Visible to the public Security Capsules: An Architecture for Post-Silicon Security Assertion Validation for Systems-on-Chip

TitleSecurity Capsules: An Architecture for Post-Silicon Security Assertion Validation for Systems-on-Chip
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsRaja, Subashree, Bhamidipati, Padmaja, Liu, Xiaobang, Vemuri, Ranga
Conference Name2021 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI)
Date PublishedJuly 2021
ISBN Number978-1-6654-3946-6
Keywordscomposability, Computer architecture, Dynamic signal selection, dynamic systems, Heuristic algorithms, IP networks, Metrics, Monitoring, network on chip security, post-silicon validation, Program processors, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Run-time security monitors, Scalability, security, system-on-chip, Trace buffer, Very large scale integration
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a methodology for post-silicon validation through the evaluation of security assertions for systems-on-chip (SoC). The methodology is centered around a security architecture in which a "security capsule" is attached to each IP core in the SoC. The security capsule consists of a set of on-line and off-line assertion monitors, a dynamic trace-buffer to trace selected groups of signals, and a dynamic trace controller. The architecture is supported by a trace signal selection and grouping algorithm and a dynamic signal tracing method to evaluate the off-chip monitors. This paper presents the security capsule architecture, the signal selection and grouping algorithm, and the run-time signal tracing method. Results of using the methodology on two SoC architectures based on the OpenRISC-1200 and RISC-V processors are presented.
Citation Keyraja_security_2021