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Liao, Xiaojing, Yuan, Kan, Wang, XiaoFeng, Li, Zhou, Xing, Luyi, Beyah, Raheem.  2016.  Acing the IOC Game: Toward Automatic Discovery and Analysis of Open-Source Cyber Threat Intelligence. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :755–766.

To adapt to the rapidly evolving landscape of cyber threats, security professionals are actively exchanging Indicators of Compromise (IOC) (e.g., malware signatures, botnet IPs) through public sources (e.g. blogs, forums, tweets, etc.). Such information, often presented in articles, posts, white papers etc., can be converted into a machine-readable OpenIOC format for automatic analysis and quick deployment to various security mechanisms like an intrusion detection system. With hundreds of thousands of sources in the wild, the IOC data are produced at a high volume and velocity today, which becomes increasingly hard to manage by humans. Efforts to automatically gather such information from unstructured text, however, is impeded by the limitations of today's Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, which cannot meet the high standard (in terms of accuracy and coverage) expected from the IOCs that could serve as direct input to a defense system. In this paper, we present iACE, an innovation solution for fully automated IOC extraction. Our approach is based upon the observation that the IOCs in technical articles are often described in a predictable way: being connected to a set of context terms (e.g., "download") through stable grammatical relations. Leveraging this observation, iACE is designed to automatically locate a putative IOC token (e.g., a zip file) and its context (e.g., "malware", "download") within the sentences in a technical article, and further analyze their relations through a novel application of graph mining techniques. Once the grammatical connection between the tokens is found to be in line with the way that the IOC is commonly presented, these tokens are extracted to generate an OpenIOC item that describes not only the indicator (e.g., a malicious zip file) but also its context (e.g., download from an external source). Running on 71,000 articles collected from 45 leading technical blogs, this new approach demonstrates a remarkable performance: it generated 900K OpenIOC items with a precision of 95% and a coverage over 90%, which is way beyond what the state-of-the-art NLP technique and industry IOC tool can achieve, at a speed of thousands of articles per hour. Further, by correlating the IOCs mined from the articles published over a 13-year span, our study sheds new light on the links across hundreds of seemingly unrelated attack instances, particularly their shared infrastructure resources, as well as the impacts of such open-source threat intelligence on security protection and evolution of attack strategies.

Fan, Shuqin, Wang, Wenbo, Cheng, Qingfeng.  2016.  Attacking OpenSSL Implementation of ECDSA with a Few Signatures. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1505–1515.

In this work, we give a lattice attack on the ECDSA implementation in the latest version of OpenSSL, which implement the scalar multiplication by windowed Non-Adjacent Form method. We propose a totally different but more efficient method of extracting and utilizing information from the side-channel results, remarkably improving the previous attacks. First, we develop a new efficient method, which can extract almost all information from the side-channel results, obtaining 105.8 bits of information per signature on average for 256-bit ECDSA. Then in order to make the utmost of our extracted information, we translate the problem of recovering secret key to the Extended Hidden Number Problem, which can be solved by lattice reduction algorithms. Finally, we introduce the methods of elimination, merging, most significant digit recovering and enumeration to improve the attack. Our attack is mounted to the \series secp256k1\ curve, and the result shows that only 4 signatures would be enough to recover the secret key if the Flush+Reload attack is implemented perfectly without any error,which is much better than the best known result needing at least 13 signatures.

Kleinmann, Amit, Wool, Avishai.  2016.  Automatic Construction of Statechart-Based Anomaly Detection Models for Multi-Threaded SCADA via Spectral Analysis. Proceedings of the 2Nd ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Privacy. :1–12.

