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Vasconcelos, Marisa, Candello, Heloisa, Pinhanez, Claudio, dos Santos, Thiago.  2017.  Bottester: Testing Conversational Systems with Simulated Users. Proceedings of the XVI Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems. :73:1–73:4.

Recently, conversation agents have attracted the attention of many companies such as IBM, Facebook, Google, and Amazon which have focused on developing tools or API (Application Programming Interfaces) for developers to create their own chat-bots. In this paper, we focus on new approaches to evaluate such systems presenting some recommendations resulted from evaluating a real chatbot use case. Testing conversational agents or chatbots is not a trivial task due to the multitude aspects/tasks (e.g., natural language understanding, dialog management and, response generation) which must be considered separately and as a mixture. Also, the creation of a general testing tool is a challenge since evaluation is very sensitive to the application context. Finally, exhaustive testing can be a tedious task for the project team what creates a need for a tool to perform it automatically. This paper opens a discussion about how conversational systems testing tools are essential to ensure well-functioning of such systems as well as to help interface designers guiding them to develop consistent conversational interfaces.

Li, Jason, O'Donnell, Ryan.  2017.  Bounding Laconic Proof Systems by Solving CSPs in Parallel. Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures. :95–100.

We show that the basic semidefinite programming relaxation value of any constraint satisfaction problem can be computed in NC; that is, in parallel polylogarithmic time and polynomial work. As a complexity-theoretic consequence we get that $\backslash$MIPone[k,c,s] $\backslash$subseteq $\backslash$PSPACE provided s/c $\backslash$leq (.62-o(1))k/2textasciicircumk, resolving a question of Austrin, H$\backslash$aa stad, and Pass. Here $\backslash$MIPone[k,c,s] is the class of languages decidable with completeness c and soundness s by an interactive proof system with k provers, each constrained to communicate just 1 bit.

Neil Lutz, Donald M. Stull.  2017.  Bounding the Dimension of Points on a Line. Theory and Applications of Models of Computation - 14th Annual Conference, {TAMC} 2017, Bern, Switzerland, April 20-22, 2017, Proceedings. :425–439.
Boureanu, Ioana, Gérault, David, Lafourcade, Pascal, Onete, Cristina.  2017.  Breaking and Fixing the HB+DB Protocol. Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks. :241–246.

HB+ is a lightweight authentication scheme, which is secure against passive attacks if the Learning Parity with Noise Problem (LPN) is hard. However, HB+ is vulnerable to a key-recovery, man-in-the-middle (MiM) attack dubbed GRS. The HB+DB protocol added a distance-bounding dimension to HB+, and was experimentally proven to resist the GRS attack. We exhibit several security flaws in HB+DB. First, we refine the GRS strategy to induce a different key-recovery MiM attack, not deterred by HB+DB's distancebounding. Second, we prove HB+DB impractical as a secure distance-bounding (DB) protocol, as its DB security-levels scale poorly compared to other DB protocols. Third, we refute that HB+DB's security against passive attackers relies on the hardness of LPN; moreover, (erroneously) requiring such hardness lowers HB+DB's efficiency and security. We also propose anew distance-bounding protocol called BLOG. It retains parts of HB+DB, yet BLOG is provably secure and enjoys better (asymptotical) security.

Fei Yan, Mark Eilers, Andreas Luedtke, Martin Baumann.  2017.  Building Driver’s Trust in Lane Change Assistance Systems by Adapting to Driver’s Uncertainty States. IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium.

Driver's uncertainty during decision-making in overtaking results in long reaction times and potentially dangerous lane change maneuvers. Current lane change assistance systems focus on safety assessments providing either too conservative or excessive warnings, which influence driver's acceptance and trust in these systems. Inspired by the emancipation theory of trust, we expect systems providing information adapted to driver's uncertainty states to simultaneously help to reduce long reaction times and build the overall trust in automation. In previous work, we presented an adaptive lane change assistance system based on this concept utilizing a probabilistic model of driver's uncertainty. In this paper, we investigate whether the proposed system is able to improve reaction times and build trust in the automation as expected. A simulator study was conducted to compare the proposed system with an unassisted baseline and three reference systems not adaptive to driver's uncertainty. The results show while all systems reduce reaction times compared to the baseline, the proposed adaptive system is the most trusted and accepted.

