Visible to the public Physical Layer Security in Power Domain NOMA through Key Extraction

TitlePhysical Layer Security in Power Domain NOMA through Key Extraction
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsJacob, Liya Mary, Sreelakshmi, P, Deepthi, P.P
Conference Name2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)
Keywordschannel state information, composability, data privacy, Data security, Metrics, NOMA, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), physical layer security, Resiliency, Resistance, simulation, spectral efficiency, superposition coding (SC)
AbstractNon-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is emerging as a popular radio access technique to serve multiple users under the same resource block to improve spectral efficiency in 5G and 6G communication. But the resource sharing in NOMA causes concerns on data security. Since power domain NOMA exploits the difference in channel properties for bandwidth-efficient communication, it is feasible to ensure data confidentiality in NOMA communication through physical layer security techniques. In this work, we propose to ensure resistance against internal eavesdropping in NOMA communication through a secret key derived from channel randomness. A unique secret key is derived from the channel of each NOMA user; which is used to randomize the data of the respective user before superposition coding (SC) to prevent internal eavesdropping. The simulation results show that the proposed system provides very good security against internal eavesdropping in NOMA.
Citation Keyjacob_physical_2021