trustful security procedure. Therefore, a blockchain-based messaging system could be an alternative to this problem. That is why, we have developed a secured peer-to-peer messaging system supported by blockchain. This proposed mechanism provides data security among the users. In a blockchain-based framework, all the information can be verified and controlled automatically and all the transactions are recorded that have been created already. In our paper, we have explained how the users can communicate through a blockchain-based messaging system that can maintain a secured network. We explored why blockchain would improve communication security in this post, and we proposed a model architecture for blockchain-based messaging that retains the performance and security of data stored on the blockchain. Our proposed architecture is completely decentralized and enables users to send and receive messages in an acceptable and secure manner.
Deng, Chao, He, Mingxing, Wen, Xinyu, Luo, Qian.  2022.  Support Efficient User Revocation and Identity Privacy in Integrity Auditing of Shared Data. 2022 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA). :221—229.
The cloud provides storage for users to share their files in the cloud. Nowadays some shared data auditing schemes are proposed for protecting data integrity. However, preserving the identity privacy of group users and secure user revocation usually result in high computational overhead. Then a shared data auditing scheme supporting identity privacy preserving is proposed that enables users to be effectively revoked. To preserve identity privacy during the audit process, we develop an efficient authenticator generation mechanism that enables public auditing. Our solution supports efficient user revocation, where the authenticator of the revoked user does not need to be regenerated and integrity checking can be performed appropriately. At the same time, the group manager maintains two tables to ensure user traceability. When the user updates data, two tables are modified and updated by the group manager promptly. It shows that our scheme is secure by security analysis. Moreover, concrete experiments prove the performance of the system.
Feng, Chunhua.  2022.  Discussion on the Ways of Constructing Computer Network Security in Colleges: Considering Complex Worm Networks. 2022 3rd International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC). :1650–1653.
This article analyzes the current situation of computer network security in colleges and universities, future development trends, and the relationship between software vulnerabilities and worm outbreaks. After analyzing a server model with buffer overflow vulnerabilities, a worm implementation model based on remote buffer overflow technology is proposed. Complex networks are the medium of worm propagation. By analyzing common complex network evolution models (rule network models, ER random graph model, WS small world network model, BA scale-free network model) and network node characteristics such as extraction degree distribution, single source shortest distance, network cluster coefficient, richness coefficient, and close center coefficient.
Djoyo, Brata Wibawa, Nurzaqia, Safira, Budiarti, Salsa Imbartika, Agustin, Syerina.  2022.  Examining the Determinant Factors of Intention to Use of Quick Response Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS) as a Payment System for MSME Merchants. 2022 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech). :676–681.
This study purpose was to examine the determinant factors that affect the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) merchants who had the intention to use Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) as a payment system. QRIS was expected to be applied by merchants to diminish the virus spread and keep the circulation of money safe; but there were not many merchants using the QRIS as a payment method. The factors MSME merchant might not use the QRIS were related to perceived usefulness, perceived security, perceived ease of use, and trust. The population was MSMEs in South Tangerang City who did not use QRIS yet and the population was unknown. Using the Lemeshow formula, obtained a sample of 115 people, and the sampling technique used purposive sampling. Then data were analyzed using multi-regression analysis and processed by SPSS. The results indicated that perceived usefulness and perceived security had a significant affect on trust, whereas trust and ease of use significant affect the intention to use QRIS. Moreover, trust was able to mediate the perceived usefulness to intention to use. Since ease of use had no significant affect on trust, then the mediation given by trust to perceived ease of use had no significant affect on intention to use.
Amin, Md Rayhan, Bhowmik, Tanmay.  2022.  Existing Vulnerability Information in Security Requirements Elicitation. 2022 IEEE 30th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW). :220—225.
In software engineering, the aspect of addressing security requirements is considered to be of paramount importance. In most cases, however, security requirements for a system are considered as non-functional requirements (NFRs) and are addressed at the very end of the software development life cycle. The increasing number of security incidents in software systems around the world has made researchers and developers rethink and consider this issue at an earlier stage. An important and essential step towards this process is the elicitation of relevant security requirements. In a recent work, Imtiaz et al. proposed a framework for creating a mapping between existing requirements and the vulnerabilities associated with them. The idea is that, this mapping can be used by developers to predict potential vulnerabilities associated with new functional requirements and capture security requirements to avoid these vulnerabilities. However, to what extent, such existing vulnerability information can be useful in security requirements elicitation is still an open question. In this paper, we design a human subject study to answer this question. We also present the results of a pilot study and discuss their implications. Preliminary results show that existing vulnerability information can be a useful resource in eliciting security requirements and lays ground work for a full scale study.