Traffic of Industrial Control System (ICS) between the Human Machine Interface (HMI) and the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is highly periodic. However, it is sometimes multiplexed, due to multi-threaded scheduling. In previous work we introduced a Statechart model which includes multiple Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA), one per cyclic pattern. We demonstrated that Statechart-based anomaly detection is highly effective on multiplexed cyclic traffic when the individual cyclic patterns are known. The challenge is to construct the Statechart, by unsupervised learning, from a captured trace of the multiplexed traffic, especially when the same symbols (ICS messages) can appear in multiple cycles, or multiple times in a cycle. Previously we suggested a combinatorial approach for the Statechart construction, based on Euler cycles in the Discrete Time Markov Chain (DTMC) graph of the trace. This combinatorial approach worked well in simple scenarios, but produced a false-alarm rate that was excessive on more complex multiplexed traffic. In this paper we suggest a new Statechart construction method, based on spectral analysis. We use the Fourier transform to identify the dominant periods in the trace. Our algorithm then associates a set of symbols with each dominant period, identifies the order of the symbols within each period, and creates the cyclic DFAs and the Statechart. We evaluated our solution on long traces from two production ICS: one using the Siemens S7-0x72 protocol and the other using Modbus. We also stress-tested our algorithms on a collection of synthetically-generated traces that simulate multiplexed ICS traces with varying levels of symbol uniqueness and time overlap. The resulting Statecharts model the traces with an overall median false-alarm rate as low as 0.16% on the synthetic datasets, and with zero false-alarms on production S7-0x72 traffic. Moreover, the spectral analysis Statecharts consistently out-performed the previous combinatorial Statecharts, exhibiting significantly lower false alarm rates and more compact model sizes.

Afshari, Mehrdad, Su, Zhendong.  2016.  Building White-box Abstractions by Program Refinement. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software. :74–81.

Abstractions make building complex systems possible. Many facilities provided by a modern programming language are directly designed to build a certain style of abstraction. Abstractions also aim to enhance code reusability, thus enhancing programmer productivity and effectiveness. Real-world software systems can grow to have a complicated hierarchy of abstractions. Often, the hierarchy grows unnecessarily deep, because the programmers have envisioned the most generic use cases for a piece of code to make it reusable. Sometimes, the abstractions used in the program are not the appropriate ones, and it would be simpler for the higher level client to circumvent such abstractions. Another problem is the impedance mismatch between different pieces of code or libraries coming from different projects that are not designed to work together. Interoperability between such libraries are often hindered by abstractions, by design, in the name of hiding implementation details and encapsulation. These problems necessitate forms of abstraction that are easy to manipulate if needed. In this paper, we describe a powerful mechanism to create white-box abstractions, that encourage flatter hierarchies of abstraction and ease of manipulation and customization when necessary: program refinement. In so doing, we rely on the basic principle that writing directly in the host programming language is as least restrictive as one can get in terms of expressiveness, and allow the programmer to reuse and customize existing code snippets to address their specific needs.

Alhuzali, Abeer, Eshete, Birhanu, Gjomemo, Rigel, Venkatakrishnan, V.N..  2016.  Chainsaw: Chained Automated Workflow-based Exploit Generation. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :641–652.

We tackle the problem of automated exploit generation for web applications. In this regard, we present an approach that significantly improves the state-of-art in web injection vulnerability identification and exploit generation. Our approach for exploit generation tackles various challenges associated with typical web application characteristics: their multi-module nature, interposed user input, and multi-tier architectures using a database backend. Our approach develops precise models of application workflows, database schemas, and native functions to achieve high quality exploit generation. We implemented our approach in a tool called Chainsaw. Chainsaw was used to analyze 9 open source applications and generated over 199 first- and second-order injection exploits combined, significantly outperforming several related approaches.

Herold, Nadine, Kinkelin, Holger, Carle, Georg.  2016.  Collaborative Incident Handling Based on the Blackboard-Pattern. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Workshop on Information Sharing and Collaborative Security. :25–34.

Defending computer networks from ongoing security incidents is a key requirement to ensure service continuity. Handling incidents in real-time is a complex process consisting of the three single steps: intrusion detection, alert processing and intrusion response. For useful and automated incident handling a comprehensive view on the process and tightly interleaved single steps are required. Existing solutions for incident handling merely focus on a single step leaving the other steps completely aside. Incompatible and encapsulated partial solutions are the consequence. This paper proposes an incident handling systems (IHS) based on a novel execution model that allows interleaving and collaborative interaction between the incident handling steps realized using the Blackboard Pattern. Our holistic information model lays the foundation for a conflict-free collaboration. The incident handling steps are further segmented into exchangeable functional blocks distributed across the network. To show the applicability of our approach, typical use cases for incident handling systems are identified and tested with our implementation.

Alabdulmohsin, Ibrahim, Han, YuFei, Shen, Yun, Zhang, XiangLiang.  2016.  Content-Agnostic Malware Detection in Heterogeneous Malicious Distribution Graph. Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. :2395–2400.

