Visible to the public Enabling Hardware Trojan Detection and Prevention through Emulation

TitleEnabling Hardware Trojan Detection and Prevention through Emulation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsCrouch, A., Hunter, E., Levin, P. L.
Conference Name2018 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST)
Date Publishedoct
ISBN Number978-1-5386-3443-1
Keywordsemulation, field programmable gate arrays, FPGA, Hardware, Hardware Assurance, hardware Trojan detection, HWA, in-design systems, in-service systems, invasive software, Logic gates, Payloads, programmable hardware, pubcrawl, supply chain, Tools, trojan, Trojan attack signatures, trojan horse detection, Trojan horses

Hardware Trojans, implantable at a myriad of points within the supply chain, are difficult to detect and identify. By emulating systems on programmable hardware, the authors have created a tool from which to create and evaluate Trojan attack signatures and therefore enable better Trojan detection (for in-service systems) and prevention (for in-design systems).

Citation Keycrouch_enabling_2018