Wang, Zirui, Duan, Shaoming, Wu, Chengyue, Lin, Wenhao, Zha, Xinyu, Han, Peiyi, Liu, Chuanyi.  2022.  Generative Data Augmentation for Non-IID Problem in Decentralized Clinical Machine Learning. 2022 4th International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS). :336–343.
Swarm learning (SL) is an emerging promising decentralized machine learning paradigm and has achieved high performance in clinical applications. SL solves the problem of a central structure in federated learning by combining edge computing and blockchain-based peer-to-peer network. While there are promising results in the assumption of the independent and identically distributed (IID) data across participants, SL suffers from performance degradation as the degree of the non-IID data increases. To address this problem, we propose a generative augmentation framework in swarm learning called SL-GAN, which augments the non-IID data by generating the synthetic data from participants. SL-GAN trains generators and discriminators locally, and periodically aggregation via a randomly elected coordinator in SL network. Under the standard assumptions, we theoretically prove the convergence of SL-GAN using stochastic approximations. Experimental results demonstrate that SL-GAN outperforms state-of-art methods on three real world clinical datasets including Tuberculosis, Leukemia, COVID-19.
Liu, Mingchang, Sachidananda, Vinay, Peng, Hongyi, Patil, Rajendra, Muneeswaran, Sivaanandh, Gurusamy, Mohan.  2022.  LOG-OFF: A Novel Behavior Based Authentication Compromise Detection Approach. 2022 19th Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security & Trust (PST). :1—10.
Password-based authentication system has been praised for its user-friendly, cost-effective, and easily deployable features. It is arguably the most commonly used security mechanism for various resources, services, and applications. On the other hand, it has well-known security flaws, including vulnerability to guessing attacks. Present state-of-the-art approaches have high overheads, as well as difficulties and unreliability during training, resulting in a poor user experience and a high false positive rate. As a result, a lightweight authentication compromise detection model that can make accurate detection with a low false positive rate is required.In this paper we propose – LOG-OFF – a behavior-based authentication compromise detection model. LOG-OFF is a lightweight model that can be deployed efficiently in practice because it does not include a labeled dataset. Based on the assumption that the behavioral pattern of a specific user does not suddenly change, we study the real-world authentication traffic data. The dataset contains more than 4 million records. We use two features to model the user behaviors, i.e., consecutive failures and login time, and develop a novel approach. LOG-OFF learns from the historical user behaviors to construct user profiles and makes probabilistic predictions of future login attempts for authentication compromise detection. LOG-OFF has a low false positive rate and latency, making it suitable for real-world deployment. In addition, it can also evolve with time and make more accurate detection as more data is being collected.
Zhu, Yuwen, Yu, Lei.  2022.  A Modeling Method of Cyberspace Security Structure Based on Layer-Level Division. 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering Technology (CCET). :247–251.
As the cyberspace structure becomes more and more complex, the problems of dynamic network space topology, complex composition structure, large spanning space scale, and a high degree of self-organization are becoming more and more important. In this paper, we model the cyberspace elements and their dependencies by combining the knowledge of graph theory. Layer adopts a network space modeling method combining virtual and real, and level adopts a spatial iteration method. Combining the layer-level models into one, this paper proposes a fast modeling method for cyberspace security structure model with network connection relationship, hierarchical relationship, and vulnerability information as input. This method can not only clearly express the individual vulnerability constraints in the network space, but also clearly express the hierarchical relationship of the complex dependencies of network individuals. For independent network elements or independent network element groups, it has flexibility and can greatly reduce the computational complexity in later applications.
Yang, Xuefeng, Liu, Li, Zhang, Yinggang, Li, Yihao, Liu, Pan, Ai, Shili.  2022.  A Privacy-preserving Approach to Distributed Set-membership Estimation over Wireless Sensor Networks. 2022 9th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA). :974—979.