Malware detection has been widely studied by analysing either file dropping relationships or characteristics of the file distribution network. This paper, for the first time, studies a global heterogeneous malware delivery graph fusing file dropping relationship and the topology of the file distribution network. The integration offers a unique ability of structuring the end-to-end distribution relationship. However, it brings large heterogeneous graphs to analysis. In our study, an average daily generated graph has more than 4 million edges and 2.7 million nodes that differ in type, such as IPs, URLs, and files. We propose a novel Bayesian label propagation model to unify the multi-source information, including content-agnostic features of different node types and topological information of the heterogeneous network. Our approach does not need to examine the source codes nor inspect the dynamic behaviours of a binary. Instead, it estimates the maliciousness of a given file through a semi-supervised label propagation procedure, which has a linear time complexity w.r.t. the number of nodes and edges. The evaluation on 567 million real-world download events validates that our proposed approach efficiently detects malware with a high accuracy.

Henze, Martin, Hiller, Jens, Schmerling, Sascha, Ziegeldorf, Jan Henrik, Wehrle, Klaus.  2016.  CPPL: Compact Privacy Policy Language. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society. :99–110.

Recent technology shifts such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and big data lead to a significant transfer of sensitive data out of trusted edge networks. To counter resulting privacy concerns, we must ensure that this sensitive data is not inadvertently forwarded to third-parties, used for unintended purposes, or handled and stored in violation of legal requirements. Related work proposes to solve this challenge by annotating data with privacy policies before data leaves the control sphere of its owner. However, we find that existing privacy policy languages are either not flexible enough or require excessive processing, storage, or bandwidth resources which prevents their widespread deployment. To fill this gap, we propose CPPL, a Compact Privacy Policy Language which compresses privacy policies by taking advantage of flexibly specifiable domain knowledge. Our evaluation shows that CPPL reduces policy sizes by two orders of magnitude compared to related work and can check several thousand of policies per second. This allows for individual per-data item policies in the context of cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and big data.

Sillaber, Christian, Sauerwein, Clemens, Mussmann, Andrea, Breu, Ruth.  2016.  Data Quality Challenges and Future Research Directions in Threat Intelligence Sharing Practice. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Workshop on Information Sharing and Collaborative Security. :65–70.

In the last couple of years, organizations have demonstrated an increased willingness to participate in threat intelligence sharing platforms. The open exchange of information and knowledge regarding threats, vulnerabilities, incidents and mitigation strategies results from the organizations' growing need to protect against today's sophisticated cyber attacks. To investigate data quality challenges that might arise in threat intelligence sharing, we conducted focus group discussions with ten expert stakeholders from security operations centers of various globally operating organizations. The study addresses several factors affecting shared threat intelligence data quality at multiple levels, including collecting, processing, sharing and storing data. As expected, the study finds that the main factors that affect shared threat intelligence data stem from the limitations and complexities associated with integrating and consolidating shared threat intelligence from different sources while ensuring the data's usefulness for an inhomogeneous group of participants.Data quality is extremely important for shared threat intelligence. As our study has shown, there are no fundamentally new data quality issues in threat intelligence sharing. However, as threat intelligence sharing is an emerging domain and a large number of threat intelligence sharing tools are currently being rushed to market, several data quality issues – particularly related to scalability and data source integration – deserve particular attention.

Hamlet, Jason R., Lamb, Christopher C..  2016.  Dependency Graph Analysis and Moving Target Defense Selection. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense. :105–116.

Moving target defense (MTD) is an emerging paradigm in which system defenses dynamically mutate in order to decrease the overall system attack surface. Though the concept is promising, implementations have not been widely adopted. The field has been actively researched for over ten years, and has only produced a small amount of extensively adopted defenses, most notably, address space layout randomization (ASLR). This is despite the fact that there currently exist a variety of moving target implementations and proofs-of-concept. We suspect that this results from the moving target controls breaking critical system dependencies from the perspectives of users and administrators, as well as making things more difficult for attackers. As a result, the impact of the controls on overall system security is not sufficient to overcome the inconvenience imposed on legitimate system users. In this paper, we analyze a successful MTD approach. We study the control's dependency graphs, showing how we use graph theoretic and network properties to predict the effectiveness of the selected control.

