Wibawa, Dikka Aditya Satria, Setiawan, Hermawan, Girinoto.
Anti-Phishing Game Framework Based on Extended Design Play Experience (DPE) Framework as an Educational Media. 2022 7th International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security (IWBIS). :107–112.
The main objective of this research is to increase security awareness against phishing attacks in the education sector by teaching users about phishing URLs. The educational media was made based on references from several previous studies that were used as basic references. Development of antiphishing game framework educational media using the extended DPE framework. Participants in this study were vocational and college students in the technology field. The respondents included vocational and college students, each with as many as 30 respondents. To assess the level of awareness and understanding of phishing, especially phishing URLs, participants will be given a pre-test before playing the game, and after completing the game, the application will be given a posttest. A paired t-test was used to answer the research hypothesis. The results of data analysis show differences in the results of increasing identification of URL phishing by respondents before and after using educational media of the anti-phishing game framework in increasing security awareness against URL phishing attacks. More serious game development can be carried out in the future to increase user awareness, particularly in phishing or other security issues, and can be implemented for general users who do not have a background in technology.
Samuel, Henry D, Kumar, M Santhanam, Aishwarya, R., Mathivanan, G..
Automation Detection of Malware and Stenographical Content using Machine Learning. 2022 6th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :889–894.
In recent times, the occurrence of malware attacks are increasing at an unprecedented rate. Particularly, the image-based malware attacks are spreading worldwide and many people get harmful malware-based images through the technique called steganography. In the existing system, only open malware and files from the internet can be identified. However, the image-based malware cannot be identified and detected. As a result, so many phishers make use of this technique and exploit the target. Social media platforms would be totally harmful to the users. To avoid these difficulties, Machine learning can be implemented to find the steganographic malware images (contents). The proposed methodology performs an automatic detection of malware and steganographic content by using Machine Learning. Steganography is used to hide messages from apparently innocuous media (e.g., images), and steganalysis is the approach used for detecting this malware. This research work proposes a machine learning (ML) approach to perform steganalysis. In the existing system, only open malware and files from the internet are identified but in the recent times many people get harmful malware-based images through the technique called steganography. Social media platforms would be totally harmful to the users. To avoid these difficulties, the proposed Machine learning has been developed to appropriately detect the steganographic malware images (contents). Father, the steganalysis method using machine learning has been developed for performing logistic classification. By using this, the users can avoid sharing the malware images in social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook without downloading it. It can be also used in all the photo-sharing sites such as google photos.
Kumar, Manish, Soni, Aman, Shekhawat, Ajay Raj Singh, Rawat, Akash.
Enhanced Digital Image and Text Data Security Using Hybrid Model of LSB Steganography and AES Cryptography Technique. 2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS). :1453–1457.
In the present innovation, for the trading of information, the internet is the most well-known and significant medium. With the progression of the web and data innovation, computerized media has become perhaps the most famous and notable data transfer tools. This advanced information incorporates text, pictures, sound, video etc moved over the public organization. The majority of these advanced media appear as pictures and are a significant part in different applications, for example, chat, talk, news, website, web-based business, email, and digital books. The content is still facing various challenges in which including the issues of protection of copyright, modification, authentication. Cryptography, steganography, embedding techniques is widely used to secure the digital data. In this present the hybrid model of LSB steganography and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cryptography techniques to enhanced the security of the digital image and text that is undeniably challenging to break by the unapproved person. The security level of the secret information is estimated in the term of MSE and PSNR for better hiding required the low MSE and high PSNR values.