This paper focuses on the system on wireless sensor networks. The system is linear and the time of the system is discrete as well as variable, which named discrete-time linear time-varying systems (DLTVS). DLTVS are vulnerable to network attacks when exchanging information between sensors in the network, as well as putting their security at risk. A DLTVS with privacy-preserving is designed for this purpose. A set-membership estimator is designed by adding privacy noise obeying the Laplace distribution to state at the initial moment. Simultaneously, the differential privacy of the system is analyzed. On this basis, the real state of the system and the existence form of the estimator for the desired distribution are analyzed. Finally, simulation examples are given, which prove that the model after adding differential privacy can obtain accurate estimates and ensure the security of the system state.
Pahlevi, Rizka Reza, Suryani, Vera, Nuha, Hilal Hudan, Yasirandi, Rahmat.  2022.  Secure Two-Factor Authentication for IoT Device. 2022 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT). :407–412.
The development of IoT has penetrated various sectors. The development of IoT devices continues to increase and is predicted to reach 75 billion by 2025. However, the development of IoT devices is not followed by security developments. Therefore, IoT devices can become gateways for cyber attacks, including brute force and sniffing attacks. Authentication mechanisms can be used to ward off attacks. However, the implementation of authentication mechanisms on IoT devices is challenging. IoT devices are dominated by constraint devices that have limited computing. Thus, conventional authentication mechanisms are not suitable for use. Two-factor authentication using RFID and fingerprint can be a solution in providing an authentication mechanism. Previous studies have proposed a two-factor authentication mechanism using RFID and fingerprint. However, previous research did not pay attention to message exchange security issues and did not provide mutual authentication. This research proposes a secure mutual authentication protocol using two-factor RFID and fingerprint using MQTT protocol. Two processes support the authentication process: the registration process and authentication. The proposed protocol is tested based on biometric security by measuring the false acceptance rate (FAR) and false rejection rate (FRR) on the fingerprint, measuring brute force attacks, and measuring sniffing attacks. The test results obtained the most optimal FAR and FRR at the 80% threshold. Then the equal error rate (ERR) on FAR and FRR is around 59.5%. Then, testing brute force and sniffing attacks found that the proposed protocol is resistant to both attacks.
Lai, Chengzhe, Wang, Menghua, Zheng, Dong.  2022.  SPDT: Secure and Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Digital Twin-based Traffic Control. 2022 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :144–149.
With the increasing complexity of the driving environment, more and more attention has been paid to the research on improving the intelligentization of traffic control. Among them, the digital twin-based internet of vehicle can establish a mirror system on the cloud to improve the efficiency of communication between vehicles, provide warning and safety instructions for drivers, avoid driving potential dangers. To ensure the security and effectiveness of data sharing in traffic control, this paper proposes a secure and privacy-preserving scheme for digital twin-based traffic control. Specifically, in the data uploading phase, we employ a group signature with a time-bound keys technique to realize data source authentication with efficient members revocation and privacy protection, which can ensure that data can be securely stored on cloud service providers after it synchronizes to its twin. In the data sharing stage, we employ the secure and efficient attribute-based access control technique to provide flexible and efficient data sharing, in which the parameters of a specific sub-policy can be stored during the first decryption and reused in subsequent data access containing the same sub-policy, thus reducing the computing complexity. Finally, we analyze the security and efficiency of the scheme theoretically.
ISSN: 2377-8644
Zhang, Xinyan.  2022.  Access Control Mechanism Based on Game Theory in the Internet of Things Environment. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1–6.
In order to solve the problem that the traditional “centralized” access control technology can no longer guarantee the security of access control in the current Internet of Things (IoT)environment, a dynamic access control game mechanism based on trust is proposed. According to the reliability parameters of the recommended information obtained by the two elements of interaction time and the number of interactions, the user's trust value is dynamically calculated, and the user is activated and authorized to the role through the trust level corresponding to the trust value. The trust value and dynamic adjustment factor are introduced into the income function to carry out game analysis to avoid malicious access behavior of users. The hybrid Nash equilibrium strategy of both sides of the transaction realizes the access decision-making work in the IoT environment. Experimental results show that the game mechanism proposed in this paper has a certain restraining effect on malicious nodes and can play a certain incentive role in the legitimate access behavior of IoT users.
Obien, Joan Baez, Calinao, Victor, Bautista, Mary Grace, Dadios, Elmer, Jose, John Anthony, Concepcion, Ronnie.  2022.  AEaaS: Artificial Intelligence Edge-of-Things as a Service for Intelligent Remote Farm Security and Intrusion Detection Pre-alarm System. 2022 IEEE 14th International Conference on Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information Technology, Communication and Control, Environment, and Management (HNICEM). :1—6.
