Visible to the public Using sentiment to detect bots on Twitter: Are humans more opinionated than bots?

TitleUsing sentiment to detect bots on Twitter: Are humans more opinionated than bots?
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsDickerson, J.P., Kagan, V., Subrahmanian, V.S.
Conference NameAdvances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Date PublishedAug
Keywordsarea under the ROC curve, AUROC, bot detection, Conferences, Indian election, Nominations and elections, principal component analysis, Semantics, sentiment-related factors, social networking (online), Syntactics, Trusted Computing, Twitter, Twitter applications, Twitter network

In many Twitter applications, developers collect only a limited sample of tweets and a local portion of the Twitter network. Given such Twitter applications with limited data, how can we classify Twitter users as either bots or humans? We develop a collection of network-, linguistic-, and application-oriented variables that could be used as possible features, and identify specific features that distinguish well between humans and bots. In particular, by analyzing a large dataset relating to the 2014 Indian election, we show that a number of sentimentrelated factors are key to the identification of bots, significantly increasing the Area under the ROC Curve (AUROC). The same method may be used for other applications as well.

Citation Key6921650