Visible to the public Distributed Secondary Control for Voltage Restoration of ESSs in a DC Microgrid

TitleDistributed Secondary Control for Voltage Restoration of ESSs in a DC Microgrid
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsMoradi, Majid, Heydari, Mojtaba, Zarei, Seyed Fariborz
Conference Name2022 13th Power Electronics, Drive Systems, and Technologies Conference (PEDSTC)
Keywordscompositionality, current sharing, Decentralized control, distributed secondary control, energy storage systems, expandability, Gossip algorithm, Microgrids, Peer-to-peer computing, power electronics, pubcrawl, renewable energy sources, resilience, Resiliency, Robustness, Synchronization, voltage restoration
AbstractDue to the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources, the implementation of energy storage systems (ESSs) is crucial for the reliable operation of microgrids. This paper proposes a peer-to-peer distributed secondary control scheme for accurate voltage restoration of distributed ESS units in a DC microgrid. The presented control framework only requires local and neighboring information to function. Besides, the ESSs communicate with each other through a sparse network in a discrete fashion compared to existing approaches based on continuous data exchange. This feature ensures reliability, expandability, and flexibility of the proposed strategy for a more practical realization of distributed control paradigm. A simulation case study is presented using MATLAB/Simulink to illustrate the performance and effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.
Citation Keymoradi_distributed_2022