Cuff, Paul, Yu, Lanqing.  2016.  Differential Privacy As a Mutual Information Constraint. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :43–54.

Differential privacy is a precise mathematical constraint meant to ensure privacy of individual pieces of information in a database even while queries are being answered about the aggregate. Intuitively, one must come to terms with what differential privacy does and does not guarantee. For example, the definition prevents a strong adversary who knows all but one entry in the database from further inferring about the last one. This strong adversary assumption can be overlooked, resulting in misinterpretation of the privacy guarantee of differential privacy. Herein we give an equivalent definition of privacy using mutual information that makes plain some of the subtleties of differential privacy. The mutual-information differential privacy is in fact sandwiched between ε-differential privacy and (ε,δ)-differential privacy in terms of its strength. In contrast to previous works using unconditional mutual information, differential privacy is fundamentally related to conditional mutual information, accompanied by a maximization over the database distribution. The conceptual advantage of using mutual information, aside from yielding a simpler and more intuitive definition of differential privacy, is that its properties are well understood. Several properties of differential privacy are easily verified for the mutual information alternative, such as composition theorems.

Ghassemi, Mohsen, Sarwate, Anand D., Wright, Rebecca N..  2016.  Differentially Private Online Active Learning with Applications to Anomaly Detection. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security. :117–128.

In settings where data instances are generated sequentially or in streaming fashion, online learning algorithms can learn predictors using incremental training algorithms such as stochastic gradient descent. In some security applications such as training anomaly detectors, the data streams may consist of private information or transactions and the output of the learning algorithms may reveal information about the training data. Differential privacy is a framework for quantifying the privacy risk in such settings. This paper proposes two differentially private strategies to mitigate privacy risk when training a classifier for anomaly detection in an online setting. The first is to use a randomized active learning heuristic to screen out uninformative data points in the stream. The second is to use mini-batching to improve classifier performance. Experimental results show how these two strategies can trade off privacy, label complexity, and generalization performance.

Robinson, Joseph P., Shao, Ming, Wu, Yue, Fu, Yun.  2016.  Families in the Wild (FIW): Large-Scale Kinship Image Database and Benchmarks. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Multimedia Conference. :242–246.

We present the largest kinship recognition dataset to date, Families in the Wild (FIW). Motivated by the lack of a single, unified dataset for kinship recognition, we aim to provide a dataset that captivates the interest of the research community. With only a small team, we were able to collect, organize, and label over 10,000 family photos of 1,000 families with our annotation tool designed to mark complex hierarchical relationships and local label information in a quick and efficient manner. We include several benchmarks for two image-based tasks, kinship verification and family recognition. For this, we incorporate several visual features and metric learning methods as baselines. Also, we demonstrate that a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) as an off-the-shelf feature extractor outperforms the other feature types. Then, results were further boosted by fine-tuning two deep CNNs on FIW data: (1) for kinship verification, a triplet loss function was learned on top of the network of pre-train weights; (2) for family recognition, a family-specific softmax classifier was added to the network.

Boyle, Elette, Gilboa, Niv, Ishai, Yuval.  2016.  Function Secret Sharing: Improvements and Extensions. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1292–1303.

Function Secret Sharing (FSS), introduced by Boyle et al. (Eurocrypt 2015), provides a way for additively secret-sharing a function from a given function family F. More concretely, an m-party FSS scheme splits a function f : \0, 1\n -textgreater G, for some abelian group G, into functions f1,...,fm, described by keys k1,...,km, such that f = f1 + ... + fm and every strict subset of the keys hides f. A Distributed Point Function (DPF) is a special case where F is the family of point functions, namely functions f\_\a,b\ that evaluate to b on the input a and to 0 on all other inputs. FSS schemes are useful for applications that involve privately reading from or writing to distributed databases while minimizing the amount of communication. These include different flavors of private information retrieval (PIR), as well as a recent application of DPF for large-scale anonymous messaging. We improve and extend previous results in several ways: * Simplified FSS constructions. We introduce a tensoring operation for FSS which is used to obtain a conceptually simpler derivation of previous constructions and present our new constructions. * Improved 2-party DPF. We reduce the key size of the PRG-based DPF scheme of Boyle et al. roughly by a factor of 4 and optimize its computational cost. The optimized DPF significantly improves the concrete costs of 2-server PIR and related primitives. * FSS for new function families. We present an efficient PRG-based 2-party FSS scheme for the family of decision trees, leaking only the topology of the tree and the internal node labels. We apply this towards FSS for multi-dimensional intervals. We also present a general technique for extending FSS schemes by increasing the number of parties. * Verifiable FSS. We present efficient protocols for verifying that keys (k*/1,...,k*/m ), obtained from a potentially malicious user, are consistent with some f in F. Such a verification may be critical for applications that involve private writing or voting by many users.

