Visible to the public Threats in end to end commercial deployments of Wireless Sensor Networks and their cross layer solution

TitleThreats in end to end commercial deployments of Wireless Sensor Networks and their cross layer solution
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsMahmood, A., Akbar, A.H.
Conference NameInformation Assurance and Cyber Security (CIACS), 2014 Conference on
Date PublishedJune
Keywordsattacks, Availability, commercial, cross layer security solution, cross layer solution, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, end to end commercial deployments, Mobile communication, Portals, security, security attacks, security goals, sensor portal, sensor web portals, standard security documents, telecommunication security, threats, Web servers, web services, Wireless Sensor Network, wireless sensor network service providers, Wireless sensor networks, WSNSP

Commercial Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be accessed through sensor web portals. However, associated security implications and threats to the 1) users/subscribers 2) investors and 3) third party operators regarding sensor web portals are not seen in completeness, rather the contemporary work handles them in parts. In this paper, we discuss different kind of security attacks and vulnerabilities at different layers to the users, investors including Wireless Sensor Network Service Providers (WSNSPs) and WSN itself in relation with the two well-known documents i.e., "Department of Homeland Security" (DHS) and "Department of Defense (DOD)", as these are standard security documents till date. Further we propose a comprehensive cross layer security solution in the light of guidelines given in the aforementioned documents that is minimalist in implementation and achieves the purported security goals.

Citation Key6861325