Visible to the public Development of Quantitative Methods for Evaluating Intellectual Resources in the Digital Economy

TitleDevelopment of Quantitative Methods for Evaluating Intellectual Resources in the Digital Economy
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsFedosova, Tatyana V., Masych, Marina A., Afanasyev, Anton A., Borovskaya, Marina A., Liabakh, Nikolay N.
Conference Name2018 IEEE International Conference "Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies" (IT QM IS)
Date PublishedSept. 2018
ISBN Number978-1-5386-6757-6
Keywordscapitalization, composability, Cost accounting, digital economy, Economics, industrial property, Industries, intellectual property, intellectual property security, intellectual property valuation, intellectual resources, mathematical approach, policy-based governance, Production, pubcrawl, quantitative evaluation, quantitative methods, resilience, Resiliency, Technological innovation, Uncertainty, valuation of intellectual resources

The paper outlines the concept of the Digital economy, defines the role and types of intellectual resources in the context of digitalization of the economy, reviews existing approaches and methods to intellectual property valuation and analyzes drawbacks of quantitative evaluation of intellectual resources (based intellectual property valuation) related to: uncertainty, noisy data, heterogeneity of resources, nonformalizability, lack of reliable tools for measuring the parameters of intellectual resources and non-stationary development of intellectual resources. The results of the study offer the ways of further development of methods for quantitative evaluation of intellectual resources (inter alia aimed at their capitalization).

Citation Keyfedosova_development_2018