Dormann, Will.  2016.  Google Authentication Risks on iOS. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Mobile Development. :3–5.

The Google Identity Platform is a system that allows a user to sign in to applications and other services by using a Google account. Google Sign-In is one such method for providing one’s identity to the Google Identity Platform. Google Sign-In is available for Android applications and iOS applications, as well as for websites and other devices. Users of Google Sign-In find that it integrates well with the Android platform, but iOS users (iPhone, iPad, etc.) do not have the same experience. The user experience when logging in to a Google account on an iOS application can not only be more tedious than the Android experience, but it also conditions users to engage in behaviors that put the information in their Google accounts at risk.

Ghaeini, Hamid Reza, Tippenhauer, Nils Ole.  2016.  HAMIDS: Hierarchical Monitoring Intrusion Detection System for Industrial Control Systems. Proceedings of the 2Nd ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Privacy. :103–111.

In this paper, we propose a hierarchical monitoring intrusion detection system (HAMIDS) for industrial control systems (ICS). The HAMIDS framework detects the anomalies in both level 0 and level 1 of an industrial control plant. In addition, the framework aggregates the cyber-physical process data in one point for further analysis as part of the intrusion detection process. The novelty of this framework is its ability to detect anomalies that have a distributed impact on the cyber-physical process. The performance of the proposed framework evaluated as part of SWaT security showdown (S3) in which six international teams were invited to test the framework in a real industrial control system. The proposed framework outperformed other proposed academic IDS in term of detection of ICS threats during the S3 event, which was held from July 25-29, 2016 at Singapore University of Technology and Design.

Zhao, Yunlei.  2016.  Identity-Concealed Authenticated Encryption and Key Exchange. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1464–1479.

Identity concealment and zero-round trip time (0-RTT) connection are two of current research focuses in the design and analysis of secure transport protocols, like TLS1.3 and Google's QUIC, in the client-server setting. In this work, we introduce a new primitive for identity-concealed authenticated encryption in the public-key setting, referred to as higncryption, which can be viewed as a novel monolithic integration of public-key encryption, digital signature, and identity concealment. We then present the security definitional framework for higncryption, and a conceptually simple (yet carefully designed) protocol construction. As a new primitive, higncryption can have many applications. In this work, we focus on its applications to 0-RTT authentication, showing higncryption is well suitable to and compatible with QUIC and OPTLS, and on its applications to identity-concealed authenticated key exchange (CAKE) and unilateral CAKE (UCAKE). Of independent interest is a new concise security definitional framework for CAKE and UCAKE proposed in this work, which unifies the traditional BR and (post-ID) frameworks, enjoys composability, and ensures very strong security guarantee. Along the way, we make a systematically comparative study with related protocols and mechanisms including Zheng's signcryption, one-pass HMQV, QUIC, TLS1.3 and OPTLS, most of which are widely standardized or in use.

Huang, Yuanwen, Bhunia, Swarup, Mishra, Prabhat.  2016.  MERS: Statistical Test Generation for Side-Channel Analysis Based Trojan Detection. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :130–141.

