Visible to the public Detection of duplicated regions in images using 1D-Fourier transform

TitleDetection of duplicated regions in images using 1D-Fourier transform
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsKetenci, S., Ulutas, G., Ulutas, M.
Conference NameSystems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), 2014 International Conference on
Date PublishedMay
Keywords1D-Fourier transform, authentication, copy move forged region detection, Copy move forgery, digital images, digital mediums, duplicated region detection, feature extraction, feature extraction algorithm, feature vector similarity, Fourier transform, Fourier transforms, frequency domain, frequency-domain analysis, Gaussian blurring, high quality imaging hardware, Image coding, image modification techniques, image recognition, JPEG compression attacks, overlapping blocks, Resistance, tampering technique, user friendly image editing software

Large number of digital images and videos are acquired, stored, processed and shared nowadays. High quality imaging hardware and low cost, user friendly image editing software make digital mediums vulnerable to modifications. One of the most popular image modification techniques is copy move forgery. This tampering technique copies part of an image and pastes it into another part on the same image to conceal or to replicate some part of the image. Researchers proposed many techniques to detect copy move forged regions of images recently. These methods divide image into overlapping blocks and extract features to determine similarity among group of blocks. Selection of the feature extraction algorithm plays an important role on the accuracy of detection methods. Column averages of 1D-FT of rows is used to extract features from overlapping blocks on the image. Blocks are transformed into frequency domain using 1D-FT of the rows and average values of the transformed columns form feature vectors. Similarity of feature vectors indicates possible forged regions. Results show that the proposed method can detect copy pasted regions with higher accuracy compared to similar works reported in the literature. The method is also more resistant against the Gaussian blurring or JPEG compression attacks as shown in the results.

Citation Key6837658