Visible to the public CUIF: Control of Useless Interests Flooding in Vehicular Named Data Networks

TitleCUIF: Control of Useless Interests Flooding in Vehicular Named Data Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsTahir, Muhammad Usman, Rehman, Rana Asif
Conference Name2018 International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT)
Date Publisheddec
Keywordscontent name, Control of Useless Interests Flooding, CUIF scheme, Data, efficient communication environment, Human Behavior, Interest, Interest forwarding storm, Internet, IP networks, Named Data Network Security, named data networks, NDN, outgoing Interest packets, Producer vehicle, Protocols, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Roads, safety related applications, Scalability, security, Servers, traditional host centric approach, transport protocols, VANET, VANETs, vehicle address, vehicular, vehicular ad hoc networks, Vehicular Ad-hoc Network, vehicular information network technology, Vehicular Named Data Network, Vehicular Named Data networks, VNDN
AbstractNow-a-days vehicular information network technology is receiving a lot of attention due to its practical as well as safety related applications. By using this technology, participating vehicles can communicate among themselves on the road in order to obtain any interested data or emergency information. In Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET), due to the fast speed of the vehicles, the traditional host centric approach (i.e. TCP/IP) fails to provide efficient and robust communication between large number of vehicles. Therefore, Named Data Network (NDN) newly proposed Internet architecture is applied in VANET, named as VNDN. In which, the vehicles can communicate with the help of content name rather than vehicle address. In this paper, we explored the concepts and identify the main packet forwarding issues in VNDN. Furthermore, we proposed a protocol, named Control of Useless Interests Flooding (CUIF) in Vehicular Named Data Network. In which, it provides the best and efficient communication environment to users while driving on the highway. CUIF scheme reduces the Interest forwarding storm over the network and control the flooding of useless packets against the direction of a Producer vehicle. Our simulation results show that CUIF scheme decreases the number of outgoing Interest packets as well as data download time in the network.
Citation Keytahir_cuif_2018