Hardware Trojan detection has emerged as a critical challenge to ensure security and trustworthiness of integrated circuits. A vast majority of research efforts in this area has utilized side-channel analysis for Trojan detection. Functional test generation for logic testing is a promising alternative but it may not be helpful if a Trojan cannot be fully activated or the Trojan effect cannot be propagated to the observable outputs. Side-channel analysis, on the other hand, can achieve significantly higher detection coverage for Trojans of all types/sizes, since it does not require activation/propagation of an unknown Trojan. However, they have often limited effectiveness due to poor detection sensitivity under large process variations and small Trojan footprint in side-channel signature. In this paper, we address this critical problem through a novel side-channel-aware test generation approach, based on a concept of Multiple Excitation of Rare Switching (MERS), that can significantly increase Trojan detection sensitivity. The paper makes several important contributions: i) it presents in detail the statistical test generation method, which can generate high-quality testset for creating high relative activity in arbitrary Trojan instances; ii) it analyzes the effectiveness of generated testset in terms of Trojan coverage; and iii) it describes two judicious reordering methods can further tune the testset and greatly improve the side channel sensitivity. Simulation results demonstrate that the tests generated by MERS can significantly increase the Trojans sensitivity, thereby making Trojan detection effective using side-channel analysis.

Bellare, Mihir, Hoang, Viet Tung, Tessaro, Stefano.  2016.  Message-Recovery Attacks on Feistel-Based Format Preserving Encryption. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :444–455.

We give attacks on Feistel-based format-preserving encryption (FPE) schemes that succeed in message recovery (not merely distinguishing scheme outputs from random) when the message space is small. For \$4\$-bit messages, the attacks fully recover the target message using \$2textasciicircum1 examples for the FF3 NIST standard and \$2textasciicircum5 examples for the FF1 NIST standard. The examples include only three messages per tweak, which is what makes the attacks non-trivial even though the total number of examples exceeds the size of the domain. The attacks are rigorously analyzed in a new definitional framework of message-recovery security. The attacks are easily put out of reach by increasing the number of Feistel rounds in the standards.

Hiller, Matthias, Önalan, Aysun Gurur, Sigl, Georg, Bossert, Martin.  2016.  Online Reliability Testing for PUF Key Derivation. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Trustworthy Embedded Devices. :15–22.

Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) measure manufacturing variations inside integrated circuits to derive internal secrets during run-time and avoid to store secrets permanently in non-volatile memory. PUF responses are noisy such that they require error correction to generate reliable cryptographic keys. To date, when needed one single key is reproduced in the field and always used, regardless of its reliability. In this work, we compute online reliability information for a reproduced key and perform multiple PUF readout and error correction steps in case of an unreliable result. This permits to choose the most reliable key among multiple derived key candidates with different corrected error patterns. We achieve the same average key error probability from less PUF response bits with this approach. Our proof of concept design for a popular reference scenario uses Differential Sequence Coding (DSC) and a Viterbi decoder with reliability output information. It requires 39% less PUF response bits and 16% less helper data bits than the regular approach without the option for multiple readouts.

Lewi, Kevin, Wu, David J..  2016.  Order-Revealing Encryption: New Constructions, Applications, and Lower Bounds. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1167–1178.

In the last few years, there has been significant interest in developing methods to search over encrypted data. In the case of range queries, a simple solution is to encrypt the contents of the database using an order-preserving encryption (OPE) scheme (i.e., an encryption scheme that supports comparisons over encrypted values). However, Naveed et al. (CCS 2015) recently showed that OPE-encrypted databases are extremely vulnerable to "inference attacks." In this work, we consider a related primitive called order-revealing encryption (ORE), which is a generalization of OPE that allows for stronger security. We begin by constructing a new ORE scheme for small message spaces which achieves the "best-possible" notion of security for ORE. Next, we introduce a "domain extension" technique and apply it to our small-message-space ORE. While our domain-extension technique does incur a loss in security, the resulting ORE scheme we obtain is more secure than all existing (stateless and non-interactive) OPE and ORE schemes which are practical. All of our constructions rely only on symmetric primitives. As part of our analysis, we also give a tight lower bound for OPE and show that no efficient OPE scheme can satisfy best-possible security if the message space contains just three messages. Thus, achieving strong notions of security for even small message spaces requires moving beyond OPE. Finally, we examine the properties of our new ORE scheme and show how to use it to construct an efficient range query protocol that is robust against the inference attacks of Naveed et al. We also give a full implementation of our new ORE scheme, and show that not only is our scheme more secure than existing OPE schemes, it is also faster: encrypting a 32-bit integer requires just 55 microseconds, which is more than 65 times faster than existing OPE schemes.

Omar, Cyrus, Aldrich, Jonathan.  2016.  Programmable Semantic Fragments: The Design and Implementation of Typy. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences. :81–92.

