Visible to the public A Novel Identity Authentication Scheme of Wireless Mesh Network Based on Improved Kerberos Protocol

TitleA Novel Identity Authentication Scheme of Wireless Mesh Network Based on Improved Kerberos Protocol
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsMin Li, Xin Lv, Wei Song, Wenhuan Zhou, Rongzhi Qi, Huaizhi Su
Conference NameDistributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science (DCABES), 2014 13th International Symposium on
Date PublishedNov
ISBN Number978-1-4799-4169-8
Keywordsauthentication, authentication protocol, Authorization, clock synchronization, cryptographic protocols, identity authentication, identity authentication scheme, improved Kerberos protocol, Kerberos protocol, malicious software, password guessing attack, Protocols, Public key, public key cryptography, public key encryption, random numbers, Servers, storing key, synchronisation, wireless mesh network, wireless mesh networks

The traditional Kerberos protocol exists some limitations in achieving clock synchronization and storing key, meanwhile, it is vulnerable from password guessing attack and attacks caused by malicious software. In this paper, a new authentication scheme is proposed for wireless mesh network. By utilizing public key encryption techniques, the security of the proposed scheme is enhanced. Besides, timestamp in the traditional protocol is replaced by random numbers to implementation cost. The analysis shows that the improved authentication protocol is fit for wireless Mesh network, which can make identity authentication more secure and efficient.
Citation Key6999085