Visible to the public Detection of Spam E-mails with Machine Learning Methods

TitleDetection of Spam E-mails with Machine Learning Methods
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsKaramollaoglu, H., Dogru, İ A., Dorterler, M.
Conference Name2018 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU)
Date Publishedoct
KeywordsAnalytical models, Bayes methods, content information, e-mail communication, e-mail filtering, Filtering, Human Behavior, Internet, learning (artificial intelligence), machine learning, machine learning methods, Metrics, naïve Bayes classifier, offensive content, pattern classification, Postal services, pubcrawl, Scalability, security of data, spam detection, spam e-mails, spam filtering, unsolicited e-mail, Unsolicited electronic mail, vector space model

E-mail communication is one of today's indispensable communication ways. The widespread use of email has brought about some problems. The most important one of these problems are spam (unwanted) e-mails, often composed of advertisements or offensive content, sent without the recipient's request. In this study, it is aimed to analyze the content information of e-mails written in Turkish with the help of Naive Bayes Classifier and Vector Space Model from machine learning methods, to determine whether these e-mails are spam e-mails and classify them. Both methods are subjected to different evaluation criteria and their performances are compared.

Citation Keykaramollaoglu_detection_2018