With the continues growth of our technology, majority in our sectors are becoming smart and one of its great applications is in agriculture, which we call it as smart farming. The application of sensors, IoT, artificial intelligence, networking in the agricultural setting with the main purpose of increasing crop production and security level. With this advancement in farming, this provides a lot of privileges like remote monitoring, optimization of produce and too many to mention. In light of the thorough systematic analysis performed in this study, it was discovered that Edge-of-things is a potential computing scheme that could boost an artificial intelligence for intelligent remote farm security and intrusion detection pre-alarm system over other computing schemes. Again, the purpose of this study is not to replace existing cloud computing, but rather to highlight the potential of the Edge. The Edge architecture improves end-user experience by improving the time-related response of the system. response time of the system. One of the strengths of this system is to provide time-critical response service to make a decision with almost no delay, making it ideal for a farm security setting. Moreover, this study discussed the comparative analysis of Cloud, Fog and Edge in relation to farm security, the demand for a farm security system and the tools needed to materialize an Edge computing in a farm environment.
Nagabhushana Babu, B, Gunasekaran, M.  2022.  An Analysis of Insider Attack Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms. 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC). :1—7.
Among the greatest obstacles in cybersecurity is insider threat, which is a well-known massive issue. This anomaly shows that the vulnerability calls for specialized detection techniques, and resources that can help with the accurate and quick detection of an insider who is harmful. Numerous studies on identifying insider threats and related topics were also conducted to tackle this problem are proposed. Various researches sought to improve the conceptual perception of insider risks. Furthermore, there are numerous drawbacks, including a dearth of actual cases, unfairness in drawing decisions, a lack of self-optimization in learning, which would be a huge concern and is still vague, and the absence of an investigation that focuses on the conceptual, technological, and numerical facets concerning insider threats and identifying insider threats from a wide range of perspectives. The intention of the paper is to afford a thorough exploration of the categories, levels, and methodologies of modern insiders based on machine learning techniques. Further, the approach and evaluation metrics for predictive models based on machine learning are discussed. The paper concludes by outlining the difficulties encountered and offering some suggestions for efficient threat identification using machine learning.
Huang, Pinguo, Fu, Min.  2022.  Analysis of Java Lock Performance Metrics Classification. 2022 International Symposium on Advances in Informatics, Electronics and Education (ISAIEE). :407–411.

Java locking is an essential functionality and tool in the development of applications and systems, and this is mainly because several modules may run in a synchronized way inside an application and these modules need a good coordination manner in order for them to run properly and in order to make the whole application or system stable and normal. As such, this paper focuses on comparing various Java locking mechanisms in order to achieve a better understanding of how these locks work and how to conduct a proper locking mechanism. The comparison of locks is made according to CPU usage, memory consumption, and ease of implementation indicators, with the aim of providing guidance to developers in choosing locks for different scenarios. For example, if the Pessimistic Locks are used in any program execution environment, i.e., whenever a thread obtains resources, it needs to obtain the lock first, which can ensure a certain level of data security. However, it will bring great CPU overhead and reduce efficiency. Also, different locks have different memory consumption, and developers are sometimes faced with the need to choose locks rationally with limited memory, or they will cause a series of memory problems. In particular, the comparison of Java locks is able to lead to a systematic classification of these locks and can help improve the understanding of the taxonomy logic of the Java locks.

Nithesh, K, Tabassum, Nikhath, Geetha, D. D., Kumari, R D Anitha.  2022.  Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos Using Deep Learning. 2022 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Communication Systems (ICKES). :1–6.

One of the biggest studies on public safety and tracking that has sparked a lot of interest in recent years is deep learning approach. Current public safety methods are existent for counting and detecting persons. But many issues such as aberrant occurring in public spaces are seldom detected and reported to raise an automated alarm. Our proposed method detects anomalies (deviation from normal events) from the video surveillance footages using deep learning and raises an alarm, if anomaly is found. The proposed model is trained to detect anomalies and then it is applied to the video recording of the surveillance that is used to monitor public safety. Then the video is assessed frame by frame to detect anomaly and then if there is match, an alarm is raised.

Li, Leixiao, Xiong, Xiao, Gao, Haoyu, Zheng, Yue, Niu, Tieming, Du, Jinze.  2022.  Blockchain-based trust evaluation mechanism for Internet of Vehicles. 2022 IEEE Smartworld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Digital Twin, Privacy Computing, Metaverse, Autonomous & Trusted Vehicles (SmartWorld/UIC/ScalCom/DigitalTwin/PriComp/Meta). :2011–2018.
