Visible to the public New clone-detection approach for RFID-based supply chains

TitleNew clone-detection approach for RFID-based supply chains
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsMaleki, H., Rahaeimehr, R., Jin, C., Dijk, M. van
Conference Name2017 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST)
Date PublishedMay 2017
ISBN Number978-1-5386-3929-0
Keywordsauthentication, back-end database, clone-detection approach, Cloning, counterfeit product injection detection, Databases, encoded local database, Human Behavior, human factors, low-cost wireless method, Nonvolatile memory, NVM, pubcrawl, radio-frequency identification, radiofrequency identification, Resiliency, RFID, RFID monitoring schemes, RFID tag, RFID tags, RFID technology, RFID-based supply chains, RFIDs, security issues, Servers, supply chain partners, Supply chains, tag tracing, telecommunication security

Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tags have been widely used as a low-cost wireless method for detection of counterfeit product injection in supply chains. In order to adequately perform authentication, current RFID monitoring schemes need to either have a persistent online connection between supply chain partners and the back-end database or have a local database on each partner site. A persistent online connection is not guaranteed and local databases on each partner site impose extra cost and security issues. We solve this problem by introducing a new scheme in which a small Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) embedded in RFID tag is used to function as a tiny "encoded local database". In addition our scheme resists "tag tracing" so that each partner's operation remains private. Our scheme can be implemented in less than 1200 gates satisfying current RFID technology requirements.

Citation Keymaleki_new_2017