Visible to the public Storage devices for automated frequency regulation and stabilization

TitleStorage devices for automated frequency regulation and stabilization
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsPopli, N., Ilic, M.D.
Conference NamePES General Meeting | Conference Exposition, 2014 IEEE
Date PublishedJuly
Keywordsautomated frequency regulation, automated frequency stabilization, automatic generation control, Automatic Generation Control (AGC), Batteries, battery, battery storage plants, battery-based storage, feedback, feedback control, Flores island, frequency control, Frequency Regulation, frequency stability, Frequency Stabilization, Generators, Governor Response, hard-to-predict wind power variations, Jacobian matrices, non-zero mean error, power imbalance, Singular Power Flow Jacobian, Slack Bus, storage devices, Wind forecasting, wind power forecast, Wind power generation, wind power plants

In this paper we propose a framework for automating feedback control to balance hard-to-predict wind power variations. The power imbalance is a result of non-zero mean error around the wind power forecast. Our proposed framework is aimed at achieving the objective of frequency stabilization and regulation through one control action. A case-study for a real-world system on Flores island in Portugal is provided. Using a battery-based storage on the island, we illustrate the proposed control framework.

Citation Key6939861