Visible to the public Vehicle Network Security Testing

TitleVehicle Network Security Testing
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsKhan, J.
Conference Name2017 Third International Conference on Sensing, Signal Processing and Security (ICSSS)
ISBN Number978-1-5090-4929-5
Keywordsauthentication, black box approach, CAN, Communication networks, composability, computer network security, diagnostics security, ECU, Ethernet, gateway module security testing, gateway security, grey box approach, in-vehicle network security implementation, in-vehicle networks, internetworking, message authentication, Metrics, Network, pattern decoding, patterns, Payloads, Protocols, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security, security loophole, Testing, V2V, V2V V2X loopholes, V2X, vehicle, vehicle network security testing, vehicular ad hoc networks, white box approach, White Box Encryption

In-vehicle networks like Controller Area Network, FlexRay, Ethernet are now subjected to huge security threats where unauthorized entities can take control of the whole vehicle. This can pose very serious threats including accidents. Security features like encryption, message authentication are getting implemented in vehicle networks to counteract these issues. This paper is proposing a set of novel validation techniques to ensure that vehicle network security is fool proof. Security validation against requirements, security validation using white box approach, black box approach and grey box approaches are put forward. Test system architecture, validation of message authentication, decoding the patterns from vehicle network data, using diagnostics as a security loophole, V2V V2X loopholes, gateway module security testing are considered in detail. Aim of this research paper is to put forward a set of tools and methods for finding and reporting any security loopholes in the in-vehicle network security implementation.

Citation Keykhan_vehicle_2017