Visible to the public Bandwidth Distributed Denial of Service: Attacks and Defenses

TitleBandwidth Distributed Denial of Service: Attacks and Defenses
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsGeva, M., Herzberg, A., Gev, Y.
JournalSecurity Privacy, IEEE
Date PublishedJan
KeywordsBandwidth, bandwidth distributed denial-of-service, bandwidth flooding, brute force mechanisms, BW-DDoS attacks, BW-DDoS defense, Computer crime, computer network security, computer security, DDoS, denial of service, DoS, DoS attacks, DoS mitigation, Internet, IP networks, legitimate traffic, network congestion, Routing protocols, Servers

The Internet is vulnerable to bandwidth distributed denial-of-service (BW-DDoS) attacks, wherein many hosts send a huge number of packets to cause congestion and disrupt legitimate traffic. So far, BW-DDoS attacks have employed relatively crude, inefficient, brute force mechanisms; future attacks might be significantly more effective and harmful. To meet the increasing threats, we must deploy more advanced defenses.

Citation Key6519235