Visible to the public Anomaly Detection using Graph Neural Networks

TitleAnomaly Detection using Graph Neural Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsChaudhary, Anshika, Mittal, Himangi, Arora, Anuja
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing (COMITCon)
Date PublishedFeb. 2019
ISBN Number978-1-7281-0211-5
Keywordsanomaly detection, Artificial neural networks, classification, clustering, Clustering algorithms, Collaboration, cyber physical systems, Deep Learning, deep neural networks, email network, Enron dataset, Graph Neural Network, graph neural networks, graph structure, graph theory, learning (artificial intelligence), Metrics, neural nets, Neural Network Security, Neural networks, pattern classification, pattern clustering, Peer-to-peer computing, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, Resiliency, security, security of data, social connection graphs, social network, social network statistical measures, social networking (online), statistical analysis, Twitter, Twitter dataset, Twitter network

Conventional methods for anomaly detection include techniques based on clustering, proximity or classification. With the rapidly growing social networks, outliers or anomalies find ingenious ways to obscure themselves in the network and making the conventional techniques inefficient. In this paper, we utilize the ability of Deep Learning over topological characteristics of a social network to detect anomalies in email network and twitter network. We present a model, Graph Neural Network, which is applied on social connection graphs to detect anomalies. The combinations of various social network statistical measures are taken into account to study the graph structure and functioning of the anomalous nodes by employing deep neural networks on it. The hidden layer of the neural network plays an important role in finding the impact of statistical measure combination in anomaly detection.

Citation Keychaudhary_anomaly_2019