Visible to the public Joint localization and fingerprinting of sound sources for auditory scene analysis

TitleJoint localization and fingerprinting of sound sources for auditory scene analysis
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsKaghaz-Garan, S., Umbarkar, A., Doboli, A.
Conference NameRobotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE), 2014 IEEE International Symposium on
Date PublishedOct
KeywordsAccuracy, Acoustic signal processing, auditory scene analysis, data fusion, embedded nodes, feature extraction, Image analysis, pattern classification, phase-based sound localization, scene element classification, sensor fusion, Sensors, sound source fingerprinting, sound source localization, sound-based techniques, Support vector machines, support-vector machine classification, Testing, traffic engineering computing, Vehicles, vehicular-traffic case study

In the field of scene understanding, researchers have mainly focused on using video/images to extract different elements in a scene. The computational as well as monetary cost associated with such implementations is high. This paper proposes a low-cost system which uses sound-based techniques in order to jointly perform localization as well as fingerprinting of the sound sources. A network of embedded nodes is used to sense the sound inputs. Phase-based sound localization and Support-Vector Machine classification are used to locate and classify elements of the scene, respectively. The fusion of all this data presents a complete "picture" of the scene. The proposed concepts are applied to a vehicular-traffic case study. Experiments show that the system has a fingerprinting accuracy of up to 97.5%, localization error less than 4 degrees and scene prediction accuracy of 100%.

Citation Key6952982