In the traditional Internet of Vehicles, communication data is easily tampered with and easily leaked. In order to improve the trust evaluation mechanism of the Internet of Vehicles and establish a trust relationship between vehicles, a blockchain-based Internet of Vehicles trust evaluation (BBTE) scheme is proposed. First, the scheme uses the roadside unit RSU to calculate the trust value of vehicle nodes and maintain the generation, verification and storage of blocks, so as to realize distributed data storage and ensure that data cannot be tampered with. Secondly, an efficient trust evaluation method is designed. The method integrates four trust decision factors: initial trust, historical experience trust, recommendation trust and RSU observation trust to obtain the overall trust value of vehicle nodes. In addition, in the process of constructing the recommendation trust method, the recommendation trust is divided into three categories according to the interaction between the recommended vehicle node and the communicator, use CRITIC to obtain the optimal weights of three recommended trusts, and use CRITIC to obtain the optimal weights of four trust decision-making factors to obtain the final trust value. Finally, the NS3 simulation platform is used to verify the security and accuracy of the trust evaluation method, and to improve the identification accuracy and detection rate of malicious vehicle nodes. The experimental analysis shows that the scheme can effectively deal with the gray hole attack, slander attack and collusion attack of other vehicle nodes, improve the security of vehicle node communication interaction, and provide technical support for the basic application of Internet of Vehicles security.
Miao, Yu.  2022.  Construction of Computer Big Data Security Technology Platform Based on Artificial Intelligence. 2022 Second International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Intelligent Control, Environment, Computing & Communication Engineering (ICATIECE). :1–4.
Artificial technology developed in recent years. It is an intelligent system that can perform tasks without human intervention. AI can be used for various purposes, such as speech recognition, face recognition, etc. AI can be used for good or bad purposes, depending on how it is implemented. The discuss the application of AI in data security technology and its advantages over traditional security methods. We will focus on the good use of AI by analyzing the impact of AI on the development of big data security technology. AI can be used to enhance security technology by using machine learning algorithms, which can analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns that cannot be detected automatically by humans. The computer big data security technology platform based on artificial intelligence in this paper is the process of creating a system that can identify and prevent malicious programs. The system must be able to detect all types of threats, including viruses, worms, Trojans and spyware. It should also be able to monitor network activity and respond quickly in the event of an attack.
Chandra Bose, S.Subash, R, Vinay D, Raju, Yeligeti, Bhavana, N., Sengupta, Anirbit, Singh, Prabhishek.  2022.  A Deep Learning-Based Fog Computing and cloud computing for Orchestration. 2022 2nd International Conference on Innovative Sustainable Computational Technologies (CISCT). :1—5.
Fog computing is defined as a decentralized infrastructure that locations storage and processing aspects at the side of the cloud, the place records sources such as software customers and sensors exist. The Fog Computing is the time period coined via Cisco that refers to extending cloud computing to an area of the enterprise’s network. Thus, it is additionally recognized as Edge Computing or Fogging. It allows the operation of computing, storage, and networking offerings between give up units and computing facts centers. Fog computing is defined as a decentralized infrastructure that locations storage and processing aspects at the side of the cloud, the place records sources such as software customers and sensors exist. The fog computing Intelligence as Artificial Intelligence (AI) is furnished by way of Fog Nodes in cooperation with Clouds. In Fog Nodes several sorts of AI studying can be realized - such as e.g., Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL). Thanks to the Genius of Fog Nodes, for example, we communicate of Intelligent IoT.
Das, Debashis, Banerjee, Sourav, Chatterjee, Pushpita, Ghosh, Uttam, Mansoor, Wathiq, Biswas, Utpal.  2022.  Design of an Automated Blockchain-Enabled Vehicle Data Management System. 2022 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS). :22–25.
The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has a tremendous prospect for numerous vehicular applications. IoV enables vehicles to transmit data to improve roadway safety and efficiency. Data security is essential for increasing the security and privacy of vehicle and roadway infrastructures in IoV systems. Several researchers proposed numerous solutions to address security and privacy issues in IoV systems. However, these issues are not proper solutions that lack data authentication and verification protocols. In this paper, a blockchain-enabled automated data management system for vehicles has been proposed and demonstrated. This work enables automated data verification and authentication using smart contracts. Certified organizations can only access vehicle data uploaded by the vehicle user to the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) server through that vehicle user’s consent. The proposed system increases the security of vehicles and data. Vehicle privacy is also maintained here by increasing data privacy.