Toliupa, S., Babenko, T., Trush, A..  2017.  The building of a security strategy based on the model of game management. 2017 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology (PIC S T). :57–60.

Cyber security management of systems in the cyberspace has been a challenging problem for both practitioners and the research community. Their proprietary nature along with the complexity renders traditional approaches rather insufficient and creating the need for the adoption of a holistic point of view. This paper draws upon the principles theory game in order to present a novel systemic approach towards cyber security management, taking into account the complex inter-dependencies and providing cost-efficient defense solutions.

Zhang, Yu, Orfeo, Dan, Burns, Dylan, Miller, Jonathan, Huston, Dryver, Xia, Tian.  2017.  Buried nonmetallic object detection using bistatic ground penetrating radar with variable antenna elevation angle and height. Nondestructive Characterization and Monitoring of Advanced Materials, Aerospace, and Civil Infrastructure 2017. 10169:1016908.
Mart\'ın-Ramos, Pablo, Susano, Maria, da Silva, Pedro S. Pereira, Silva, Manuela Ramos.  2017.  BYOD for Physics Lab: Studying Newton's Law of Cooling with a Smartphone. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. :63:1–63:5.

In this paper we discuss a simple and inexpensive method to introduce students to Newton's law of cooling using only their smartphones, according to the Bring-Your-Own-Device philosophy. A popular experiment in basic thermodynamics, both at a high-school and at University level, is the determination of the specific heat of solids and liquids using a water calorimeter, resourcing in many cases to a mercury thermometer. With our approach the analogical instrument is quickly turned into a digital device by analyzing the movement of the mercury with a video tracker. Thus, using very simple labware and the students' smartphones or tablets, it is possible to observe the decay behavior of the temperature of a liquid left to cool at room temperature. The dependence of the time constant with the mass and surface of the liquid can be easily probed, and the results of the different groups in the classroom can be brought together to observe the linear dependence1.

Kuzuno, H., Karam, C..  2017.  Blockchain explorer: An analytical process and investigation environment for bitcoin. 2017 APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime). :9–16.

Bitcoin is the most famous cryptocurrency currently operating with a total marketcap of almost 7 billion USD. This innovation stands strong on the feature of pseudo anonymity and strives on its innovative de-centralized architecture based on the Blockchain. The Blockchain is a distributed ledger that keeps a public record of all the transactions processed on the bitcoin protocol network in full transparency without revealing the identity of the sender and the receiver. Over the course of 2016, cryptocurrencies have shown some instances of abuse by criminals in their activities due to its interesting nature. Darknet marketplaces are increasing the volume of their businesses in illicit and illegal trades but also cryptocurrencies have been used in cases of extortion, ransom and as part of sophisticated malware modus operandi. We tackle these challenges by developing an analytical capability that allows us to map relationships on the blockchain and filter crime instances in order to investigate the abuse in law enforcement local environment. We propose a practical bitcoin analytical process and an analyzing system that stands alone and manages all data on the blockchain in real-time with tracing and visualizing techniques rendering transactions decipherable and useful for law enforcement investigation and training. Our system adopts combination of analyzing methods that provides statistics of address, graphical transaction relation, discovery of paths and clustering of already known addresses. We evaluated our system in the three criminal cases includes marketplace, ransomware and DDoS extortion. These are practical training in law enforcement, then we determined whether our system could help investigation process and training.

Huang, He, Youssef, Amr M., Debbabi, Mourad.  2017.  BinSequence: Fast, Accurate and Scalable Binary Code Reuse Detection. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :155–166.

Code reuse detection is a key technique in reverse engineering. However, existing source code similarity comparison techniques are not applicable to binary code. Moreover, compilers have made this problem even more difficult due to the fact that different assembly code and control flow structures can be generated by the compilers even when implementing the same functionality. To address this problem, we present a fuzzy matching approach to compare two functions. We first obtain an initial mapping between basic blocks by leveraging the concept of longest common subsequence on the basic block level and execution path level. We then extend the achieved mapping using neighborhood exploration. To make our approach applicable to large data sets, we designed an effective filtering process using Minhashing. Based on the proposed approach, we implemented a tool named BinSequence and conducted extensive experiments with it. Our results show that given a large assembly code repository with millions of functions, BinSequence is efficient and can attain high quality similarity ranking of assembly functions with an accuracy of above 90%. We also present several practical use cases including patch analysis, malware analysis and bug search.

