Visible to the public Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonator for Trace Chemical Warfare Agents Simulants Detection in Micro Chromatography

TitleFilm Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonator for Trace Chemical Warfare Agents Simulants Detection in Micro Chromatography
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsHu, Jizhou, Qu, Hemi, Guo, Wenlan, Chang, Ye, Pang, Wei, Duan, Xuexin
Conference Name2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS EUROSENSORS XXXIII)
Keywordsacoustic coupling, acoustic resonators, acoustic transducers, bulk acoustic wave devices, Chemical warfare agents, Chemicals, chromatographic analysis, chromatography, Coatings, CWA detection, Detectors, FBAR sensor, Film bulk acoustic resonator, Film bulk acoustic resonators, film bulk acoustic wave resonator, Gas chromatography, gas sensors, Human Behavior, Micro Gas chromatography, microchannel flow, microchromatography, microfabricated separation column, microfabrication, microfluidic channel, microsensors, polymer coated film bulk acoustic resonators, polymer films, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, Silicon, Surface treatment, thin film sensors, trace chemical warfare agent simulant detection
AbstractThis paper reported the polymer coated film bulk acoustic resonators (FBAR) as a sensitive detector in micro chromatography for the detection of trace chemical warfare agents (CWA) simulants. The FBAR sensor was enclosed in a microfluidic channel and then coupled with microfabricated separation column. The subsequent chromatographic analysis successfully demonstrated the detection of parts per billion (ppb) concentrations of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) simulants in a five components gas mixture. This work represented an important step toward the realization of FBAR based handheld micro chromatography for CWA detection in the field.
Citation Keyhu_film_2019