Visible to the public Analyzing active probing for practical intrusion detection in Wireless Multihop Networks

TitleAnalyzing active probing for practical intrusion detection in Wireless Multihop Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
Authorsdo Carmo, R., Hollick, M.
Conference NameWireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), 2014 11th Annual Conference on
Date PublishedApril
ISBN Number 978-1-4799-4937-3
Keywordsactive-probing-based network intrusion detection system, Ad hoc networks, Communication system security, frequency hop communication, Intrusion detection, Routing protocols, security of data, Testing, Wireless communication, wireless mesh network, wireless mesh networks, wireless multihop networks, Wireless sensor networks

Practical intrusion detection in Wireless Multihop Networks (WMNs) is a hard challenge. It has been shown that an active-probing-based network intrusion detection system (AP-NIDS) is practical for WMNs. However, understanding its interworking with real networks is still an unexplored challenge. In this paper, we investigate this in practice. We identify the general functional parameters that can be controlled, and by means of extensive experimentation, we tune these parameters and analyze the trade-offs between them, aiming at reducing false positives, overhead, and detection time. The traces we collected help us to understand when and why the active probing fails, and let us present countermeasures to prevent it.

Citation Key6814725