Zheng, J., Li, Y., Hou, Y., Gao, M., Zhou, A..  2017.  BMNR: Design and Implementation a Benchmark for Metrics of Network Robustness. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Knowledge (ICBK). :320–325.

The network robustness is defined by how well its vertices are connected to each other to keep the network strong and sustainable. The change of network robustness may reveal events as well as periodic trend patterns that affect the interactions among vertices in the network. The evaluation of network robustness may be helpful to many applications, such as event detection, disease transmission, and network security, etc. There are many existing metrics to evaluate the robustness of networks, for example, node connectivity, edge connectivity, algebraic connectivity, graph expansion, R-energy, and so on. It is a natural and urgent problem how to choose a reasonable metric to effectively measure and evaluate the network robustness in the real applications. In this paper, based on some general principles, we design and implement a benchmark, namely BMNR, for the metrics of network robustness. The benchmark consists of graph generator, graph attack and robustness metric evaluation. We find that R-energy can evaluate both connected and disconnected graphs, and can be computed more efficiently.

Yue, L., Junqin, H., Shengzhi, Q., Ruijin, W..  2017.  Big Data Model of Security Sharing Based on Blockchain. 2017 3rd International Conference on Big Data Computing and Communications (BIGCOM). :117–121.

The rise of big data age in the Internet has led to the explosive growth of data size. However, trust issue has become the biggest problem of big data, leading to the difficulty in data safe circulation and industry development. The blockchain technology provides a new solution to this problem by combining non-tampering, traceable features with smart contracts that automatically execute default instructions. In this paper, we present a credible big data sharing model based on blockchain technology and smart contract to ensure the safe circulation of data resources.

Luo, J. S., Lo, D. C. T..  2017.  Binary malware image classification using machine learning with local binary pattern. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :4664–4667.

Malware classification is a critical part in the cyber-security. Traditional methodologies for the malware classification typically use static analysis and dynamic analysis to identify malware. In this paper, a malware classification methodology based on its binary image and extracting local binary pattern (LBP) features is proposed. First, malware images are reorganized into 3 by 3 grids which is mainly used to extract LBP feature. Second, the LBP is implemented on the malware images to extract features in that it is useful in pattern or texture classification. Finally, Tensorflow, a library for machine learning, is applied to classify malware images with the LBP feature. Performance comparison results among different classifiers with different image descriptors such as GIST, a spatial envelop, and the LBP demonstrate that our proposed approach outperforms others.

Bhandari, Akshita, Gupta, Ashutosh, Das, Debasis.  2017.  Betweenness Centrality Updation and Community Detection in Streaming Graphs Using Incremental Algorithm. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications. :159–164.

Centrality measures have perpetually been helpful to find the foremost central or most powerful node within the network. There are numerous strategies to compute centrality of a node however in social networks betweenness centrality is the most widely used approach to bifurcate communities within the network, to find out the susceptibility within the complex networks and to generate the scale free networks whose degree distribution follows the power law. In this paper, we've computed betweenness centrality by identifying communities lying within the network. Our algorithm efficiently updates the centrality of the nodes whenever any edge or vertex addition or deletion takes place within the dynamic network by modifying solely a subset of vertices. For the vertex addition, Incremental Algorithm has been used in which Streaming graphs has also been considered. Brandes approach is the most widely used approach for finding out the betweenness centrality however it's still expensive for growing networks since it takes O(mn+n2logn) amount of time and O(n+m) space however our approach efficiently updates the centrality of the nodes by taking O(textbarStextbarn+textbarStextbarnlogn) amount of time where textbarStextbar is the subset of the vertices,m is the number of edges, n is the number of vertices and textbarStextbar≤n holds true.

W. S. Grant, J. Tanner, L. Itti.  2017.  Biologically plausible learning in neural networks with modulatory feedback. Neural Networks. 88:32-48.

Although Hebbian learning has long been a key component in understanding neural plasticity, it has not yet been successful in modeling modulatory feedback connections, which make up a significant portion of connections in the brain. We develop a new learning rule designed around the complications of learning modulatory feedback and composed of three simple concepts grounded in physiologically plausible evidence. Using border ownership as a prototypical example, we show that a Hebbian learning rule fails to properly learn modulatory connections, while our proposed rule correctly learns a stimulus-driven model. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first time a border ownership network has been learned. Additionally, we show that the rule can be used as a drop-in replacement for a Hebbian learning rule to learn a biologically consistent model of orientation selectivity, a network which lacks any modulatory connections. Our results predict that the mechanisms we use are integral for learning modulatory connections in the brain and furthermore that modulatory connections have a strong dependence on inhibition.