ISSN: 2831-3844
Shan, Ziqi, Wang, Yuying, Wei, Shunzhong, Li, Xiangmin, Pang, Haowen, Zhou, Xinmei.  2022.  Docscanner: document location and enhancement based on image segmentation. 2022 18th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). :98–101.
Document scanning aims to transfer the captured photographs documents into scanned document files. However, current methods based on traditional or key point detection have the problem of low detection accuracy. In this paper, we were the first to propose a document processing system based on semantic segmentation. Our system uses OCRNet to segment documents. Then, perspective transformation and other post-processing algorithms are used to obtain well-scanned documents based on the segmentation result. Meanwhile, we optimized OCRNet's loss function and reached 97.25 MIoU on the test dataset.
Xie, Genlin, Cheng, Guozhen, Liang, Hao, Wang, Qingfeng, He, Benwei.  2022.  Evaluating Software Diversity Based on Gadget Feature Analysis. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1656—1660.
Evaluating the security gains brought by software diversity is one key issue of software diversity research, but the existing software diversity evaluation methods are generally based on conventional code features and are relatively single, which are difficult to accurately reflect the security gains brought by software diversity. To solve these problems, from the perspective of return-oriented programming (ROP) attack, we present a software diversity evaluation method which integrates metrics for the quality and distribution of gadgets. Based on the proposed evaluation method and SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine, we implement a software diversity evaluation system for compiled languages and script languages. Diversity techniques with different granularities are used to test. The evaluation results show that the proposed evaluation method can accurately and comprehensively reflect the security gains brought by software diversity.
Dal, Deniz, Çelik, Esra.  2022.  Evaluation of the Predictability of Passwords of Computer Engineering Students. 2022 3rd International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (IISEC). :1–6.
As information and communication technologies evolve every day, so does the use of technology in our daily lives. Along with our increasing dependence on digital information assets, security vulnerabilities are becoming more and more apparent. Passwords are a critical component of secure access to digital systems and applications. They not only prevent unauthorized access to these systems, but also distinguish the users of such systems. Research on password predictability often relies on surveys or leaked data. Therefore, there is a gap in the literature for studies that consider real data in this regard. This study investigates the password security awareness of 161 computer engineering students enrolled in a Linux-based undergraduate course at Ataturk University. The study is conducted in two phases, and in the first phase, 12 dictionaries containing also real student data are formed. In the second phase of the study, a dictionary-based brute-force attack is utilized by means of a serial and parallel version of a Bash script to crack the students’ passwords. In this respect, the /etc/shadow file of the Linux system is used as a basis to compare the hashed versions of the guessed passwords. As a result, the passwords of 23 students, accounting for 14% of the entire student group, were cracked. We believe that this is an unacceptably high prediction rate for such a group with high digital literacy. Therefore, due to this important finding of the study, we took immediate action and shared the results of the study with the instructor responsible for administering the information security course that is included in our curriculum and offered in one of the following semesters.
Torres-Figueroa, Luis, Hörmann, Markus, Wiese, Moritz, Mönich, Ullrich J., Boche, Holger, Holschke, Oliver, Geitz, Marc.  2022.  Implementation of Physical Layer Security into 5G NR Systems and E2E Latency Assessment. GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :4044—4050.
This paper assesses the impact on the performance that information-theoretic physical layer security (IT-PLS) introduces when integrated into a 5G New Radio (NR) system. For this, we implement a wiretap code for IT-PLS based on a modular coding scheme that uses a universal-hash function in its security layer. The main advantage of this approach lies in its flexible integration into the lower layers of the 5G NR protocol stack without affecting the communication's reliability. Specifically, we use IT-PLS to secure the transmission of downlink control information by integrating an extra pre-coding security layer as part of the physical downlink control channel (PDCCH) procedures, thus not requiring any change of the 3GPP 38 series standard. We conduct experiments using a real-time open-source 5G NR standalone implementation and use software-defined radios for over-the-air transmissions in a controlled laboratory environment. The overhead added by IT-PLS is determined in terms of the latency introduced into the system, which is measured at the physical layer for an end-to-end (E2E) connection between the gNB and the user equipment.