Visible to the public Privacy Preserving Big Data Publication On Cloud Using Mondrian Anonymization Techniques and Deep Neural Networks

TitlePrivacy Preserving Big Data Publication On Cloud Using Mondrian Anonymization Techniques and Deep Neural Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsAndrew, J., Karthikeyan, J., Jebastin, Jeffy
Conference Name2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing Communication Systems (ICACCS)
KeywordsBig Data, Big Data analytics, big data privacy, cloud computing, compromising privacy, Data analysis, data management, Data models, data privacy, data utility, Databases, deep neural networks, Differential privacy, DNN, high-dimensional data deep neural network based framework, human factors, k-anonymity, machine learning, Metrics, Mondrian anonymization techniques, Mondrian based k-anonymity approach, neural nets, Neural networks, personal data, personally identifiable information, predominant factor, privacy, privacy breach, privacy preservation, privacy preserving big data publication, privacy-preservation, protection, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, security, user privacy in the cloud

In recent trends, privacy preservation is the most predominant factor, on big data analytics and cloud computing. Every organization collects personal data from the users actively or passively. Publishing this data for research and other analytics without removing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) will lead to the privacy breach. Existing anonymization techniques are failing to maintain the balance between data privacy and data utility. In order to provide a trade-off between the privacy of the users and data utility, a Mondrian based k-anonymity approach is proposed. To protect the privacy of high-dimensional data Deep Neural Network (DNN) based framework is proposed. The experimental result shows that the proposed approach mitigates the information loss of the data without compromising privacy.

Citation Keyandrew_privacy_2019