Visible to the public PUFSec: Protecting physical unclonable functions using hardware isolation-based system security techniques

TitlePUFSec: Protecting physical unclonable functions using hardware isolation-based system security techniques
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsYe, M., Shahrak, M. Z., Wei, S.
Conference Name2017 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST)
Date Publishedoct
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1421-1
KeywordsAccess Control, ARM Processor, composability, Computer architecture, computer network security, control systems, data protection, Denial of Service attacks, DoS attacks, Hardware, hardware isolation, internal PUF design, Metrics, Modeling Attacks, Monitoring, Networked Control Systems Security, physical unclonable function protection, pubcrawl, PUF hardware, PUF workflow, PUFSec framework, resilience, Resiliency, secure architecture extension, security challenges, security compromises, security policies, security protection, Software, system security techniques, system-on-chip, Xilinx SoC

This paper aims to address the security challenges on physical unclonable functions (PUFs) raised by modeling attacks and denial of service (DoS) attacks. We develop a hardware isolation-based secure architecture extension, namely PUFSec, to protect the target PUF from security compromises without modifying the internal PUF design. PUFSec achieves the security protection by physically isolating the PUF hardware and data from the attack surfaces accessible by the adversaries. Furthermore, we deploy strictly enforced security policies within PUFSec, which authenticate the incoming PUF challenges and prevent attackers from collecting sufficient PUF responses to issue modeling attacks or interfering with the PUF workflow to launch DoS attacks. We implement our PUFSec framework on a Xilinx SoC equipped with ARM processor. Our experimental results on the real hardware prove the enhanced security and the low performance and power overhead brought by PUFSec.

Citation Keyye_pufsec:_2017