Visible to the public Avoiding Content Storm Problem in Named Data Networking

TitleAvoiding Content Storm Problem in Named Data Networking
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsLee, Sungwon, Ha, Jeongwon, Seo, Junho, Kim, Dongkyun
Conference Name2021 Twelfth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN)
KeywordsAtmospheric measurements, Congestion Control, Floods, Human Behavior, Indexes, named data networking, Particle measurements, pubcrawl, reliability, Resiliency, Scalability, Storms, Throughput
AbstractRecently, methods are studied to overcome various problems for Named Data Networking(NDN). Among them, a new method which can overcome content storm problem is required to reduce network congestion and deliver content packet to consumer reliably. According to the various studies, the content storm problems could be overcame by scoped interest flooding. However, because these methods do not considers not only network congestion ratio but also the number another different paths, the correspond content packets could be transmitted unnecessary and network congestion could be worse. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new content forwarding method for NDN to overcome the content storm problem. In the proposed method, if the network is locally congested and another paths are generated, an intermediate node could postpone or withdraw the content packet transmission to reduce congestion.
Citation Keylee_avoiding_2021