Visible to the public Android Malware Detection Based on Heterogeneous Information Network with Cross-Layer Features

TitleAndroid Malware Detection Based on Heterogeneous Information Network with Cross-Layer Features
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsXixuan, Ren, Lirui, Zhao, Kai, Wang, Zhixing, Xue, Anran, Hou, Qiao, Shao
Conference Name2022 19th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP)
Date Publisheddec
KeywordsAndroid Malware Detection, codes, composability, compositionality, Cross layer design, Cross Layer Security, Cross-layer features, feature extraction, Heterogeneous information network (HIN), Internet of Things (IoT) Security, Java, Media, Operating systems, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Semantics
AbstractAs a mature and open mobile operating system, Android runs on many IoT devices, which has led to Android-based IoT devices have become a hotbed of malware. Existing static detection methods for malware using artificial intelligence algorithms focus only on the java code layer when extracting API features, however there is a lot of malicious behavior involving native layer code. Thus, to make up for the neglect of the native code layer, we propose a heterogeneous information network-based Android malware detection method with cross-layer features. We first translate the semantic information of apps and API calls into the form of meta-paths, and construct the adjacency of apps based on API calls, then combine information from different meta-paths using multi-core learning. We implemented our method on the dataset from VirusShare and AndroZoo, and the experimental results show that the accuracy of our method is 93.4%, which is at least 2% higher than other related methods using heterogeneous information networks for malware detection.
Citation Keyxixuan_android_2022