Visible to the public An Analysis of Fedora Security Profile

TitleAn Analysis of Fedora Security Profile
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsSubramani, Shweta, Vouk, Mladen, Williams, Laurie
Conference NameProceedings of the 2014 Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security
Conference LocationRaleigh, NC, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-2907-1
KeywordsACM CCS, cyber security, detection, Domain-Specific Security and Privacy Architectures, Fedora, Formal Methods and Theory of Security, Foundations, Logic and Verification, non-operational testing, prediction, science of security, security faults, Software and Application Security, Testing, Validation and Verification, vulnerabilities

This paper examines security faults/vulnerabilities reported for Fedora. Results indicate that, at least in some situations, fault roughly constant may be used to guide estimation of residual vulnerabilities in an already released product, as well as possibly guide testing of the next version of the product.

Citation KeySubramani:2014:AFS:2600176.2600211