This article pertains to cognitive security. There are deep concerns about the growing ability to create deepfakes. There is also deep concern about the malicious use of deepfakes to change the opinions of how people see a public figure.
This article pertains to cognitive security and human behavior. Facebook announced a recent takedown of 51 Facebook accounts, 36 Facebook pages, seven Facebook groups and three Instagram accounts that it says were all involved in coordinated "inauthentic behavior." Facebook says the activity originated geographically from Iran.
An Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) is a medical device used for the detection of potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias and their treatment through the delivery of electrical shocks intended to restore normal heart rhythm. An ICDreprogrammingattackseeks to alter the device’s parameters to induce unnecessary therapy or prevent required therapy. In this paper, we present a formal approach for the synthesis of ICD reprogramming attacks that are both effective, i.e., lead to fundamental changes in the required therapy, and stealthy, i.e., are hard to detect. We focus on the discrimination algorithm underlying Boston Scientific devices (one of the principal ICD manufacturers) and formulate the synthesis problem as one of multi-objective optimization. Our solution technique is based on an Optimization Modulo Theories encoding of the problem and allows us to derive device parameters that are optimal with respect to the effectiveness-stealthiness tradeoff. Our method can be tailored to the patient’s current condition, and readily generalizes to new rhythms. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to derive systematic ICD reprogramming attacks designed to maximize therapy disruption while minimizing detection.
Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) scheme allows a data owner to perform search queries over encrypted documents using symmetric cryptography. SSE schemes are useful in cloud storage and data outsourcing. Most of the SSE schemes in existing literature have been proved to leak a substantial amount of information that can lead to an inference attack. This paper presents, a novel leakage resilient searchable symmetric encryption with periodic updation (LRSSEPU) scheme that minimizes extra information leakage, and prevents an untrusted cloud server from performing document mapping attack, query recovery attack and other inference attacks. In particular, the size of the keyword vector is fixed and the keywords are periodically permuted and updated to achieve minimum leakage. Furthermore, our proposed LRSSEPU scheme provides authentication of the query messages and restricts an adversary from performing a replay attack, forged query attack and denial of service attack. We employ a combination of identity-based cryptography (IBC) with symmetric key cryptography to reduce the computation cost and communication overhead. Our scheme is lightweight and easy to implement with very little communication overhead.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly being used in applications ranging from precision agriculture to critical national infrastructure by deploying a large number of resource-constrained devices in hostile environments. These devices are being exploited to launch attacks in cyber systems. As a result, security has become a significant concern in the design of IoT based applications. In this paper, we present a security architecture for IoT networks by leveraging the underlying features supported by Software Defined Networks (SDN). Our security architecture restricts network access to authenticated IoT devices. We use fine granular policies to secure the flows in the IoT network infrastructure and provide a lightweight protocol to authenticate IoT devices. Such an integrated security approach involving authentication of IoT devices and enabling authorized flows can help to protect IoT networks from malicious IoT devices and attacks.
The Internet of Things (IoT) market is growing rapidly, allowing continuous evolution of new technologies. Alongside this development, most IoT devices are easy to compromise, as security is often not a prioritized characteristic. This paper proposes a novel IoT Security Model (IoTSM) that can be used by organizations to formulate and implement a strategy for developing end-to-end IoT security. IoTSM is grounded by the Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) framework, however it expands it with new security practices and empirical data gathered from IoT practitioners. Moreover, we generalize the model into a conceptual framework. This approach allows the formal analysis for security in general and evaluates an organization's security practices. Overall, our proposed approach can help researchers, practitioners, and IoT organizations, to discourse about IoT security from an end-to-end perspective.
IoT devices introduce unprecedented threats into home and professional networks. As they fail to adhere to security best practices, they are broadly exploited by malicious actors to build botnets or steal sensitive information. Their adoption challenges established security standard as classic security measures are often inappropriate to secure them. This is even more problematic in sensitive environments where the presence of insecure IoTs can be exploited to bypass strict security policies. In this paper, we demonstrate an attack against a highly secured network using a Bluetooth smart bulb. This attack allows a malicious actor to take advantage of a smart bulb to exfiltrate data from an air gapped network.