Visible to the public A model for Human-computer trust: A key contribution for leveraging trustful interactions

TitleA model for Human-computer trust: A key contribution for leveraging trustful interactions
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsSousa, S., Dias, P., Lamas, D.
Conference NameInformation Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2014 9th Iberian Conference on
Date PublishedJune
KeywordsCollaboration, Computational modeling, computer mediated communication, Computer science, computer systems, computer-mediated interactions, Computers, Context, Correlation, Educational institutions, Engagement, human computer interaction, human-computer iteration, Human-computer trust, human-computer trust model, Interaction design, Participation, participation history, psychology, social phenomenon, trustful interaction leveraging, user perceptions, user trust needs

This article addresses trust in computer systems as a social phenomenon, which depends on the type of relationship that is established through the computer, or with other individuals. It starts by theoretically contextualizing trust, and then situates trust in the field of computer science. Then, describes the proposed model, which builds on what one perceives to be trustworthy and is influenced by a number of factors such as the history of participation and user's perceptions. It ends by situating the proposed model as a key contribution for leveraging trustful interactions and ends by proposing it used to serve as a complement to foster user's trust needs in what concerns Human-computer Iteration or Computermediated Interactions.

Citation Key6876935