Visible to the public Image Encryption Based on Quantum-Assisted DNA Coded System

TitleImage Encryption Based on Quantum-Assisted DNA Coded System
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsAparna, H., Bhoomija, Faustina, Devi, R. Santhiya, Thenmozhi, K., Amirtharajan, Rengarajan, Praveenkumar, Padmapriya
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)
Keywords1D logistic maps, 2D logistic maps, BB84 Protocol, biocomputing, chaotic communication, Chaotic maps, Ciphers, Correlation, DNA, DNA cryptography, DNA encoding, DNA subtraction, encrypted image DNA decoding, Encryption, Entropy, Histograms, Human Behavior, image encryption, image processing, Information security, information stockpiling, Metrics, Predictive Metrics, privacy, Protocols, pubcrawl, quantum, Quantum channel, quantum cryptography, quantum-assisted DNA coded system, resilience, Resiliency, traditional encryption plans, unauthorised client

Information security is winding up noticeably more vital in information stockpiling and transmission. Images are generally utilised for various purposes. As a result, the protection of image from the unauthorised client is critical. Established encryption techniques are not ready to give a secure framework. To defeat this, image encryption is finished through DNA encoding which is additionally included with confused 1D and 2D logistic maps. The key communication is done through the quantum channel using the BB84 protocol. To recover the encrypted image DNA decoding is performed. Since DNA encryption is invertible, decoding can be effectively done through DNA subtraction. It decreases the complexity and furthermore gives more strength when contrasted with traditional encryption plans. The enhanced strength of the framework is measured utilising measurements like NPCR, UACI, Correlation and Entropy.

Citation Keyaparna_image_2019