This paper introduces typy, a statically typed programming language embedded by reflection into Python. typy features a fragmentary semantics, i.e. it delegates semantic control over each term, drawn from Python's fixed concrete and abstract syntax, to some contextually relevant user-defined semantic fragment. The delegated fragment programmatically 1) typechecks the term (following a bidirectional protocol); and 2) assigns dynamic meaning to the term by computing a translation to Python. We argue that this design is expressive with examples of fragments that express the static and dynamic semantics of 1) functional records; 2) labeled sums (with nested pattern matching a la ML); 3) a variation on JavaScript's prototypal object system; and 4) typed foreign interfaces to Python and OpenCL. These semantic structures are, or would need to be, defined primitively in conventionally structured languages. We further argue that this design is compositionally well-behaved. It avoids the expression problem and the problems of grammar composition because the syntax is fixed. Moreover, programs are semantically stable under fragment composition (i.e. defining a new fragment will not change the meaning of existing program components.)

Zhang, Xiaokuan, Xiao, Yuan, Zhang, Yinqian.  2016.  Return-Oriented Flush-Reload Side Channels on ARM and Their Implications for Android Devices. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :858–870.

Cache side-channel attacks have been extensively studied on x86 architectures, but much less so on ARM processors. The technical challenges to conduct side-channel attacks on ARM, presumably, stem from the poorly documented ARM cache implementations, such as cache coherence protocols and cache flush operations, and also the lack of understanding of how different cache implementations will affect side-channel attacks. This paper presents a systematic exploration of vectors for flush-reload attacks on ARM processors. flush-reload attacks are among the most well-known cache side-channel attacks on x86. It has been shown in previous work that they are capable of exfiltrating sensitive information with high fidelity. We demonstrate in this work a novel construction of flush-reload side channels on last-level caches of ARM processors, which, particularly, exploits return-oriented programming techniques to reload instructions. We also demonstrate several attacks on Android OS (e.g., detecting hardware events and tracing software execution paths) to highlight the implications of such attacks for Android devices.

Coffman, Joel, Kelly, Daniel M., Wellons, Christopher C., Gearhart, Andrew S..  2016.  ROP Gadget Prevalence and Survival Under Compiler-based Binary Diversification Schemes. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Software PROtection. :15–26.

Diversity has been suggested as an effective alternative to the current trend in rules-based approaches to cybersecurity. However, little work to date has focused on how various techniques generalize to new attacks. That is, there is no accepted methodology that researchers use to evaluate diversity techniques. Starting with the hypothesis that an attacker's effort increases as the common set of executable code snippets (return-oriented programming (ROP) gadgets) decreases across application variants, we explore how different diversification techniques affect the set of ROP gadgets that is available to an attacker. We show that a small population of diversified variants is sufficient to eliminate 90-99% of ROP gadgets across a collection of real-world applications. Finally, we observe that the number of remaining gadgets may still be sufficient for an attacker to mount an effective attack regardless of the presence of software diversity.

Möstl, Mischa, Schlatow, Johannes, Ernst, Rolf, Hoffmann, Henry, Merchant, Arif, Shraer, Alexander.  2016.  Self-aware Systems for the Internet-of-things. Proceedings of the Eleventh IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis. :21:1–21:9.

The IoT will host a large number of co-existing cyber-physical applications. Continuous change, application interference, environment dynamics and uncertainty lead to complex effects which must be controlled to give performance and application guarantees. Application and platform self-configuration and self-awareness are one paradigm to approach this challenge. They can leverage context knowledge to control platform and application functions and their interaction. They could play a dominant role in large scale cyber-physical systems and systems-of-systems, simply because no person can oversee the whole system functionality and dynamics. IoT adds a new dimension because Internet based services will increasingly be used in such system functions. Autonomous vehicles accessing cloud services for efficiency and comfort as well as to reach the required level of safety and security are an example. Such vehicle platforms will communicate with a service infrastructure that must be reliable and highly responsive. Automated continuous self-configuration of data storage might be a good basis for such services up to the point where the different self-x strategies might affect each other, in a positive or negative form. This paper contains three contributions from different domains representing the current status of self-aware systems as they will meet in the Internet-of-Things and closes with a short discussion of upcoming challenges.