Visible to the public A management framework for secure multiparty computation in dynamic environments

TitleA management framework for secure multiparty computation in dynamic environments
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsMaltitz, M. von, Smarzly, S., Kinkelin, H., Carle, G.
Conference NameNOMS 2018 - 2018 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium
Keywordscomposability, Computer architecture, cryptography, data privacy, dynamic environments, groupware, Internet of Things, Logic gates, management framework, management overhead, metadata, Metadata Discovery Problem, orchestration, Peer-to-peer computing, privacy, privacy-preserving collaborative computation, Protocols, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Robustness, Scalability, secure multiparty computation, security of data, SMC session, trust establishment, Trusted Computing
AbstractSecure multiparty computation (SMC) is a promising technology for privacy-preserving collaborative computation. In the last years several feasibility studies have shown its practical applicability in different fields. However, it is recognized that administration, and management overhead of SMC solutions are still a problem. A vital next step is the incorporation of SMC in the emerging fields of the Internet of Things and (smart) dynamic environments. In these settings, the properties of these contexts make utilization of SMC even more challenging since some vital premises for its application regarding environmental stability and preliminary configuration are not initially fulfilled. We bridge this gap by providing FlexSMC, a management and orchestration framework for SMC which supports the discovery of nodes, supports a trust establishment between them and realizes robustness of SMC session by handling nodes failures and communication interruptions. The practical evaluation of FlexSMC shows that it enables the application of SMC in dynamic environments with reasonable performance penalties and computation durations allowing soft real-time and interactive use cases.
Citation Keymaltitz_management_2018