Visible to the public Distributed Access Control with Outsourced Computation in Fog Computing

TitleDistributed Access Control with Outsourced Computation in Fog Computing
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsWang, Qihua, Lv, Gaoyan, Sun, Xiuling
Conference Name2019 Chinese Control And Decision Conference (CCDC)
Date Publishedjun
KeywordsAccess Control, attribute based-encryption, Big Data, big data transmission, cloud computing, computational complexity, Computational efficiency, cryptography, data storage, distributed access control, distributed processing, edge computing, Encryption, fine-grained access control, Fog Computing, Fog Computing and Security, fog device, Internet of Things, IoT, network terminal devices, outsourced computation, performance evaluation, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, security, security of data, traditional cloud computing

With the rapid development of Internet of things (IOT) and big data, the number of network terminal devices and big data transmission are increasing rapidly. Traditional cloud computing faces a great challenge in dealing with this massive amount of data. Fog computing which extends the computing at the edge of the network can provide computation and data storage. Attribute based-encryption can effectively achieve the fine-grained access control. However, the computational complexity of the encryption and decryption is growing linearly with the increase of the number of attributes. In order to reduce the computational cost and guarantee the confidentiality of data, distributed access control with outsourced computation in fog computing is proposed in this paper. In our proposed scheme, fog device takes most of computational cost in encryption and decryption phase. The computational cost of the receiver and sender can be reduced. Moreover, the private key of the user is generated by multi-authority which can enhance the security of data. The analysis of security and performance shows that our proposed scheme proves to be effective and secure.

Citation Keywang_distributed_2019