Visible to the public The Research and Application of Trusted Startup of Embedded TPM

TitleThe Research and Application of Trusted Startup of Embedded TPM
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsShang, Wenli, Zhang, Xiule, Chen, Xin, Liu, Xianda, Chen, Chunyu, Wang, Xiaopeng
Conference Name2020 39th Chinese Control Conference (CCC)
Keywordscomposability, Computer architecture, cyber physical security, cyber physical systems, embedded system, Embedded systems, Encryption, Hardware, industrial control, industrial control system, pubcrawl, Registers, resilience, Resiliency, trusted computing environment, Trusted Platform Module, trusted platform modules, trusted startup
AbstractIn view of the security threats caused by the code execution vulnerability of the industrial control system, design the trusted security architecture of the industrial control system based on the embedded system. From the trusted startup of industrial control equipment, the safety protection for industrial control system is completed. The scheme is based on TPM and Xilinx Zynq-7030 to build an industrial trusted computing environment and complete the trusted startup process. Experiment shows that this method can effectively prevent the destruction of malicious code during the startup process of embedded system and provide technical support for the construction of trusted computing environment of industrial control system.
Citation Keyshang_research_2020