F. Love, B. McMillin.  2017.  Breaking Implicit Trust in Point-of-Care Medical Technology: A Cyber-Physical Attestation Approach. 2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 02:242-247.
Zhou, X., Yao, X., Li, H., Ma, J..  2017.  A bisectional multivariate quadratic equation system for RFID anti-counterfeiting. 2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA). :19–23.

This paper proposes a novel scheme for RFID anti-counterfeiting by applying bisectional multivariate quadratic equations (BMQE) system into an RF tag data encryption. In the key generation process, arbitrarily choose two matrix sets (denoted as A and B) and a base Rab such that [AB] = λRABT, and generate 2n BMQ polynomials (denoted as p) over finite field Fq. Therefore, (Fq, p) is taken as a public key and (A, B, λ) as a private key. In the encryption process, the EPC code is hashed into a message digest dm. Then dm is padded to d'm which is a non-zero 2n×2n matrix over Fq. With (A, B, λ) and d'm, Sm is formed as an n-vector over F2. Unlike the existing anti-counterfeit scheme, the one we proposed is based on quantum cryptography, thus it is robust enough to resist the existing attacks and has high security.

Hossain, M., Hasan, R..  2017.  Boot-IoT: A Privacy-Aware Authentication Scheme for Secure Bootstrapping of IoT Nodes. 2017 IEEE International Congress on Internet of Things (ICIOT). :1–8.

The Internet of Things (IoT) devices perform security-critical operations and deal with sensitive information in the IoT-based systems. Therefore, the increased deployment of smart devices will make them targets for cyber attacks. Adversaries can perform malicious actions, leak private information, and track devices' and their owners' location by gaining unauthorized access to IoT devices and networks. However, conventional security protocols are not primarily designed for resource constrained devices and therefore cannot be applied directly to IoT systems. In this paper, we propose Boot-IoT - a privacy-preserving, lightweight, and scalable security scheme for limited resource devices. Boot-IoT prevents a malicious device from joining an IoT network. Boot-IoT enables a device to compute a unique identity for authentication each time the device enters a network. Moreover, during device to device communication, Boot-IoT provides a lightweight mutual authentication scheme that ensures privacy-preserving identity usages. We present a detailed analysis of the security strength of BootIoT. We implemented a prototype of Boot-IoT on IoT devices powered by Contiki OS and provided an extensive comparative analysis of Boot-IoT with contemporary authentication methods. Our results show that Boot-IoT is resource efficient and provides better scalability compared to current solutions.

Rieke, R., Seidemann, M., Talla, E. K., Zelle, D., Seeger, B..  2017.  Behavior Analysis for Safety and Security in Automotive Systems. 2017 25th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP). :381–385.

The connection of automotive systems with other systems such as road-side units, other vehicles, and various servers in the Internet opens up new ways for attackers to remotely access safety relevant subsystems within connected cars. The security of connected cars and the whole vehicular ecosystem is thus of utmost importance for consumer trust and acceptance of this emerging technology. This paper describes an approach for on-board detection of unanticipated sequences of events in order to identify suspicious activities. The results show that this approach is fast enough for in-vehicle application at runtime. Several behavior models and synchronization strategies are analyzed in order to narrow down suspicious sequences of events to be sent in a privacy respecting way to a global security operations center for further in-depth analysis.

Radhika, K. R., Nalini, M. K..  2017.  Biometric Image Encryption Using DNA Sequences and Chaotic Systems. 2017 International Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Technology (ICRAECT). :164–168.

Emerging communication technologies in distributed network systems require transfer of biometric digital images with high security. Network security is identified by the changes in system behavior which is either Dynamic or Deterministic. Performance computation is complex in dynamic system where cryptographic techniques are not highly suitable. Chaotic theory solves complex problems of nonlinear deterministic system. Several chaotic methods are combined to get hyper chaotic system for more security. Chaotic theory along with DNA sequence enhances security of biometric image encryption. Implementation proves the encrypted image is highly chaotic and resistant to various attacks.